Topic: on the spot for love | |
good day everyone this question is more than likely will be for the ladys. I met a special person who is now in my life have been with her 3 months. She has asked me to move to her city 300kms away then all of sudden she had scare of her life a small stroke now she is asking me to marry her said if i don't ask she will! qoute men take to long.So with the relationship going so good in fact to good not that i'm complaining can't even have bad day with her so what do i do no question of love integrity and so on. I keep hearing i don't want to lose you so what advice would anyone have to share.
ok here goes..........
wow that was a long one... truly the ubject is to deep for me |
the question is
Do you want to marry her? |
3 months? and she wants to get married? Stroke or no stroke, you may wanna think long and hard on that one.
That is WAY too soon to be thinking marriage!
Wow that is a short time to get to know a person. Can you really know someone that fast. I mean really know them?
<says in a beavis & butthead voice> heh heh, she said long & hard
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Hey bro.
It sounds like what you two have is amazing buddy. My only fear would be the reasoning behind getting married. I mean, ya it's a big step but I don't want you two doing it for the wrong reasons. I can understand her going through an experience where it might make her a little more serious about her life but you don't want to ruin what sounds like an amazing relationship with a quick decision. So I don't know what to tell ya. You could wait out this mood change of hers and see if her desire for marrying you simmers away slowly, meaning not SOO drastic. Or you can just go for it and pray that when things DO simmer down, you guys won't think you've made a big mistake. Hope my rambling helps man. ![]() |
Maybe the fact that you came on here asking for advice means in some way or another...that you aren't ready yet buddy.
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she sounds clingy and needy and i would run for the hills if i were you...
hehe...I think those are excellent qualities. It's surprisingly hard for me to come across clingy women these days.
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Ah go for it. Love is grand. Divorce is a hundred and twelve grand.
Why does everyone think they have to get hitched? I'm not anti-marriage, but i don't understand what the big damn deal is. What's wrong with just living in happy, unwedded bliss?
chatwin - you are either a huge dork or completely lovable... not sure which... |
omg...lmao...hmmmm...maybe that's what's wrong w/me...i'll try to be more clingy and needy...
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You should just ask her why rush getting married when you only know each other for 3 months etc.
If your truly not ready then why even bother ?. Really why bother and put your self through something you may or may not reget down the road. Surely any thing could happen to any one or body, but who's to say she isn't using her stoke and you to feel so sorry for her to get you to marry her and what not etc. If it was me.. I'd probably ask what is the rush first off since you only know one another for 3 months and then take it from there. Good luck to you |
cbfraser you found me!! Crap...I thought I would be well hidden in these forums
![]() Did you? Is there? Waiting for me in the...? OH...snap there is. BRB ![]() |
You can't hide from the police, little boy.....
thanks to evry one especially the guys for added entertainment if she's co dependent what then ?
More money back from taxes?
lover47911 hi and welcome
i think that its to early to getting into marriage and if she is co dependent then thats a bad sign, take a step back and analyze the situation, do you really want to get married? or are you just being friendly because she needs you? |