Topic: My Statement about God | |
I don't trust God. I believe ... we should return back to our old self. I still feel.. this way.. guys. I really do.
Here is why.. Kevin came from a family of hurts and pain... for many years. Then he meets God.. older enough to know God. God then shows Kevin what life is all about. Then Kevin is put through a depression for many years.. it has crippled his soul! Literally. You'll find this has happen... to everyone who choosed to listen to my statment. We have never seen God ...only in dreams and all around us here ,on this world. and the stars at night. The problem is.... we are put through more and more pain......! The more we connect with God. This God is Useless! Folks!!! You know what I am saying... It wants us to like it.... as we do this.. all the misery!!!! From allll.... the people around us in general... follow us... but their only concern is to help themselves the long run. The main problem is ... we are suffocating with this God.. I understand to... it is the RIGHT THING TO follow a God ,who REALLY DOES NOT EXSIST! The moor we follow God... the more misery we have to help these people all around!!!! And I am afraid to say.... I don't want to be put in a position all my life.... helping these people ..WHEN THE RICH PEOPLE CAN PUT THEIR MONEY INTO THIS MESS...CAN DO IT THEMSELVES...OR...THESE MISERY... NO HOPERS IN LIFE!!!! Can do it themselves. I don't want to meet poor africans....!! Or people born into problems??? That is not even ours!!! It's not our fault...that someone is born into a messed up family. If we follow God... God may USE us...everywere we incarnate.. into a world! This will make our souls muddy...and sloppy... been used by the broken creation ...that God created in the first place. |
This and your 'who we are' topic stink of racism and both have nothing much to do with god.
This is the Truth in my Heart! Folks.
Nothing more to say. |
Excuse me .. It Has Nothing To Do With Racism. That is your mind thinking and anyone else using that word as an excuse for other people's problems.
IT is about doing what we ALL should be doing ourselves! And leaving God alone in all this.! |
Edited by
Wed 10/19/16 03:43 AM
Your post tells me you read the Bible but didn't understand much of it.
I believe in God and trust in Jesus and I don't get the suffering you're talking about. As soon as I let go of my pride and vanity, materialism and idolatry and open my eyes to the real world I see a perfect creation fashioned from the perfect hands of our Creator. I also see a bunch of created humans fooling themselves and each other into thinking that atoms and quarks, dark matter and electrons simply appeared all by themselves and out of nowhere for the sole purpose or erasing the idea that Man isn't supreme and actually does have to answer to a higher power. All the suffering you see and experience in this world stems from the rejection of God by Man and not the contrary. |
You are confusing "God" with "things PEOPLE do, and claim God made them do it."
A very common mistake. |
You are confusing "God" with "things PEOPLE do, and claim God made them do it." A very common mistake. |
It's not Evil.. your just guys straightening out ..the people who cannot control Their lives.
Excuse me folks, while I have a fine Cigar and sit back and enjoy life right now...bc that's what God wanted. Please folks think about what I said all to the top of this thread. If you have any ounce to understanding my point view ,GO...! enjoy life and don't worry about Helping these people who cannot control. |
I don't trust God. I believe ... we should return back to our old self. I still feel.. this way.. guys. I really do. Here is why.. Kevin came from a family of hurts and pain... for many years. Then he meets God.. older enough to know God. God then shows Kevin what life is all about. Then Kevin is put through a depression for many years.. it has crippled his soul! Literally. You'll find this has happen... to everyone who choosed to listen to my statment. We have never seen God ...only in dreams and all around us here ,on this world. and the stars at night. The problem is.... we are put through more and more pain......! The more we connect with God. This God is Useless! Folks!!! You know what I am saying... It wants us to like it.... as we do this.. all the misery!!!! From allll.... the people around us in general... follow us... but their only concern is to help themselves the long run. The main problem is ... we are suffocating with this God.. I understand to... it is the RIGHT THING TO follow a God ,who REALLY DOES NOT EXSIST! The moor we follow God... the more misery we have to help these people all around!!!! And I am afraid to say.... I don't want to be put in a position all my life.... helping these people ..WHEN THE RICH PEOPLE CAN PUT THEIR MONEY INTO THIS MESS...CAN DO IT THEMSELVES...OR...THESE MISERY... NO HOPERS IN LIFE!!!! Can do it themselves. I don't want to meet poor africans....!! Or people born into problems??? That is not even ours!!! It's not our fault...that someone is born into a messed up family. If we follow God... God may USE us...everywere we incarnate.. into a world! This will make our souls muddy...and sloppy... been used by the broken creation ...that God created in the first place. We have never seen God ...only in dreams and all around us here ,on this world. and the stars at night. correction, you have never seen God. I see God every day, every where I look, I see miracles all around me. The problem is.... we are put through more and more pain......! The more we connect with God. This is correct too a degree. For closer we get to God, more Satan tries too pull us away. The moor we follow God... the more misery we have to help these people all around!!!! How is helping others misery for oneself? It's not our fault...that someone is born into a messed up family. No one said it was, but it wasn't their fault to have been born into that kind of family either. Nor God's, it's those messed up family's fault for being essentially "messed up". |
lol... now the bible thumpers are lining up to "save" this poor soul... spending to much time thinking about "god", either way, is never a good thing... maybe just try living without wondering wth god is doing(or why) might help out...
I am fine , what you see here is .. some folks trying to save a poor soul ..but I'm fine.
They are correct ! Though.. and they are needed to help the lesser folks in this world for God. But as for myself .. I don't need God. bc I .. well I don't know really ... I was born almost perfect... you see folks I can compare what's right ..and wrong in life pretty good to. To that fellow .. I know God quite well. I have seen God many times and quite Qualified to give details today who or what God really is. And.. their is NO Satan ...their never was was a story made up by God to keep you all alive.! Their is no angels! heaven... no nothing... it's just God.! ..Who is this formless light ..that we are suspended in we call Space. What bothers me is ...that I had to watch you all fight over God all these years..and not just god, you went as far as.. fighting with each other. God had to make story's up... And you would not listen. You see.. As for the Christians who brought into it..and feel USED by God in all this... well should be the one ,who decided to buy into God's fake idea anyway...! Silly enough ..could not see what God was really saying ever since Genesis 1. |
I am fine , what you see here is .. some folks trying to save a poor soul ..but I'm fine. They are correct ! Though.. and they are needed to help the lesser folks in this world for God. But as for myself .. I don't need God. bc I .. well I don't know really ... I was born almost perfect... you see folks I can compare what's right ..and wrong in life pretty good to. To that fellow .. I know God quite well. I have seen God many times and quite Qualified to give details today who or what God really is. And.. their is NO Satan ...their never was was a story made up by God to keep you all alive.! Their is no angels! heaven... no nothing... it's just God.! ..Who is this formless light ..that we are suspended in we call Space. What bothers me is ...that I had to watch you all fight over God all these years..and not just god, you went as far as.. fighting with each other. God had to make story's up... And you would not listen. You see.. As for the Christians who brought into it..and feel USED by God in all this... well should be the one ,who decided to buy into God's fake idea anyway...! Silly enough ..could not see what God was really saying ever since Genesis 1. Not denying what you claim, just curious where you get this information besides personal feelings, or opinion persay. Did this God you speak of tell you so? Relay this information too you? How exactly besides your own personal thoughts come up with this information? |
lol... now the bible thumpers are lining up to "save" this poor soul... spending to much time thinking about "god", either way, is never a good thing... maybe just try living without wondering wth god is doing(or why) might help out... We as in people or in your words "bible thumpers" can't save anyone, nor is anyone trying. He presented some comments and we responded as we best know how. What he takes from it if anything is totally up too him. No one is wondering what God is doing, he will do what he wants, when he wants, if he wishes too do anything at all. And why not spend time thinking about God, how is it a bad thing specifically? |
So , what it Boils down to folks..
I am asking those of you to pull out and go about your lives.. it's time to change now.. It's not like 4000 years ago. Our World has evolved today ans you can now .. forget about helping anyone... ever again to. Thank you for helping all the people. I could of made a Better World... quite honestly... But the damage was done by everyone's mistakes..and the truth who could not see God ..what God wanted us to see God in the beginning. Quite frankly ...I blame God and the creation itself... But it is not God's fault entirely... Bc God is just an formless Light and God's body or being does not function like how we suppose to think... You see people... think..that God does Miracles... but that's not correct to... This is another thing thou..I'll explain in due time. |
I can't wait... Your aimless ramblings have given me good material as exemples of what happens when someone mixes feelings and facts about God.
And thank you CowboyGH for saying it like it is. |
Well. This does absolutely nothing for my tranquility. Thanks
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Ašhadu an la ilaha illa-llah, wa ašhadu anna Muhammadun Aabduhu wa rasuluh
I bear witness that there is no God but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is Allahs servant and His Messenger |