Topic: Politics and corruption | |
THE HILARIOUS THING IS that I started out more on the anarchist side of ****. I was raised to be distrustful of authority. Okay, so what happened? Well I actually started debating with people of a different mindset and they ran circles around me. I couldn't ignore the problems in my own reasoning and here we are now. If you have any good arguments against my decision to go back into a less extreme end of the spectrum I'd surely love to hear them. However don't think it's not something I don't have experience with.
Always be skeptical of authority, but also be skeptical of those saying they know "the truth" about authority. Keep in mind EVERYONE is trying to sell you SOMETHING. |
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Sun 10/02/16 05:29 AM
Bravo. Many of us had to learn that hard way, that the people who are cheering you on when you are shouting angrily, are not necessarily hoping for the best for you, or even want the same things you do.
It's a little like that idiotic line that certain people pretended was wisdom a little while back: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Bull crap. The enemy of your enemy is just someone else who doesn't like them. They might despise you, even more. |
then that's how social matrix goes......some time people united and some time they've against each outher......quite like some opora isn't it? better not hightly drill with.....unless you wana be another Obama the white.......
Sure, be sus of everyone at least to start with.
But some people give true info for free just to spread the word. eg. FMOTL, or symbology. Anarchy only means no kings etc. telling you what to do. |
so,what else is new?
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Bravo. Many of us had to learn that hard way, that the people who are cheering you on when you are shouting angrily, are not necessarily hoping for the best for you, or even want the same things you do. It's a little like that idiotic line that certain people pretended was wisdom a little while back: "The enemy of my enemy is my friend." Bull crap. The enemy of your enemy is just someone else who doesn't like them. They might despise you, even more. ![]() |
Topic: Politics and corruption
Politics and corruption, politics and corruption, That is how Washington, D.C. functions. This I tell you voters, Politicians are playing you as suckers. |
Topic: Politics and corruption Politics and corruption, politics and corruption, That is how Washington, D.C. functions. This I tell you voters, Politicians are playing you as suckers. You are right. Sadly, we get what we elect. ![]() |
Losing a debate can happen because we are at times unprepared to offer a counter to a well presented idealism. Preparation,and command of a clear and concise argument can be all that is lacking. Facts can be be presented as valid even when they are distorted,or incomplete.
I have a friend in statistics,and he can construct facts and figures to promote,or invalidate just about any subject. In many cases the "facts"presented can be incomplete,or distorted to promote a specific goal. In any valid presentation,every aspect of a problem or solution should be as complete as possible,and boiled down to remove as much bias as possible. "There are lies,damn lies,and statistics"....Mark Twain said that. " Ideals should be kept in a state of flux" I said that.. |
anywhere there is the human factor(human beings) there is a chance of 'corruption' because humans have the potential to be scrupuluous or greedy, honest or dishonest, compassionate and considerate or selfish and cynical
'corruption' exists in most every profession, but the one that impacts the largest number of people is politics so it becomes the scapegoat profession truth is,, if 'authority' is also exherted by humans, some will be trustworthy and some wont its a personal choice, sometimes through what we are taught and sometimes due to bad experiences,,,,,,,how we approach humans (and 'authority') we either ASSume there is honesty until they show they are not honest or we ASSume there s dishonesty until they show they are honest I feel the latter has a much more laxing time frame(how long and how many honest things will 'prove' ) the former is much simpler,,,,it only takes the one dishonest incident to cause preceding with caution,,,, but not with disdain, because humans can be imperfect,,for me, it takes patterns rather than isolated incidents,, to feel there is 'corruption' or intentional dishonesty |
If you have any good arguments against my decision to go back into a less extreme end of the spectrum I'd surely love to hear them
Did you mean "good arguments against my decision to go into a less extreme end of the spectrum?" Or "good arguments against my decision to go more towards the other end of the spectrum?" Because "to go back into a less extreme end of the spectrum" implies you were there before. But based on what you said before "started out anarchist, raised to distrust authority" it seems that was considered the more extreme end of the spectrum and you were always there. Other than that your decision seems to be based on what other people told you to think or believe. Or you simply chose to move based on your inability to argue effectively at a particular moment in time against a particular position. You being unable to argue effectively against them doesn't prove them right. I think it's better to start from where you were and figure out if you want to be there, or where you want to be, based on your own abilities and knowledge, being mindful of the information or ideas others provided, that you then use to expand your knowledge, rather than jumping into something completely new because at the time you couldn't think of a reason not to, and trying to figure out why you're there. You'll just end up feeling lost unless you find place markers other people (the type that run circles around you) provide for you, and at best a false sense of accomplishment so you never really question what you've been told. Other than that, maybe realize no matter what your position, no matter what your beliefs, no matter what argument you make, no matter what facts you think you have and what they prove, it can all be picked apart and proven wrong. It's always going to be what makes you feel the most comfortable, what works for you, your temperament, your beliefs, your life. Once you start creating spectrum's for yourself, for you to measure yourself, labels, you are ultimately creating arguments for other people to use against you. |
Yes Virginia, Aliens Are Registered or Voting… and in Pennsylvania, by the Thousands Wouldn’t it be nice if just once, some of the people whom Soros pays to tell us that voter fraud doesn’t exist admitted they were wrong? What if government documents were produced to show at least 1,000 instances of voter fraud showing aliens registering or voting in a key swing state? Would they recant? That’s asking too much. They earn their salaries by pretending voter fraud is a myth, and convincing others in the media to parrot their lies. So today we learn that in the key swing state of Virginia, voter registration rolls have been polluted with an excess of a thousand aliens, and most certainly far more. This detailed study by the Public Interest Legal Foundation, or PILF, (which I assisted on) documents more than one thousand aliens on the voter rolls. It provides the government documents with the names. Here’s the most frightening part: the sample is only eight Virginia counties and doesn’t include the behemoths of Arlington and Fairfax Counties. I’ll get to why that information is being concealed by election officials in a moment below. <continue> |
THE HILARIOUS THING IS that I started out more on the anarchist side of ****. I was raised to be distrustful of authority. Okay, so what happened? Well I actually started debating with people of a different mindset and they ran circles around me. I couldn't ignore the problems in my own reasoning and here we are now. If you have any good arguments against my decision to go back into a less extreme end of the spectrum I'd surely love to hear them. However don't think it's not something I don't have experience with. Always be skeptical of authority, but also be skeptical of those saying they know "the truth" about authority. Keep in mind EVERYONE is trying to sell you SOMETHING. what reasoning problems regarding what subjects would that be? like the queen is a lizard? LOL |
seems this has more merit than dead people registering, but the main factor here is lying on government documents,, which is difficult to stop people from doing
requiring ID to vote certainly would not fix this because these people have ID when they register , ID which they falsify by marking that they are citizens,,,,,, a prosecutable offense, but a difficult one to do much about,,,,without much more money spent on more manpower to thoroughly review the citizenship of all people who register,,, |
Both parties do it, stretch or break the laws. Same F'n difference!
But it seems it's the Dems who always challenge any ideas, laws, or measures to correct the vote. Dems always seem to make matters worse for minorities but yet they still vote leaning left. Many probably don't even know they are voting against their own welfare by reason of language or education....or just not caring to know where the candidates agendas and loyalties truly lie. Now that Obozocare has crashed the labor markets, tax rates and regulations have move our jobs over seas or to Mexico, and our POTUS has decided to spend his last 100 days nailing the coffin shut our liberties, given power over our internet to the UN, is trying to sneak an ACA bailout past taxpayers and congress, been found to know of Hitlery's private server, imported more unvettable refugees sneaking them into unsuspecting communities at night by the bus load..... who do they think is hurt by these actions? Whose schools, jobs, neighborhoods? Are they moving any into Chapaqua? How about our senators or presidents neighborhood? I expect it, but I am always amazed by the arrogance of knowing they will get away with it. Obozo is right, Clinton is his best replacement to continue his agenda, screw the people, destroy our rights, freedoms and deliver our sovereignty to the power of a foreign body.... all paid for by people suffering to put the next meal on the table..... And don't forget the promised 65% death tax hike.... you might want to read up on that one!!!!! |
Both parties do it, stretch or break the laws. Same F'n difference! But it seems it's the Dems who always challenge any ideas, laws, or measures to correct the vote. Dems always seem to make matters worse for minorities but yet they still vote leaning left. Many probably don't even know they are voting against their own welfare by reason of language or education....or just not caring to know where the candidates agendas and loyalties truly lie. Now that Obozocare has crashed the labor markets, tax rates and regulations have move our jobs over seas or to Mexico, and our POTUS has decided to spend his last 100 days nailing the coffin shut our liberties, given power over our internet to the UN, is trying to sneak an ACA bailout past taxpayers and congress, been found to know of Hitlery's private server, imported more unvettable refugees sneaking them into unsuspecting communities at night by the bus load..... who do they think is hurt by these actions? Whose schools, jobs, neighborhoods? Are they moving any into Chapaqua? How about our senators or presidents neighborhood? I expect it, but I am always amazed by the arrogance of knowing they will get away with it. Obozo is right, Clinton is his best replacement to continue his agenda, screw the people, destroy our rights, freedoms and deliver our sovereignty to the power of a foreign body.... all paid for by people suffering to put the next meal on the table..... And don't forget the promised 65% death tax hike.... you might want to read up on that one!!!!! it's already at like 50%, the dems want raise it so we would owe money when we get an inheritance? |
its hard to respond to generalizations without verifiable facts or sources...but
Black people vote democrat often times because we LISTEN to how republican representatives try to represent us and what they feel about our 'welfare' and we listen to whether they actually have any experience with the issues and obstacles of impoverished black communities the 'welfare queen' myth, by prominent republican Reagan,, being one of the most well known historical examples of making being black and poor a character assassination instead of a real systemic issue to address,, there is also the talking point of 'smaller government' that to many reads as 'states rights',,,,which black americans have no history of or reason to have love for,, or desire to return to,,, |
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Wed 10/05/16 07:28 AM
Police raid Indiana Voter Registration Project after reports of registration fraud By Kayla Crandall -21Alive October 4, 2016 Updated Oct 4, 2016 at 12:08 PM EDT ALLEN COUNTY, Ind. (21Alive) -- Indiana State Police are investigating voter registration fraud in nine Hoosier counties, including Allen County. On Tuesday morning, detectives served a search warrant for the business offices of the Indiana Voter Registration Project, located at 2425 North Meridian Street, Suite A, in downtown Indianapolis. The investigation was launched in late Aug. 2016 alleging fraudulent voter application information into Hendricks and Marion counties. From there, it expanded to Allen, Delaware, Hamilton, Hancock, Johnson, Lake and Madison counties. There are few details at this point, and the investigation is ongoing. Police report the affidavit and search warrant have been sealed for 30 days. <continue> |
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Wed 10/05/16 04:07 PM
Sorry computer glitch.....
Feds, state officials look into Kankakee voter fraud allegations The flurry of voter fraud and intimidation allegations and counter allegations swirling through Kankakee County has caught the attention of state and federal officials. A day after Kankakee officials announced an investigation into voter fraud, including allegations that “individuals from Chicago” were offering gifts in exchange for votes, the top federal attorney for central Illinois and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan paid the city a visit. Illinois Attorney General’s office spokeswoman Maura Possley said her office is “actively monitoring” the situation. Kankakee County State’s Attorney Jamie Boyd disclosed the investigation on Tuesday, sparking a war of words and accusations between the Illinois Democratic Party and the Illinois Republican Party. Republicans tried to keep the heat on Wednesday, launching a voter fraud hotline. The probe is centered on a hotly contested race between Democratic State Rep. Kate Cloonen and her Republican challenger Lindsay Parkhurst. The race is among the most expensive House races this election cycle. While Boyd said the investigation was opened in response to allegations that “gifts” were offered to voters by “individuals from Chicago” in exchange for votes for Cloonen, presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and “others,” union leaders and former Democratic officials turned the tables, saying instead that voters had been “harassed and intimidated” by local officials, including the state’s attorney’s office, sheriff’s office and county clerk. <continue> |