Topic: Say what Rep? Rep Robert Pittenger (R) NC | |
UPDATE: in the wake of victims wife release of cell phone video of shooting Charlotte Mayor Jennifer Roberts requesting SBI release bodycam and dashcam footage "as soon as possible" NC SBI has not released any footage or dispatch audio in the case yet. The video released by the family does not show any weapons or signs any weapon was present up to the point Mr. Scotts body is rolled over to be cuffed. What the video does show is a set of black gloves dropped by an officer and slid across the ground by the officers foot. The still photo presented as evidence of a gun has a black object circled near the area between Scott's body and the curb. The video shows other items being dropped by officers on the left side of Scott's body that appear to be pieces of paper, it's unclear if this was removed from Scott or not. It appears the Mayor knows something the public doesn't. It should be released as soon as possible. It's laughable...disingenuous is as disingenuous does. The video shows the officers yelling at him to drop the gun while he's still INSIDE the SUV. If he hasn't gotten out and an officer specifically requests a baton to break the windows that are rolled up, how can he be posing a threat to anyone. His wife even tells him not to let them break the windows, to come on out of the car. He's shot with his back turned and you do see the black latex gloves taken off dropped next to Scott and slid around by the officer. The still photo taken after crime scene tape is put up shows Scott with his pants pulled down to his ankles and an ''object'' in a place that previously did not. The officer in the video who drops the gloves and moves them around is standing in the place where the ''object'' is later photographed. The videos were all created BEFORE the photo. If the officer who isn't rendering first aid in the video is not TOUCHING ANYTHING HE SHOULDN'T BE TOUCHING why would he be wearing gloves or INTRODUCE ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE by dropping the gloves THEN ALTER THE CRIME SCENE by moving the gloves when THE WRONG SUSPECT is incapacitated on the ground and controlled by other officers? And to clarify, the Cheif of Police on record states that neither video shows the WRONG SUSPECT had, drew or pointed a gun at officers. So it is not a fact discernible to the public that Scott was in physical possession of a gun at any time. No ''objects'' are visible on the scene that could even be mistaken as a gun until the still photo after the scene has been taped off and FURTHER ALTERED as evidence by the Cheif's statement. In the later part of the video the CRIME SCENE IS ALTERED WITHOUT REASON. Everybody knows you can't go DROPPING OBJECTS OR MOVING THINGS AROUND IN AN OBVIOUS CRIME SCENE unless you are a police officer or involved party and are doing so to PREVENT FURTHER INJURY OR DEATH --IF-- YOU ARE NOT ORDERED TO FREEZE OR POSTURE BY AN OFFICER. |
Edited by
Fri 09/23/16 07:42 PM
The video shows the officers yelling at him to drop the gun while he's still INSIDE the SUV. If he hasn't gotten out and an officer specifically requests a baton to break the windows that are rolled up, how can he be posing a threat to anyone. Good....mother fricking....god. Keep reaching. He HAD a gun. He CAN shoot through a GodDAMM car window genius. You can have Blm dreams all you want though.
The rest of your post is conspiracy theory 101. Total, unequivocable undeniable conjecture. The chief, from the beginning had said there is irrefutable evidence the subject had a gun. He said no VIDEO 100℅ shows it but plenty of other evidence supports it. And to bring up this complete staged create scene horse $hit is deplorable. And laughable. ""CNN quoted a source close to the investigation as saying that a loaded gun had been recovered at the scene of the crime and that fingerprints, DNA and blood on it matched Scott's."" Several other outlets are reporting this also. But you go ahead and go with this "the cops rolled a gun around in his blood on purpose to cover it up" bull$hit...Utterly pathetic smmfh. |
Next time it'll be GodDAMM aliens swooping in, freezing time, and planting a gun.
Jesus H. Christ at the reaching that goes on here....ludicrous. |
to the original point of the OP ignorant statement makes me wonder if he went to elementary school, where they taught basic reading comprehension its like reading the following paragraph: the girl in the red dress had been sick for a week with a serious cough. The cough was preceded by several days of sniffles but progressed into a hacking cough that left the girl worn out. Her mother gave her cold and cough medicine and it finally began to clear up. being asked what the subject was, and claiming the paragraph is about a red yeah, that detail is there, but its not thEE detail the paragraph revolves around. its not so bad that this guy isnt that bright, but that he may believe whites are hated by blacks for their 'success' is scary for any black person he was elected to represent Tell em' what it is. But...... Gerrymandered to represent, the lines move with the votes not the votes with the candidates. Too many unconstitutional redrawing of district lines based on partisan voter turnouts as well as voter suppression. The 4th Circuit Appellate Court ruled on that and the discriminating voter i.d. Law. Trump had something to say about the shooting in question, "I will stop the drugs flowing into this country and poisoning our youth and many other people.... And if you're not aware, drugs are a very very big factor, of what you're watching, on television, at night". What were we talking about again? |
Next time it'll be GodDAMM aliens swooping in, freezing time, and planting a gun. Jesus H. Christ at the reaching that goes on here....ludicrous. ![]() |
Next time it'll be GodDAMM aliens swooping in, freezing time, and planting a gun. Jesus H. Christ at the reaching that goes on here....ludicrous. ![]() |
Edited by
Fri 09/23/16 09:53 PM
This'll be same story, same dance as all the others. God forbid anyone actually wait for the evidence to come out. I know, I know...."damn racist Poh-leece!" ....with their black chief and black officer who shot the guy. But hey, let's tear $hit up anyway. Bookmarked for when any real evidence comes out...... Charlotte protesters ‘hate white people I have NO doubt some do..... Rudy Giuliani and Sean Hannity were talking about this. The previous Mayor before Giuliani have four major protests\riots, after Giuliani took office and his no nonsense approach to crime there wasn't one. Giuliani broke it down really well. People have the right to protest, but once they start holding up traffic, rioting, looting, causing property damage then they are criminals and the way to deal with criminals is to arrest them all. Not just one or two. I loved his response to Hannity on how he could make that happen when you have 1,000 protesters getting out of control. Giuliani said it was simple, I had 41,000 police officers and he would use every one of them. On the other side he did day that one of the first things he would have done is had the police chief bring a copy of the video to Gracie Mansion so he could see the original incident himself and then it would be released to the public\media. Giuliani was a great mayor.. really was. he didn't take any bull.. from anyone. You want to protest illegally.. and disrupt.. you went to jail.. 1 or 1,000, didn't matter. He took on Wall St..took the mob on too and any other criminal entity. He wasn't PC...And because of that he was able to clean up the city. It's now being released that as head of the replaced Mafia Commission, John Gotti wanted to put a contract out on Giuliani and was voted against by the other Families on the Commission. Giuliani is one tough guy, he's a smart guy and he knows the law and he isn't scare of anything. First he handled the back end of the Donnie Briscoe Operation when the Presidential Administration switched, then he did something in heard of. Not only he he try and convict everyone at the Mafia Commission Trial, but he tricked the defendants on the stand and got them to admit that La Cosa Nostra is real and yes the Commission is real. That had never been done before, on record in a court of law. It was a major accomplishment. |
This'll be same story, same dance as all the others. God forbid anyone actually wait for the evidence to come out. I know, I know...."damn racist Poh-leece!" ....with their black chief and black officer who shot the guy. But hey, let's tear $hit up anyway. Bookmarked for when any real evidence comes out...... Charlotte protesters ‘hate white people I have NO doubt some do..... Rudy Giuliani and Sean Hannity were talking about this. The previous Mayor before Giuliani have four major protests\riots, after Giuliani took office and his no nonsense approach to crime there wasn't one. Giuliani broke it down really well. People have the right to protest, but once they start holding up traffic, rioting, looting, causing property damage then they are criminals and the way to deal with criminals is to arrest them all. Not just one or two. I loved his response to Hannity on how he could make that happen when you have 1,000 protesters getting out of control. Giuliani said it was simple, I had 41,000 police officers and he would use every one of them. On the other side he did day that one of the first things he would have done is had the police chief bring a copy of the video to Gracie Mansion so he could see the original incident himself and then it would be released to the public\media. Giuliani was a great mayor.. really was. he didn't take any bull.. from anyone. You want to protest illegally.. and disrupt.. you went to jail.. 1 or 1,000, didn't matter. He took on Wall St..took the mob on too and any other criminal entity. He wasn't PC...And because of that he was able to clean up the city. He is a rock this country still desperately needs. Maybe Attorney General? |
This'll be same story, same dance as all the others. God forbid anyone actually wait for the evidence to come out. I know, I know...."damn racist Poh-leece!" ....with their black chief and black officer who shot the guy. But hey, let's tear $hit up anyway. Bookmarked for when any real evidence comes out...... Charlotte protesters ‘hate white people I have NO doubt some do..... Rudy Giuliani and Sean Hannity were talking about this. The previous Mayor before Giuliani have four major protests\riots, after Giuliani took office and his no nonsense approach to crime there wasn't one. Giuliani broke it down really well. People have the right to protest, but once they start holding up traffic, rioting, looting, causing property damage then they are criminals and the way to deal with criminals is to arrest them all. Not just one or two. I loved his response to Hannity on how he could make that happen when you have 1,000 protesters getting out of control. Giuliani said it was simple, I had 41,000 police officers and he would use every one of them. On the other side he did day that one of the first things he would have done is had the police chief bring a copy of the video to Gracie Mansion so he could see the original incident himself and then it would be released to the public\media. Giuliani was a great mayor.. really was. he didn't take any bull.. from anyone. You want to protest illegally.. and disrupt.. you went to jail.. 1 or 1,000, didn't matter. He took on Wall St..took the mob on too and any other criminal entity. He wasn't PC...And because of that he was able to clean up the city. It's now being released that as head of the replaced Mafia Commission, John Gotti wanted to put a contract out on Giuliani and was voted against by the other Families on the Commission. Giuliani is one tough guy, he's a smart guy and he knows the law and he isn't scare of anything. First he handled the back end of the Donnie Briscoe Operation when the Presidential Administration switched, then he did something in heard of. Not only he he try and convict everyone at the Mafia Commission Trial, but he tricked the defendants on the stand and got them to admit that La Cosa Nostra is real and yes the Commission is real. That had never been done before, on record in a court of law. It was a major accomplishment. ![]() Pittenger, Robert (R) NC - Charlotte, NC. - Police shooting death of Keith Scott - Protest of Charlotte Mecklenburg PD - NC SBI - 0 transparency cover-up - Punting of custody for dashcam and bodycam footage |
The video shows the officers yelling at him to drop the gun while he's still INSIDE the SUV. If he hasn't gotten out and an officer specifically requests a baton to break the windows that are rolled up, how can he be posing a threat to anyone. Good....mother fricking....god. Keep reaching. He HAD a gun. He CAN shoot through a GodDAMM car window genius. You can have Blm dreams all you want though.
The rest of your post is conspiracy theory 101. Total, unequivocable undeniable conjecture. The chief, from the beginning had said there is irrefutable evidence the subject had a gun. He said no VIDEO 100℅ shows it but plenty of other evidence supports it. And to bring up this complete staged create scene horse $hit is deplorable. And laughable. ""CNN quoted a source close to the investigation as saying that a loaded gun had been recovered at the scene of the crime and that fingerprints, DNA and blood on it matched Scott's."" Several other outlets are reporting this also. But you go ahead and go with this "the cops rolled a gun around in his blood on purpose to cover it up" bull$hit...Utterly pathetic smmfh. The video was shown to the family and the families attorney. As the family were leaving when asked all's they would say is no comment. If it was something not legitimate they would have been screaming bloody murder as they left. |
Edited by
Sun 09/25/16 12:26 AM
Seriously, the 'evidence' is a standard issue police throwaway complete with $3 leather ankle holster that has the blood on it, there appears to be no blood on the .380 pistol itself which is an official evidence photo. The holsters is not, as it has no marker, ruler, or pointers indicating the (obvious I know but protocol in handling of evidence is critical especially in a homicide investigation) blood evidence on it. Don't get me started on the piece of paper they are calling ''a marijuana blunt". Their lawyers made statements folloin the official release of the additional bull5hit statement and photos and(officially) edited dash and bodycam videos as did the brother and sister of the wife.
This evidence, is also NOT photographed AT THE CRIME SCENE. Because it's not important WHERE the evidence comes from moves or ends up, only that there is evidence and that evidence supports the officers narrative. If Scott had the gun out in his hand, why don't we hear it dropped or slid away as he is cuffed which is EXACTLY what protocol is? The dashcam mic even picks up his death groans. It also picks up an officers request for a ''bag'' in the back of his truck with some ''additional equipment''. Also why did they have to STRIP the DEAD OR DYING MAN to his underwear to photograph the ''object'' later determined to be a gun? Note: ''object'' is singular. While one could confuse the ''object'' as a holstered pistol it's rather unclear ON THE CRIME SCENE that is what that object is, only it would REFUTE initial statements made by police as well as their reasonable justification for use of deadly force AND the pre release CYA statement that was released with other photos to warm up the grand jury when they announced we would get partial release of two out of an unknown number of videos. Those pictures, while not uniformly tagged or labeled as evidence are clear as a bell INDOORS under fluorescent lightning featuring the infamous black gloves to contrast the 'marijuana blunt'. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, even if Scott did everything you say he did, you are an EMBARRASSMENT of the highest order. Oh, you don't understand order, or laws, or protocols, or procedures, or training, or when NOT to shoot someone to death, or how not to try to cover it up without the people knowing, or how to handle evidence, or how to photograph evidence, or how to conduct an investigation. That's why the SBI dumped custody of the videos back to you, because the video audio statements positions and evidence are TAINTED. STOP LYING NOW! It's just going to cost the tax payers more money when the innocent city of Charlotte has to pay for YOUR crimes. If you don't want another Jonathan Farrell (who we have not forgotten) case on your hands stop shooting at people until they start shooting or LEAVE YOUR GUNS AT THE STATION since you don't know how to stop them from going off repeatedly when someone (black, unarmed, or both) is in front of you. |
Seriously, the 'evidence' is a standard issue police throwaway complete with $3 leather ankle holster that has the blood on it, there appears to be no blood on the .380 pistol itself which is an official evidence photo. The holsters is not, as it has no marker, ruler, or pointers indicating the (obvious I know but protocol in handling of evidence is critical especially in a homicide investigation) blood evidence on it. Don't get me started on the piece of paper they are calling ''a marijuana blunt". Their lawyers made statements folloin the official release of the additional bull5hit statement and photos and(officially) edited dash and bodycam videos as did the brother and sister of the wife. This evidence, is also NOT photographed AT THE CRIME SCENE. Because it's not important WHERE the evidence comes from moves or ends up, only that there is evidence and that evidence supports the officers narrative. A drop gun, really? You need to cut back on the movies........ |
Seriously, the 'evidence' is a standard issue police throwaway complete with $3 leather ankle holster that has the blood on it, there appears to be no blood on the .380 pistol itself which is an official evidence photo. The holsters is not, as it has no marker, ruler, or pointers indicating the (obvious I know but protocol in handling of evidence is critical especially in a homicide investigation) blood evidence on it. Don't get me started on the piece of paper they are calling ''a marijuana blunt". Their lawyers made statements folloin the official release of the additional bull5hit statement and photos and(officially) edited dash and bodycam videos as did the brother and sister of the wife. This evidence, is also NOT photographed AT THE CRIME SCENE. Because it's not important WHERE the evidence comes from moves or ends up, only that there is evidence and that evidence supports the officers narrative. A drop gun, really? You need to cut back on the movies........ No, not a drop gun. A standard issue throwaway complete with $3 leather holster. It makes a difference since they couldn't produce ANY proof he had one until all video cameras had stopped rolling and his underwear were exposed. Because $3 leather ankle holsters are concealed in the underwear of a DEAD OR DYING suspect and can't be removed from his HAND where they say it was without exposing his underwear. But they forgot that they cuffed his HANDS that remarkably DID NOT HAVE A GUN. Those underwear are dangerous. Imagine the damage they could have done had he stayed IN HIS SUV WAITING FOR HIS CHILDREN to come home from school. |
And it's kinda funny you say 'drop gun' as it sounds stupid, and sways public or jurors opinions that something that silly sounding couldn't really happen. Dropping guns is careless, they might go off and injure an innocent bystander. 'Throwaway's sound sinister, and damning. It'd be against the interest of the police sheriff, w/e to use such a derogatory term as well as create in public opinion that this is a practice within departments in the current case in question and others in the past. This would lead to distrust and doubt and be bad for the public image and reputation of the force.
The force shouldn't do it then, because no one else has any need to plant a throwaway on the scene of a shooting. THAT is stupid, and THAT only happens in movies. |