Topic: have you noticed? | |
Buttons! Long time no see!
i think you should be 14 yrs older and live closer to me your beautiful. but most gals i go out with now days are abused and or getting over being abused. iits the same old story they did everything right and were mistreated. by this time all men are the same. but what to do you try to be to polite your a wuss. try to be the real man they want your an *ss.its tuff both for the woman and the man. but i do agree a man should be a gentleman and treat a woman with respect.
I agree with fanatic. Meet a "Nice Guy" and the women put him in the friend zone forever, or even less than that. It's all about looks and money these days. Either that, or it's a bunch of hype, teasing and nonsense. I have never been into nonsense because it's all fake anyway, and what you're left with later is who the guy really is. So girls go for the fancy shmancy guys and of course they keep ending up with the "wrong guy" but everyone has to learn somehow, right?
Well I am a tell it like it is kinda guy. I'd rather just be myself, even if that means I never get any. |
older we get, the greater the experience gap.
wants and needs get tangled up. clarity and easy going leisure seem to mundane to admit to. expectations run amuck. women want security and independence and attention and no pre-nups. Men want companionship, space for hobbies and friends, and emotional security with great sex. We learn from life to see certain things as black and white, yet the shades of gray keep us at bay. Trust and fidelity are under attack and separate personal histories raise more questions than answers. It would be wonderful to meet someone that just wants an open, honest, forthright, intimate relationship with no worries and no pressure. Down the yellow brick road again..... |
just did a "study" another singles site I belong to. Of the ladies between 42 and 55...which is one of the age groupings there, I looked at 100 profiles, the first 4 pages that came up on search. Of the 100 profiles I looked at, however random their search was: 53 referred to financial security/professional success. 81 said no smoking/drinking/drugs. 63 said love to travel. 93 said no game players/honest/trustworthy. and 17 said romantic/holding hands/goood kisser/cuddling.I agree this is a lousy study, but what does it say about what the ladies on that particular site are looking for? I have not noticed that on JSH, my compliments to the ladies here. Just food for thought in the singles world for all of us, men and ladies
I hear ya Willy!!
I've noticed worse on other sites, too. Women who want to have a relationship with a guy making 150K+ and having some stellar career. Then they go on to tout their fancy home and busy and lavish lifestyle....and all that only a few short years, at best, since they plundered their ex-husband. They then claim to make 110K/yr or so, but have a lifestyle that requires much free time to enjoy and a lot more than 100K can deliver. They must think we're all stupid and don't know what things cost and how much time is invested in stellar income production. The well is running dry on the thieves and they're preying on us as though we're supposed to allow it... and for what???? The Knight in shining armor is coming to the rescue in a town near you, ladies!! Hide and watch.... we are!!! It's not pretty watching Humpty Dumptress fall down and go boom!! |
Alot of things have changed over the years. Most women DO want nice guys, and they want spark and spice as well. I believe these qualities can come in one package. BAD BOYS have a lot of spark, and perhaps that's what draws some women in. With the sexual openness of the world we live in, it's not a surprise that ANYONE, man or woman would make, or accept a sexual advance early on. I think many of us, having been down that road realize how it sometimes clouds more important aspects of the relationship and can affect our judgement of the person and relationship.
What I find interesting, is that not so long ago... everyone was eager to be sexually liberated, free from the constraints of "commonly accepted" behavior that had once been in place. We became people who expected to do what we want, when we want, with whomever we want. Along with these changes, came more infidelity, situational ethics, etc. For those of us who remember this, and grew up during those years, it is interesting to find that we now yearn for the very values and behaviors we once thought were constraining and "old fashioned." For the guys...not all women are concerned about your pocketbook. Many of us are financially secure of our own accord, can support ourselves, and do not need a man for this. Some women may just want someone on a comparable level as they are, and there is nothing wrong with that. Perhaps the woman in question has once been in the position of having to support a man who was mooching off her. It is perfectly understandable, why a man OR woman would have reservations about becoming involved with someone who drinks heavily or does drugs. Too many of us have lived through the nightmares these problems cause, and the abuses, betrayals and emotional traumas that often accompany relationships with these individuals. In other words, we have all learned something from our experiences that influence what we are looking for today. We are all "broken". For the Ladies..... just as we have often been taken advantage of by men, nice men have been taken advantage of by women. The a**holes we've run into in life don't really give a flip what women have done to them, because they don't care about anyone anyway. The nice guys, on the other hand DO care......because they ARE nice....and because many of them do have a heart, they get taken advantage of by opportunistic women. WE all need to judge each person on their own merits, and not to stereotype each other with such broad strokes. We limit ourselves in the discovery of another individual, by our own biases and experiences. We must recognize within ourselves what those particular things are for us and not let that taint our perceptions of every man or woman we meet.......... |
Here we go again. You say you want a nice guy but your actions say otherwise. I'm not good enough. I'm not wealthy enough. I'm not tall enough. I'm not handsome enough. You women on here have more excuses than there can be! I've heard them all here on jsh. You have told me enough and even better are those who never even bother to reply. And you say you want honesty but you really don't. If we are honest you get mad, angry, and defensive. I gave up on you women. Just not worth the aggrivation and the delusions you live in. You won't get a good old fashioned man with morals and values. They're onto you and your delusions and multiple personalities. Sowee. Clutches wallet tight. Runs as fast as he can.
TexasRose, I think that you've really described the situation well. Allow me to back up what you're saying from the men's perspective.
Ordinary, healthy people want romantic relationships with people who are both emotionally supportive (nice) and sexually fulfilling (spark & spice.) As you've noted, however, we have come to expect "what we want, when we want, with whomever we want." That kind of mentality leads us to make rash decisions. If you look at somebody's profile picture and you don't find them attractive or their personality seems kind, but bland, then it's easy to dismiss that person as unexciting. Our "when we want it" attitude prevents us from even giving the other person a chance. As LongHairBiker notes, however, it's also possible to idealize the qualities that we believe make a person nice. He cites "honesty" and I think he makes a good point. The truth is not always comfortable. Yes, the person telling the truth might need to be gentler in his delivery. Ultimately, however, trying to argue or throwing an insult back is not an appropriate response to somebody's honest opinion. I have also run into the difficult position where my partner is emotionally supportive but even after careful consideration, there is little or no attraction. It doesn't make somebody a bad guy (or a bad girl) to back away from the relationship in this situation. As a self-proclaimed "nice guy," I only intend to have sex with one woman in my entire life and I expect that woman to be attractive to me. |
I'm a guy who beleives in romancing the lady first. Here a 2 scenarios which one is making love
scenario 1 2 stranger meet in a bar and go home and have sex scenario 2 a couple who ahve been together and love each other walking and holding hands the answer is scenario 2 by spendiing time together the couple who have been together for awhile are making love by enjoying each others company. scenario 1 is just sex and lust which some times have nothing to do with love. Thats' just my point of view |
well many say it is a 50 50 concept
i do not think so it is more like a 100 100 concept you both should put in 100% and no someone else posted it a while back but i thought it made a good point |
I would like to find an old school guy........pulls shovel from behind back.........
Just kidding |
"having great conversation thinking its going great then a guy asks you a question like how much do you masturbate a week, or what do you like to do sexually, favorite position"
Where do you find these "guys"? I know tons of gentlemen who would never ever do this to the women they date until they have that kind of connection clearly established. Maybe a little of this is where you are finding these guys. Don't want to blame you fully as you can be "fooled" by another person but..... if it's happening all the time you'll have to take a look at where you are getting these guys (some real dive bar) or even how your personality/look is attracting certain people who are not gentleman. Again not blaming you but saying maybe there is something to take a look at there. Honestly, J |
i never cared about a mans looks, just isn't important as long as can make you laugh and is caring and honest what more could you ask for lol
walks in....ugh, slowly backs out
Now that I think about it, I don't want a girl to be indifferent to my appearance. I like to dress up sometimes and I don't want the effort to be unappreciated. Furthermore, as previously noted, a healthy romantic relationship probably SHOULD have some sizzle. I don't want my romantic partner to be indifferent to my looks. I want her to find me physically appealing.
Yeah I agree the world of dating is all new.To think about it most guys today and in the past didnt really know how to treat a woman right.So basicially in the past and even today us men dont know what we want so we become players and start treating women wrong.Now it seems like the women are getting back at us men from all that cheating men mostly did in the past.Nowadays when a woman gets a good man who treats her right and does everything for her.All of a sudden she cheats on him because she has that thought in her mind that this is too good to be true and he is a man so he just has to be cheating on me so she does it.The relationships are all confusing right now because it is hard to trust people nowadays.Now I am not saying women dont cheat because trust me I know they do lol.I feel you ladies and gentleman on this topic just keep your head up you will have a good meaningful relationship someday.
This is why I just don't date anymore. I myself think if both men and women had more respect for themselves then there would be no such thing as a "booty call." The only reason why people don't really date and it turns out to be a sex thing is because everyone allows to be this way.
If you went on a date and refuse to give it up, what would happen? HMMM he might just ask you out on another date?? If all the women would stop putting out, then all the men wouldn't be getting it so easy would they?? If you really stop and think about it...its the women that say yes!! So what the hell is the women thinking?? I don't agree with booty calls at all, I have never had one, I never will. If a man can not date me for awhile and get to know me...then pass me by and go find another woman that will put out if thats all they are looking for! I am looking for a man that is willing to put some effort into a relationship...hmmm do you know one? |
On a first date. No, I don't go all the way. Even if the woman suggests it.Old fassioned I guess.Will settle for a kiss tho!
can ya dig sexouuuuuccchhhhhhy
staggers around dazed from shovel to head n fall to the ground |