Topic: J.S.H.A.A.
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Sun 11/11/07 08:25 AM
Hi it's Chris again it's been about an hours since my last post

no photo
Sun 11/11/07 08:47 AM
I decided I don't have a problem
I had to clean my bathroom today and I did it in double quick time so I could post again
laugh laugh laugh
sick isn't it
laugh laugh laugh

TwilightsTwin's photo
Sun 11/11/07 12:20 PM
Hey guys...Im back, who could have predicted that one?laugh

no photo
Sun 11/11/07 12:24 PM
laugh laugh laugh flowerforyou

rjzcap1's photo
Sun 11/11/07 05:43 PM
Yes I am addicted to. JSH is great. I met some real ncie people. :)

yeahitsmeok's photo
Sun 11/11/07 06:51 PM
ok i admit it im addicted but hey im not the only one and its so easy to get...loldrinker

beccalee1980's photo
Sun 11/11/07 07:05 PM
hi my name is becca..and i addicted to jsh..just look at how many posts i have and i've only been on here for about a month...laugh

PJ1987's photo
Sun 11/11/07 07:17 PM
<--Addicted so bad i cant spell.laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Sun 11/11/07 07:37 PM
dances around with pink silk panties on her head then runs like hell!!!

no photo
Mon 11/12/07 06:04 PM
<--still addicted as hell

TwilightsTwin's photo
Tue 11/13/07 06:18 PM
:heart: Hi guys...

anyone thats interested I put some of my artwork up on my profile!bigsmile

no photo
Tue 11/13/07 06:44 PM
<---this is some of her artwork
I still want the Alice and wonderland one

TwilightsTwin's photo
Tue 11/13/07 10:57 PM
I still havent finished that paintingembarassed

s1owhand's photo
Wed 11/14/07 12:44 AM
Hello everyone, i am s1owhand

it has been 7 hours since my last post.
i am losing the battle. the jsh urge is
too strong. i tried to deactivate again
today - but it was just to hard.

hot young newbies with less than 10 posts
IM me asking for you-no-what when i'm in
the library. it's torture.

and i can't stay off of the S&D threads
either. i listen to the lyrics you like
on youtube while i re-read old poetry
posts and even browse ancient threads from
the days before jsh time.

i sometimes peek in even without posting
myself just for the reassurance. i write more
in dear diary just to fill the silence.

i am lost. i cannot even deactivate for more
than a couple of days anymore sad

Katertots37's photo
Wed 11/14/07 12:52 AM
Hi, it's Katers again. Yes i have to admit i'm addicted*hangs head low*. I found out something also. I'm also addicted to posting crazy pics. Can you answer why?

no photo
Wed 11/14/07 05:27 AM
<-is so addicted it's going to make him late for worklaugh

creationsfire's photo
Sat 11/17/07 07:23 PM

Hi, it's Katers again. Yes i have to admit i'm addicted*hangs head low*. I found out something also. I'm also addicted to posting crazy pics. Can you answer why?

(((((Katers))))))) you have contracted the gypsy bug. First signs are feeling the uncontrollable need to post silly or interesting pics...yuppers, you got it!laugh

creationsfire's photo
Sat 11/17/07 07:24 PM
uhhhhh ummmmmmm, I think I have it too.....its ok though, we can be gypsy's followers, with jess cracking the whip behind us, laugh

<------loves gypsy and jess:heart: flowerforyou

Katertots37's photo
Sun 11/18/07 05:00 AM

Hi, it's Katers again. Yes i have to admit i'm addicted*hangs head low*. I found out something also. I'm also addicted to posting crazy pics. Can you answer why?

(((((Katers))))))) you have contracted the gypsy bug. First signs are feeling the uncontrollable need to post silly or interesting pics...yuppers, you got it!laugh

omg not the Gypsy bug....*Runs around the room screaming*

no photo
Sun 11/18/07 05:09 AM
not really addicting yet--just couldn't let the mouse go--smokin