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Topic: What is the most beautiful thing you've seen today?
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Wed 04/11/18 11:59 PM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 04/12/18 12:00 AM
The multiple shades of blue in the Mediterranean ocean... Breathtaking..

no photo
Thu 04/12/18 12:04 AM
The Mediterranean is lovely, I'm visiting Malta later this year happy

Mrmxb's photo
Thu 04/12/18 12:48 PM
play ball in the pool

no photo
Thu 04/12/18 12:53 PM
:tulip: Tulips popping up

no photo
Fri 04/13/18 04:37 PM
Her good morning message on Wire .. and a kiss .. unfortunately a virtual one ..

Astrid's photo
Fri 04/13/18 06:08 PM
Our recovering adopted kitty..glad his appetite is back.

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Sat 04/14/18 07:19 AM
The pillow

Mrmxb's photo
Sat 04/14/18 02:03 PM
sleep (I made a trip at night. I'm exhausted. Then I slept beautifully. /// I do not see sleeping actually ...)smile2

no photo
Sat 04/14/18 03:18 PM
my little love
she is 9 months old :heart:

Stu's photo
Sat 04/14/18 08:11 PM
A special friend...

Tarunpushpad's photo
Mon 04/16/18 09:10 PM

Summerjluv's photo
Tue 04/17/18 05:57 AM
The fragrance of joy emitting by being thankful and kind to the lost souls in this dark world...
I wake up to spread the joy which comes from the holy spirit.

no photo
Tue 04/17/18 06:32 AM
Honesty and acceptance from someone close to me...

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Tue 04/17/18 06:46 AM
Someones hand in mine, after a very deep conversation.

no photo
Wed 04/18/18 09:27 PM
In 45 minutes, it will be the sun rising over the Mediterranean...

Jaceburgoyneatgm's photo
Fri 04/20/18 03:41 AM
Being back home in New Zealand and remembering how amazing my county is, went fishing with my brother and caught sunrise :)

no photo
Sat 04/21/18 07:01 AM
The friendly locals wishing me a good morning...

no photo
Tue 05/01/18 06:28 AM
A big Ginger cat looking up at me, whilst I explained what had just recently happened in my life.

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 05/01/18 06:35 AM

Although it could be a trick..(the weather here is deceiving).frustrated

Larsi666 😽's photo
Tue 05/01/18 06:38 AM

A big Ginger cat looking up at me, whilst I explained what had just recently happened in my life.

I know how this cat feels like, have a ginger tomcat as well, he knows my life story, and he still loves me :smile:

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