Topic: Twitter Suspends DCLeaks Account After George Soros Leak
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 08/28/16 06:28 PM

Report: Twitter Suspends DCLeaks Account After Huge George Soros Leak

Twitter has suspended the account of DCLeaks after the site released documents on the liberal billionaire George Soros, including those showing that he worked to block immigration reform and documenting illegals.

"This account has been suspended," Twitter says when accessing DCLeaks' page with the Soros documents via a posting by WikiLeaks, which is not affiliated with the group:

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Sun 08/28/16 06:51 PM
frustrated Fat Daddy's Blood Pressure Must Of Went Up
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Report: Twitter Suspends DCLeaks Account After Huge George Soros Leak

Twitter has suspended the account of DCLeaks after the site released documents on the liberal billionaire George Soros, including those showing that he worked to block immigration reform and documenting illegals.

"This account has been suspended," Twitter says when accessing DCLeaks' page with the Soros documents via a posting by WikiLeaks, which is not affiliated with the group:

"Soros Leaks" (no affiliation) is down for reasons unknown
— WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 27, 2016

However, accessing the page through the general Twitter website shows that DCLeaks last tweeted on Friday:

thanks for letting us know about the error! we'll fix this ASAP
— DC Leaks (@DCleaks_) August 26, 2016

News of Twitter's move was reported earlier by The Daily Caller.

Earlier this month, DCLeaks published 2,500 internal documents from Soros' Open Society Foundation.

The documents included information about a 2009 meeting with members of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Human Rights Campaign, the National Immigration Law Center and the Cato Institute on the immigration issue.

The foundation had verified that the leaked documents were legitimate, according to the Daily Caller.

While the OSF and civil liberties groups believed in legalizing as many as 11 million aliens, they staunchly opposed subjecting them to a biometric database that tracked fingerprints, The Washington Examiner reports.

A foundation representative told The Daily Caller this month that the leaks were "a symptom of an aggressive assault on civil society and human rights activists that is taking place globally."

DCLeaks has also published hacked documents belonging to Hillary Clinton and former NATO commander Gen. Philip Breedlove.

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Sun 08/28/16 07:34 PM
Report: Twitter Suspends DCLeaks Account After Huge George Soros Leak


Twitter is a private company.

I know it's considered a "social networking site" but that doesn't mean "component of social government, relying on public funds, guaranteeing everyoine can post whatever they want, say whatever they want, and are guaranteed access to the website despite any TOS."

Seems little different than a headline of "Report: Piggly Wiggly suspends super savers card and bans from their store Tim McBacon after he posted klan crossburning event posters on their bulletin board."

Or seems little different than a headline of "Report: CNN hung up the phone and refuses to take any more calls from someone called DCLeaks after DCLeaks offered George Soros documents.
DCLeaks may have to call Fox or AP or PBS or put them on his private website page but can't go to CNN."

no photo
Sun 08/28/16 07:46 PM
Plausible deniability for the 10%'s ? spock

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 08/28/16 10:49 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Sun 08/28/16 11:02 PM

August 28, 2016
Hacked Soros documents mysteriously disappear from the site that published them
By Thomas Lifson

The hack of documents from George Soros’s Open Society Institute nonprofits have revealed how powerful George Soros really is. Powerful enough to call the shots on US policy toward a sovereign nation. Powerful enough that a virtual news blackout made certain that only readers of conservative media would find out about the puppet master’s machinations.

And now the fate of the documents hacked reveals genuine clout: Peter Hasson of the Daily Caller reports:

DCLeaks, a website that releases information on powerful political figures, has had part of its website taken offline after releasing a cache of documents on billionaire donor George Soros. The @DCLeaks Twitter account has also been suspended from Twitter for reasons unknown.

The website had previously released 2,500 internal Open Society Foundation (OSF) documents in order to “shed light on one of the most influential networks operating worldwide.” OSF is one of Soros’ networks of organizations.

The leaked documents had resulted in several damaging reports about the organization. OSF had previously confirmed that the documents were legitimate.

Before the website went offline, an OSF spokesperson had called the leaks “a symptom of an aggressive assault on civil society and human rights activists that is taking place globally” in a statement released to The Daily Caller.

I appears that this was not a hack, but rather the website voluntarily taking down the documents. Which means that some sort of pressure was exerted, in all likelihood. Lawsuits? The threat of some other sort of retaliation?

Who knows?

What we do know is that Soros got his way where others have failed to do so.


good old George must have had a Cannibling Fit!laugh

Hope Wikileaks has a Screenprint of every one of those Messages!
Would add nice to the October-Surprise!
Soros' Octopus!