Topic: Tell me some of your worst retail moments | |
I did these storys in "what pisses you off" but I wanted to hear some sad and stupidest moments you've had if you've worked retail.
I work retail at a huge chain and this woman came in and did a return on an item, she started to walk away and then AFTER she did the return she turns to me and asks, "Are you guys OPEN?"!! Another time a cutomer came over and asked where our shoes were, I pointed to our back wall that has a hundred foot sign that says SHOES, not to meantion the fact that the entire back wall is all shoes doesn't hurt either. Or when a custamer comes over to me and asks "is this store connected to the mall?" when there is a HUGE doorway right next to me that clearly is connected to the mall. and then there are the people who don't pay attention, we make 3 pages over the pa that we are closing the mall entrance in 3 mins. and they come down and ask why the gate is closed. "what do you mean I can't get out that way? you could have let me know!" we did 3 pages in the last 15 mins. telling them to get out before we shut the gate and they have the gall to say we didn't tell them??! I have a million of these stories and they all make me ![]() |
I have a million like stories, lol.
I work at a Home Depot store, and we have big flat carts and lumber carts there. With no room inside the building to store them, we keep them in the parking lot, lining the edge closest to the building. People always ask where they are, and when you say "In the parking lot," they give you a look like they didn't know there WAS a parking lot. Or when they walk in the front door and without looking, ask where the carts (normal ones) are. Usually, I just point these days, since all they have to do is look straight down the main aisle, lol. One time, I had a guy ask where Laminate Flooring was. I replied, "In flooring." Sometimes I can't help it. There's gigantic signs everywhere telling you what department it is. Or when people want to return crap at a regular register. And the people that come in through the exit and then get irritated because they have to walk ALL THE WAY AROUND the registers because THEY came in the wrong door. One other thing I love is when people feel the need to tell you how many items they've got. It's okay if they have a lot of one thing or if it's really hard to tell how many (like with siding and lumber), but when they have two of them, and they tell you that, I usually say, "Thanks, I can't count that high." Lol. Sometimes, I hate my job. |
Well I can think of at least one right off the top of my head.
A customer calls and asks how many slices are in our medium (I am in the pizza business) so I tell them 8 slices. So then he/she wants to know how many slices are in a large pizza, I tell them 8 also. Well this customer is just dumbfounded by this. How can this be? I tell them that we don't go by the number of slices (You stupid idiot) but by the DIAMETER (Size of the pizza). Well for the average laymen, this is common sense, but for our dumb**s customers, this just fries their stupid brain and they start short circuiting. So I offer to cut the large into 10 slices for them if it will make them feel any better. We have some of the STUPIDEST customers I have never come across. Obviously, if you cut a 12 inch pizza into 8 slices, you have smaller slices than you would with a 14 inch pizza. I feel like hauling off and **SMACK** right upside the noggin ![]() ![]() |
what about the ladies that walk up and say, "i need panties...just like THESE!" as they pull down their britches...
or when they are flat-out angry that you "moved" an item...when it's been in that spot for three years. yeah...whenever they can't find something, it's always cause i've moved it. go figure. or when they insist that they bought an item there...when you've NEVER carried that brand... or when they walk through the store, cursing and yelling as they stuff everything under the sun under their shirt. or when they come in with their girlfriends wearing dog-collars and chains. |
I don't know why people are so dumb.
A guy walked up to me yesterday and asked me where the footballs were and I pointed and said "right against the wall" it wasn't even far because all he had to do was turn his head! Why is it so hard for people to turn their heads? ![]() I totally understand about the sign thing but you have to remember that people now days I guess are Illiterate apparently. when I go to a store here's what happens for me, I turn my head in all directions and I see where I need to go, I grab what I need and I leave, no trouble, no questions. In fact I hate to be asked "finding everything ok?" I don't like to be said "hi" to also but my boss always demands that I say hi to people when they walk in even though they get rude and never say hi to me half the time anyway. I answer the phone and say our rederic "Get ready at ****'s Sporting goods this is Josh How may I help you?". to which they reply "Yes, is this ****'S? Did I not just tell them it was ****'s? ![]() ![]() Then you have people come in in the last 5 minutes and still walk around like it's no big deal, mind you I tell them when they walk in theres only 3 minutes I know who these people are because they call ahead of time asking "what time do you close?" I caught this guy lying to me be cause he called and he asked what time we closed and I told him 9:00 pm, then he proceeds to chip in "I thought you closed at 9:30?" If he knew what time we closed why did he call???? ![]() ![]() ![]() this one guy got irate with me for asking him for his zip-code, he started in about it being none of my business. I kind of went off on him though and told him "sir it's no big deal I'm not using it for personal use, I can't possably find out where you even live from a fraking ZIPCODE, Like I'm going to waste my time knocking on every door in the county just looking for your dumbass!" if you really don't want me to know just make something up and I'd never know that you'd be lying instead of yelling at me that it's none of my business!" People don't look,Listen,Read or pay attention at all and it makes me want to smack someone. |
I do not work retail anymore, thank god!!! but I do work for what people seem to think is 411. lots of crazy calls.
This last one i got was a hoot! No offence if we have any attorneys on here, I'm specifically speaking of this one lady. I answer the phone with the goverment office name... she says where is this, so i repeat myself. then she says oh its the blah blah blah office, I say yes. she stops talking. so I say can i help you with something. she says how do you spell that. i say spell what. she said the office name. so i spell it out while thinking to myself, how did you get my number if you cant even spell. so finally she says whats your address... says she has some files to send us about an accident. so I say what accident is that, that i was not aware of any accidents in our office. she says she can not tell me that it was confidential. so i say ok, you cannot tell me, but you can mail me the info. so finally she tells me she wants to mail me information on a drowning that happened over the summer. so i was like WTF! i said to her, why would i need any information on a drowning. she said because it happened on our property. I said really, thats funny because we dont have any water on our property. turns out, it was a case of one of many drownings that occured at the local lock and dam, and she though i needed to know about it. The office i work in deals with property taxes and nothing else. After about 15 minutes of talking i finally figured out she was trying to get in touch with the police department.... they walk among us! scary I know! |
I work in a video store Hollywood video and I am sure alot of you have been there before. Some need their brains examined, now i can ubderstand not wanting to pay a late fee but when you rent something that means it's not yours and you must follow store policy or you will have to pay. Okay so this lady comes in and goes "I want to pay a late on this movie" so she hands it to me and I proceed to check it in. So I go Ok what is your last name so you can pay your fee... so I get on the account and she has another fee for Annie, So I go Mrs. Kim you have a fee for Annie do you want to take care of that one as well? She says in return " never rented Annie and there are lots of people with the same last name as mine and before you guys rented to someone else on my rental account, so she asks her little girl if they rented it and the little says no. So we go back and forth on this issue, then I said if you want this fee removed you have to come back and speak with the Store manager, Now I could have taken the fee off if she wasn't so rude to me. As she was leaving her little girl says "oh yeah mom we did rent Annnie, Tommy's mom came and rented it remember? She really should have not gotten a 5 year old involved because they always tell on you. People always come with that line I never rented that movie or sometimes movies.well someone came and gave your Id and telephone number and rented these movies. If you rented 100 movies you will not remember everyone especially if it was late and you waited five months to rent again thinking it had went away.
okay, i have to admit...what bugs me almost the most...
i work inventory control. my job is VERY physical...i throw freight around all day. on occasion, i'll be bringing an out to the floor...and stocking it on the bottom shelf. the only way to reach the back of the by sitting down. invariably, some jerk will wander by and exclaim how he would LOVE to have such an easy job that he gets paid to sit on his ass. |
Here's one that most in retail have probably had a customer comes in and asks where the sugar cubes are I told him look straight to you left he was standing next to it. Another customer was acting beligerent to one of our cashiers he wanted to return an item he bought on sale and the cashier told him no. So I come on over and explain to the customer that store policy on returns is. He start telling us that our jobs are in danger once he talks to the manager on duty. I told him the manager wouldn't do anything to employees who are following policy. He said why, this is when I told him Oh by the way did I happen to mention that I'm the duty manager.
Everyday I work. -_-
i've got more funny stories from retail but they are more security/loss prevention related.
People have no idea what any of us go through at all which is why I don't bother anyone when I am a customer why I don't argue and why I understand that people are just doing they're Jobs when they're busy stocking or if noone is in a department.
We have guys running around opening fitting rooms all day and yet people bug me at the register asking me to open a fittingroom. Do I look like I have keys or can leave this line of people to let you into a fitting room? why don't people ever see the sign that says "to be let into a fitting room push the RED BUTTON for assistence!!" I am a self relyent customer in every sense of the word and I will never be rude to anyone in retail. My coworker saw a woman climbing a ladder one day trying to reach a box, he said "I can get that down for you" she says "No all your guys seem to be busy on their Cell phones" He looks around and all he sees is another man with a different color polo and kakies talking on his cell phone. The man didn't even work there, we wear green polo and Kakies and the man was wearing Red, I swear people don't think any more. I'll even be walking in another store in my normal clothes and people bother me. I think the next time I see someone who asks me for help at a place I don't work at I will be rude to them and lead them on then when they ask to talk to my manager I'll say no you can't. when they ask me why I'll tell them "Because I don't even Freaking WORK here that's why!!" LOL ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
i always ask the mto cut my pizza into 8 peices instead of 12.... cuz 12 is to many ot eat.... I get some weird looks
On my day off wjenm i need to do some grocery shopping when I enter the store I get customers asking me for help, I help but it bugs the hell out of me because they cant seem to understand off duty worker.
Remember that there is no such thing as "off duty" to any customer they think that you must help them all the time even if it is with your lunch and soda in hand walking to the breakroom which is why I leave and eat somewhere else and don't come back till 5 minutes to and I have my mp3 player on with my headphones so I can't dare hear anyone ask for help so I just keep walking right on back to punch in.
If your gone noone can call you on the pa system no customers can bother you and you don't have to worry about things till you get back. ![]() |