Topic: State University: Now Offers,"Stop White People" Training
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Sat 08/27/16 01:01 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sat 08/27/16 01:03 PM
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State University: Now offers, " Stop White People" training.

The State University of New York (SUNY) at Binghamton is now offering a course called “#StopWhitePeople2K16” as part of routine training for residential assistants.

The university’s residential assistant training schedule lists “#StopWhitePeople2016” on its roster, with the mission of giving RA’s an “overview of disabilities in Higher Education.”

The presenters of the course, Ciaran Slattery, Nicholas Pulakos, and Urenna Nwogwugwu, are all RAs at the state-funded college, which describes itself as New York’s highest-ranking public college. They state their purpose is to “help others take the next step in understanding diversity, privilege, and the society we function within,” presumably the “white” society they plan to "stop" at the event.

The three RAs claim they will give “#StopWhitePeople2K16” course attendees the “tools” to respond to “uneducated people” with “‘good’ arguments.” You know, the people who preach mutual respect, equality under God, and constitutional freedoms. Those people.

They also state they will help other RAs at the state-funded college “hopefully expand upon what they may already know”: that white people are cancer, of course.

College RAs hold important roles in college residential and dormitory life, serving as mentors, counselors, and peers to the student residents they oversee. “These people should be sensitive to the issues of their residents, and to be prejudiced against someone on the basis of his or her skin color would seem, just like the hashtag itself, petty,” student Howard Hecht noted.

Binghamton Review, the university’s conservative student paper, publicized the course schedule, noting the university “seems to endorse it as a proper part of a RA training.” It was added:

At a public, state funded university, to potentially see racism endorsed is a frightening prospect for the future of higher education.

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Sat 08/27/16 05:11 PM

At a State funded college.!? slaphead

Paid for by TAX PAYERS.... & they are who ?

Cut the purse stings or throw them out.
Or both...  And wish them well, in the REAL world & competing in it.

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Sat 08/27/16 05:12 PM

Rock's photo
Sat 08/27/16 05:47 PM
More libtard "logic", at collegiate level.

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Sat 08/27/16 05:49 PM

Conrads girlfriend
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

BreakingGood's photo
Sat 08/27/16 08:25 PM
My first reaction was WOW!!!! Holly crap batman!!!!

But, then I was like maaaaaaaaaaa. It's just par for the course.

There is just so much momentum to villainize the non-minorities.
The lowest common denominators have learned for decades that the
squeaky wheel gets the grease. Now they expect the grease.

no photo
Sat 08/27/16 08:50 PM
State University: Now offers, " Stop White People" training.

I can't believe this!
This can't be click bait or anything!
This must be a story by a real professional journalist that knows their stuff!

I can't wait to read what the class actually teaches, its curriculum, how students are responding, if actual state funds are being used, and interviews from the people actually doing the training!

part of routine training for residential assistants.

Those people that in many states don't even get paid?
They get things like free or cheaper room and board while they attend school?
So...there may be no money at all used for this training?

Better read more to see for sure!
....oh wait...nothing in the article.

Oh who cares...Let's see what exactly is being trained!
They state their purpose is to “help others take the next step in understanding diversity, privilege, and the society we function within,”
attendees the “tools” to respond to “uneducated people” with “‘good’ arguments.”
“hopefully expand upon what they may already know”

So.....nothing about what is actually taught, or trained, or how.
Just vagueness.

Well, the smoking gun must be from the people that went through the training and have come out as whistleblowers!!
Let's see what they have to say!
presumably the...that white people are cancer, of course.

...Hmmm...nothing. Just speculation and opinion.

...So basically an article of "we read a title and were outraged over it! Then we jumped to conclusions and everyone has to know about it!"

What a wonderful representation of a reputable news organization.

no photo
Sun 08/28/16 06:42 AM

State University: Now offers, " Stop White People" training.

I can't believe this!
This can't be click bait or anything!
This must be a story by a real professional journalist that knows their stuff!

I can't wait to read what the class actually teaches, its curriculum, how students are responding, if actual state funds are being used, and interviews from the people actually doing the training!

part of routine training for residential assistants.

Those people that in many states don't even get paid?
They get things like free or cheaper room and board while they attend school?
So...there may be no money at all used for this training?

Better read more to see for sure!
....oh wait...nothing in the article.

Oh who cares...Let's see what exactly is being trained!
They state their purpose is to “help others take the next step in understanding diversity, privilege, and the society we function within,”
attendees the “tools” to respond to “uneducated people” with “‘good’ arguments.”
“hopefully expand upon what they may already know”

So.....nothing about what is actually taught, or trained, or how.
Just vagueness.

Well, the smoking gun must be from the people that went through the training and have come out as whistleblowers!!
Let's see what they have to say!
presumably the...that white people are cancer, of course.

...Hmmm...nothing. Just speculation and opinion.

...So basically an article of "we read a title and were outraged over it! Then we jumped to conclusions and everyone has to know about it!"

What a wonderful representation of a reputable news organization.

And as usual... you missed the premise, because you are too preoccupied with critiquing whoa

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sun 08/28/16 07:06 AM
Edited by Sojourning_Soul on Sun 08/28/16 07:24 AM

Most campuses are little more than liberal petri dishes any more.

Like journalism, higher learning is dead..... unless you can pay for the better schools, and they have been priced beyond reach for most.

Scripted programming, social engineering and PC is about the best you can expect. Common core teaching on all levels!

US History is no longer taught (except to mention the evils and needed reparations of slavery). The Constitution is simply a 200+ year old piece of parchment.
Ethics is a thing of the past. Competition is being phased away, after all, "you didn't build that!". It's a one size fits all, everyone is equal, your opinion is different than mine
so keep it to yourself and don't make me have to use my safe place, I'm a liberal so therefore I'm right, world

Can't have the peasants growing brains. Next thing you know they'll want their rights backs and want to move into the neighborhood

msharmony's photo
Sun 08/28/16 12:16 PM
packaging is everything

controversy brings attention,, example : Trump

my guess is a poor attempt at packaging for attention , which is obviously working, with sarcasm

to simplify cires previous post,,, no real information here except that they were foolish in titling a class/seminar/session,,,,,,,with advertising techniques instead of with consideration

no photo
Sun 08/28/16 04:06 PM

controversy brings attention,, example : Trump


rofl Big scary white man with a Non- PC plan