Topic: Hurricane Katrina poem
SoonToBeDivorced's photo
Fri 11/09/07 02:15 PM
Katrina's Raze

Taken by Katrina's raze...
My Pearlington home
In ruin, it lays.
Displaced...we roam.

Given by Katrina's raze...
Destination ways.

no_psychos_please's photo
Fri 11/09/07 02:51 PM
It is nice to see another post in the wake of this awful disaster. I have friends who were displaced (I lost none thankfully) by this killer. Hearing their tales and watching the news, I too felt compelled to write of it (It can be read within my 'storeroom").

Thank you for sharing and luck for your future.

Welcome to JSH and our forum of friends drinker

SoonToBeDivorced's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:12 PM
Thank you for the warm comment. This is a natural disaster that I think no one who experienced Katrina could ever forget. I'm just thankful that I was able to start over and be the "rock" for my children.