Topic: Trump or Clinton??
Conrad_73's photo
Thu 08/18/16 06:55 AM

This cartoon isn't accurate, as usual. It needs to show who's hands are soaked in sludge up to the armpits because they've been the one SLINGING the mud, then it might come close.

And the muck shown on Trump wouldn't be on his lapel, it would be coming out from between his ears.

As for me, I still don't LIKE either one. I'm still waiting until the end of August, because that's when the Virginia Ballot will be set, as to who I CAN vote for in November.

not paying attention to the Clinton-Sleaze,apparently!
Compared to the Clintons,Trump is the Apprentice!

msharmony's photo
Thu 08/18/16 07:46 AM
only because he hasnt been given the same 'power',,he has stuck to slimey real estate deals to line his own pockets,, where he should stay,,,

no photo
Thu 08/18/16 08:03 AM
And a side note, there are several senate races that will have an impact on what the next president may or may not be able to do.....

no photo
Thu 08/18/16 08:25 AM
And another side note, both candidates, IMO, could help themselves by visiting flood ravaged South Louisiana. You don't have to be in a battle ground this digital campaign in a battle ground state, and make a positive statement.

no photo
Thu 08/18/16 05:21 PM

And another side note, both candidates, IMO, could help themselves by visiting flood ravaged South Louisiana. You don't have to be in a battle ground this digital campaign in a battle ground state, and make a positive statement.
Trump must read these forums laugh

Fox News political correspondent Carl Cameron confirmed Thursday from a Trump rally in Charlotte, N.C., that the billionaire businessman will head to the Pelican State Friday.

no photo
Thu 08/18/16 06:35 PM
let's roll that wheel.......up and down....up and down.....hell yea know what will be the better solution to deal with USOAW...........

Duck And Cover~~~~~~~~Hi kids just go tell your parents to vote for the uncil trump. as your family need the cover by such unregular sitituation of time. democrate may leads the social needs by words and bells but when the whole nation wide sink in the globe conflic you needs more.......what you waiting for? let's moving up to resign the repubilcians to strenthen our great country again. uncil sam needs a good parner for now won't you let him dispoint will you?.............................................................................

better and more~~~~~~~sugar bomb will be lower the price at 30% today for celebrate the presidencial campaign at a new fundation~~~~~what you waiting for? just go cheack all the markets of the USA......they'll all in today go find your self some happiness both joys~~~~~~~~~~~~~
better and more~~~~~~~~~~

no photo
Fri 08/19/16 04:35 AM

Give me some valid reasons for who you choose.

Hummm... New guy... give us YOUR
 valid reasons .

Most of us, on forums, know each others thought process & belief systems.

Come on... hand it over

no photo
Fri 08/19/16 06:03 AM

Give me some valid reasons for who you choose.

Hummm... New guy... give us YOUR
 valid reasons .

Most of us, on forums, know each others thought process & belief systems.

Come on... hand it over


no photo
Fri 08/19/16 12:08 PM

^^^^^^^^ Trump handing out supplies to Louisiana flood victims today.

Hillary called the LA governor....she literally phoned it in......

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/19/16 05:01 PM

And another side note, both candidates, IMO, could help themselves by visiting flood ravaged South Louisiana. You don't have to be in a battle ground this digital campaign in a battle ground state, and make a positive statement.

honestly rebel,, intentions are always questioned here

if its not the right candidate it will be a 'photo op'
and if it is, it will cause kudos,,,

good for anyone helping, in person or otherwise,,,,I say

no photo
Fri 08/19/16 05:29 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Fri 08/19/16 05:48 PM

And another side note, both candidates, IMO, could help themselves by visiting flood ravaged South Louisiana. You don't have to be in a battle ground this digital campaign in a battle ground state, and make a positive statement.

honestly rebel,, intentions are always questioned here

if its not the right candidate it will be a 'photo op'
and if it is, it will cause kudos,,,

good for anyone helping, in person or otherwise,,,,I say
Intentions shouldn't be questioned. A perk from either candidate going is that the media covers it....and the disaster....and the extent of that disaster is exposed to more people who may willing to help in some way.
Politically, it has pluses also. I've heard mostly good things about Trumps visit. Does it mean anything to Louisiana in terms of him getting elected? No, He'll win Louisiana anyway. But it also may sway someone in another state who may be undecided.
And he got here first. It makes Hillary look like she's following his lead.
Should be a no brainer....a part of the country is going through a disaster a few months ahead of a presidential election, you show up if you're trying to be president.

msharmony's photo
Fri 08/19/16 05:46 PM
guess it depends upon the voter

physically 'showing up' in what happens to be an election year,, is no better than 'showing up' with resources or funds virtually,,,,

a history of these people 'showing up' when there was no election and people suffered disasters,, would be more impressive

but, kudos to any 'help' whether its passing along boxes in person, or sending help in other ways,,,

Histology101's photo
Fri 08/19/16 10:22 PM
Clinton is under investigation by the FBI for her charity the Clinton Foundation. Benghazi, Emails, the DNC being sneaky with their support of her, uranium deals with Russia... She is dishonest, has a very sketchy history.

Trump is a crass loudmouth. He has filed for bankruptcy 4 times and you expect him to run the American economy? He is also facing a civil suit (Trump University). He his a hypocrite who says he will bring jobs to America yet runs his clothing line in China and Taiwan. Also, I would love to see his tax returns...

Nope, and Nope...

Gary Johnson is a two term Governor who left his state of New Mexico with a BILLION dollar surplus.

The choice is clear...

no photo
Fri 08/19/16 10:47 PM
Edited by Integrityis1st on Fri 08/19/16 11:05 PM
You still refuse to expand & look at the whole picture being this country and it's condition today.

Ok here's my view on Trump he's going to make America great again! He is going to write a promise note to us to hold himself accountable.laugh

Kindlightheart's photo
Fri 08/19/16 11:34 PM
Trump..because he seems like he will try to bring back our jobs...he is not a politician..he has a beautiful family..his exact don't hate him..the government hates him...his VP isn't my fav..but perhaps the two will compliment eachother...he says he will get help in areas he lacks etiquette...and I think he will do everything he can to "make America great again "...his ego won't have it any other way...I also believe he will find a lot of wasteful spending...he kinda reminds me of that old movie..Dave..but really...although independents are's really the lesser of two evils..

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/20/16 12:07 AM
he is not a politician, he is a salesman, he says whats needed to make the sale while being as genuine and knowledgable as a paper bag

if I had a billionaire paying for me and my kids life, I wouldnt 'hate' him either (at least never publicly)

I truly dont see anything about him that causes people to think he would know how to do anything besides put his name on products others produce and sell

no photo
Sat 08/20/16 04:58 AM

^^^^^^^^ Trump handing out supplies to Louisiana flood victims today.

Hillary called the LA governor....she literally phoned it in......

Hummm... I wonder who dialed ?

Milesoftheusa's photo
Sat 08/20/16 07:45 AM
Edited by Milesoftheusa on Sat 08/20/16 07:49 AM

he is not a politician, he is a salesman, he says whats needed to make the sale while being as genuine and knowledgable as a paper bag

if I had a billionaire paying for me and my kids life, I wouldnt 'hate' him either (at least never publicly)

I truly dont see anything about him that causes people to think he would know how to do anything besides put his name on products others produce and sell

all politicians are salesman. When he say he knows how things work (is true) and so many billionaires don't like him. The sky will fall. Being with the rich he does know how they work. I will always remember the news asking americans why they want trump and then they say lets talk to someone who knows what they are talking about. So who did thy talk to ? A Saudi Business man who they made a point of letting us know he is worth 18 billion dollars and he said he will be terrible for us. But Americans apparently are not smart enough to know how vote. Sounds like our court system. Almost seems like a Elite club has a mole.

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/20/16 08:59 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sat 08/20/16 09:00 AM
I don't believe that salesperson and politician require the same skill set or knowledge

I dont care that he is rich, doesnt make him any better or worse a candidate, because ones money is not a indicator of anything but their status financially, not their personal skill or integrity or intelligence

He carries himself like a grade A pompous ***, and that would be true if it turned up he had nothing at all in the bank

what is telling is how much and how long he has shown any inclination to make positive change for anyone but himself, even with all the resources and finances at his disclosure,,

before this run, I see nothing in his past that indicates he has ever cared, about much of anything or anyone,,but Trump

and listening to him speak, verifies that past trend to me

msharmony's photo
Sat 08/20/16 09:01 AM
offtopic ..sorry

topic is affirmative reasons to vote FOR,,a candidate