Godistheanswer's photo
Tue 08/16/16 05:02 PM
A fellow is snugglin with his new wifey when she says, now EXCUSE me darling, and she takes out her fake teeth.
Ok, that;s not so gross, he thinks and she starts gummin on his neck, then after a bit says, EXCUSE ME, and takes out her false eye and puts it in a little dish.
Now that's a bit gross, but ok, thinks he, after a bit more of smooching, she says again: EXCUSE Me and removes her wig leaving little spiky nubbins all over like pig bristles and she takes off her fake leg and before anything ELSE comes off, he says: EXCUSE ME! and takes off!

SxyCalena79's photo
Tue 08/16/16 05:19 PM
That's funny!! :joy::joy::joy:

cutenhandsomeboy's photo
Wed 08/24/16 06:39 AM
I enjoyed it thoroughly :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: