Topic: Obama Got Caught Red-Handed Committing This Crime
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 08/13/16 06:56 PM

Obama Got Caught Red-Handed Committing This Crime

McCarthy writes:

“The specific provision cited is Section 560.204, which states:

The exportation, reexportation, sale, or supply, directly or indirectly, from the United States, or by a United States person, wherever located, of any goods, technology, or services to Iran or the Government of Iran is prohibited. [Emphasis added.]

The regulation goes on to stress that this prohibition may not be circumvented by exporting things of value “to a person in a third country” when one has “knowledge or reason to know that” such things are “intended specifically for supply, transshipment, or reexportation, directly or indirectly, to Iran or the Government of Iran.”

The administration paid-out Iran in foreign currencies because Obama claimed it was illegal for U.S. dollars to be used since current law prevents a banking relationship with Iran.

But McCarthy argues the law also forbids transactions in foreign currencies as well.

Obama thought he could circumvent the law by using Switzerland and Demark as middle-men, but McCarthy claims this also was illegal because one section of the law states you can’t export something of value to a third country if it is intended to be sent to Iran.

But that wasn’t the end of Obama’s criminality.

McCarthy also explains:

“Although these regulations leave no room for doubt that their point is to prevent and criminalize things like sending $400 million in cash to the world’s leading sponsor of terrorism, the ITSR adds another reg for good measure. Section 560.203 states: Evasions; attempts; causing violations; conspiracies:

. . . Any transaction . . . that evades or avoids, has the purpose of evading or avoiding, causes a violation of, or attempts to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this part is prohibited. . . . Any conspiracy formed to violate any of the prohibitions set forth in this part is prohibited.

By his own account, President Obama engaged in the complex cash transfer in order to end-run sanctions that prohibit the U.S. from having “a banking relationship with Iran.” The point of the sanctions is not to prevent banking with Iran; it is to prevent Iran from getting value from or through our financial system — the banking prohibition is a corollary. And the point of sanctions, if you happen to be the president of the United States sworn to execute the laws faithfully, is to follow them — not pat yourself on the back for keeping them in place while you willfully evade them. The president’s press conference is better understood as a confession than an explanation.”

For good measure, Obama committed one final crime.

McCarthy states:

“The first is the law against providing material support to terrorists, Section 2339A of the federal penal code. It says that anyone who provides resources — including “currency or monetary instruments” — to a person or entity with knowledge that they are to be used in the preparation or carrying out of terrorism offenses is guilty of a serious felony. I’ve italicized “knowledge” to underscore that intent is not required; to be guilty, you just need to know.”

The administration lists Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism and has admitted Iran could use the money to fund terrorist activities.

Obama’s criminal conduct is clear.

Will anyone hold him accountable for it?

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Sat 08/13/16 09:05 PM
Oh please. Now you're just being silly.

Reagan didn't go to Federal Prison for Iran Contra. Only a fantasy that conducting 100% legal negotiations like this is a "crime."