Topic: Leaving on an Airplane
SteveFla78's photo
Thu 11/08/07 09:53 PM
Hey this site but might not be around for alittle bit. I have come to the conclusion it is time for this guy to leave the states and venture elsewhere. I wish all of my fellow Americans the best but starting to wake up to things that this country doesn't offer. It will be a month or two so in the meantime hit me up...but planning on hitting IRELAND and doing some soul searching. MUCH LOVE.....and much needed advice on places to see

dhutch9's photo
Thu 11/08/07 10:03 PM
Good luck-this is still the greatest country in the world!

no photo
Thu 11/08/07 10:05 PM
Good luck and safe journey

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 11/08/07 10:06 PM
Have a great trip!drinker

You never know what you'll experience, see, do and who you'll meet. There is a great big world outside of the US borders.

winnie410's photo
Thu 11/08/07 10:08 PM
singing "im leavin on an airplane, dont know when i'll be back again......" :tongue: :tongue:

SteveFla78's photo
Thu 11/08/07 10:15 PM
Still American all the way....just having some things to sort out only this great big earth could show me....we are more than AMERICAN....remember that

winnie410's photo
Thu 11/08/07 10:17 PM
good luck and have fun. stay safe. go see greece for me and bring back pics. bigsmile bigsmile

fortsmithman's photo
Sat 11/10/07 06:12 PM
Have a good time in eire. I'm one man who has not given up on canadian / US ladies. You got to get to know them as friends first then the romance can happen. Getting a romantic involvement takes time like everything worthwhile.

thatonegirl05's photo
Sat 11/10/07 06:15 PM
If you go to Australia, come get me first.

seahawks's photo
Sat 11/10/07 06:15 PM
steve my fine feathered friend be safe bro, and if ya get a chance come to canada and we'll tax yur ass off.!!! lol cheers mate.

Puffins1958's photo
Sat 11/10/07 10:13 PM

Have a GREAT time, be safe. Let us know when your back...

flowerforyou drinker