Topic: Obama Admin's Lawless' Stockpiling of Gun Owner Info
Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 08/04/16 09:47 AM

Judge Nap Blasts Obama Admin for 'Reprehensible,' 'Lawless' Stockpiling of Gun Owner Info

Judge Napolitano explained that the government is supposed to gather that information for statistical purposes only, and they are mandated to destroy identifiable information such as names and addresses.

The report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), however, found that the ATF is not adhering to that policy.

"Congress decided that since the states regulate guns - not the federal government - the federal government would never be able to keep a list of every gun owner and every gun owned by that person," Judge Napolitano said. "But they are."

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 08/04/16 09:50 AM

Judge Nap Blasts Obama Admin for 'Reprehensible,' 'Lawless' Stockpiling of Gun Owner Info

Judge Napolitano explained that the government is supposed to gather that information for statistical purposes only, and they are mandated to destroy identifiable information such as names and addresses.

The report from the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), however, found that the ATF is not adhering to that policy.

"Congress decided that since the states regulate guns - not the federal government - the federal government would never be able to keep a list of every gun owner and every gun owned by that person," Judge Napolitano said. "But they are."

When the Dems get rid of the 2nd amendment, they have to know what doors to break downfrown

no photo
Thu 08/04/16 10:30 AM
Dang "boating accident" got all mine....:wink:

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 08/04/16 10:33 AM

Dang "boating accident" got all mine....:wink:
told you not to go Duckhunting!laugh

no photo
Thu 08/04/16 10:35 AM

Dang "boating accident" got all mine....:wink:
told you not to go Duckhunting!laugh
Yep....Ikr...that my story and I'm sticking to it laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 08/04/16 12:14 PM

Dang "boating accident" got all mine....:wink:
told you not to go Duckhunting!laugh
Yep....Ikr...that my story and I'm sticking to it laugh

BreakingGood's photo
Thu 08/04/16 04:25 PM
Any information given to just about any government entity should be considered permanent for whatever use they deem.

The worst law breakers are the many government organizations whom correctly believe they are above the laws.

The only way to HELP prevent your information from being used AGAINST your consent is to break the laws forcing you to give up that information in the first place.

no photo
Thu 08/04/16 05:11 PM
Judge Nap Blasts Obama Admin for 'Reprehensible,' 'Lawless' Stockpiling of Gun Owner Info

Then the guy is trying to manipulate public outrage.

Where did he get the information?
From a magic whistleblower patriot tired of government corruption, deep in the middle of a vast hidden conspiracy?!


From a report titled:
Report to Congressional Requesters
ATF Did Not Always Comply with the Appropriations Act
Restriction and Should Better Adhere to Its Policies

"GAO was asked to review ATF’s
compliance with this restriction"

And what happened?
"GAO recommends that ATF provide guidance to FFLs
participating in A2K on the provision of records to ATF
when they go out of business; align system capability with ATF policy to limit access to FRNP firearms
purchaser information for ATF agents;
and align timing and ATF policy for deleting MS records.
ATF concurred with our recommendations."

The GAO was asked to review the ATF to see if it was following policy.
The ATF wasn't.
The GAO told them to start following policy, the law.
The ATF said okay.

Nothing to be really outraged about. Routine oversight.
But makes great fodder for the foaming mouthers to keep tuning in.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Thu 08/04/16 06:00 PM

Yep. The ATF never lies and always complies laugh

Great track record right along with the justice dept, especially under Holder and his Fast and Furious debacle just to name one.

Of course there was Waco, Ruby Ridge and so many other good examples of their compliance with the law..... as they see it

Conrad_73's photo
Fri 08/05/16 07:00 AM

Judge Nap Blasts Obama Admin for 'Reprehensible,' 'Lawless' Stockpiling of Gun Owner Info

Then the guy is trying to manipulate public outrage.

Where did he get the information?
From a magic whistleblower patriot tired of government corruption, deep in the middle of a vast hidden conspiracy?!


From a report titled:
Report to Congressional Requesters
ATF Did Not Always Comply with the Appropriations Act
Restriction and Should Better Adhere to Its Policies

"GAO was asked to review ATF’s
compliance with this restriction"

And what happened?
"GAO recommends that ATF provide guidance to FFLs
participating in A2K on the provision of records to ATF
when they go out of business; align system capability with ATF policy to limit access to FRNP firearms
purchaser information for ATF agents;
and align timing and ATF policy for deleting MS records.
ATF concurred with our recommendations."

The GAO was asked to review the ATF to see if it was following policy.
The ATF wasn't.
The GAO told them to start following policy, the law.
The ATF said okay.

Nothing to be really outraged about. Routine oversight.
But makes great fodder for the foaming mouthers to keep tuning in.

yep,the GOAT was asked to watch the Cabbage-Patch!laugh

no photo
Fri 08/05/16 08:30 AM

Nothing to be really outraged about. Routine oversight.
Nice to know a federal law enforcement agency failing to follow the law is just 'routine oversight'. laugh

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Fri 08/05/16 08:57 AM
Unfortunately, we have this sort of thing going on across the board, and regardless of who is running the country. Under Bush, especially after the creation of Homeland Security, data gathering of all kinds has exploded.

It isn't just the ATF. It's the NSA, still keeping everyone's phone records. I have not recently heard a direct complaint about the FBI, but I would be surprised if they AREN'T hoarding data as well.

And in the private sector, everything is even worse. Your browser of choice monitors every letter you tap in, and sells your information to others at great profit, without compensation, and without guaranteeing either privacy, or to discard data appropriately.

All this doesn't excuse the ATF behavior, however it does mean that any specific attempt to target the Obama administration specifically, and claim that they are uniquely or unusually guilty of this, is ingenuous at best, and blatant propaganda at worst.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Fri 08/05/16 09:12 AM

Unfortunately, we have this sort of thing going on across the board, and regardless of who is running the country. Under Bush, especially after the creation of Homeland Security, data gathering of all kinds has exploded.

It isn't just the ATF. It's the NSA, still keeping everyone's phone records. I have not recently heard a direct complaint about the FBI, but I would be surprised if they AREN'T hoarding data as well.

And in the private sector, everything is even worse. Your browser of choice monitors every letter you tap in, and sells your information to others at great profit, without compensation, and without guaranteeing either privacy, or to discard data appropriately.

All this doesn't excuse the ATF behavior, however it does mean that any specific attempt to target the Obama administration specifically, and claim that they are uniquely or unusually guilty of this, is ingenuous at best, and blatant propaganda at worst.

Agree with most of what you say(OMG lol) but when Bush was president and the creation of Homeland security, the "scope" of such "intelligence" was severely limited. Only international data and communications coming in and out of the country was collected.
The Scope and what agencies can collect now have expanded greatly under this administration.

We will never know if this would have been true under Romney or McCain but it's really gotten out of hand under Obama.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Fri 08/05/16 02:07 PM
I don't remember any restrictions such as you describe occurring under Bush. The way I remember it, a lot of people CALLED FOR such restrictions, but the attitude of the people at the top (Bush then, Obama now) was, and has rather constantly been, that we should let the security people decide what was and was not pertinent for them to look at.

Remember how the Bush administration chafed at being told they had to get warrants to start collecting data and monitoring people? And how they demanded to be able to initiate investigations and data gathering instantly, and then only MAYBE LATER have to prove they were justified?

Remember how they got away with ignoring the fact that Congress even went to the trouble of allowing them to stretch the requirement for warrants out until a certain amount of time after they were already chasing people? And how they STILL REFUSED TO COMPLY WITH THE LAW?

So again, I am not supporting any abuses by Obama's people, but I do think that it's important that we don't forget that the same powerful people who are criticizing Obama for the ATF's actions now, when they were in charge, did exactly the same things, and sometimes worse.

So if we try to defeat the abuses, we have to be sure NOT to put the same people back in who were doing it to us before.

That's all.

Sojourning_Soul's photo
Sat 08/06/16 01:32 PM

Rock's photo
Sat 08/06/16 07:53 PM
I donated all of mine,
to disadvantaged urban youth.

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 08/07/16 05:12 AM

I donated all of mine,
to disadvantaged urban youth.
