Topic: Hillary's In Hot Water Over Debate Comments on Licenses for | |
"It was a moment that crystallized Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton's struggles in Tuesday night’s debate. Questioned about a plan to grant driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants, Mrs. Clinton at first seemed to defend it, then suggested she was against it, until finally, pressed for a direct answer, she accused the moderator, Tim Russert, of playing 'gotcha,'" the New York Times writes. "Until Tuesday’s debate, Mrs. Clinton had not had to confront the immigration issue so starkly. Her adopted state of New York has a long history of dealing with immigration issues, and Mrs. Clinton has heavily courted the immigrant groups that are central to its population mix. Now she finds herself on different terrain, campaigning in important early primary states like Iowa and South Carolina where candidates are routinely pressed for their views on immigration from an electorate often agitated over illegal immigrants." Comment; If Clinton can get Licenses for Illegals, that will get her more votes. New York, it's past time to bombard your Governors Office with calls, emails an fax's demanding enforcement of Federal Law and voicing your opposition to the plan to grant driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. |
Hmmm... Don't we already have enough issues with our own horrible drivers on the roads these days? Why would anyone want to put more drivers on the road who may or may not be trustworthy for driving? I, for one, think our drivers licensing is too lenient already. So, in favor of not wanting more lenient driver's license laws... please don't support Mrs. Clinton on this!
Just one more reason for me not to like her. I already had enough anyhow.
I bet she feels she is being mistreated, having to actually state what she thinks about an issue, instead of being allowed to be ambiguous. |
Debate and opinions are good. However, take action also!
What actions are you taking? New York, it's past time to bombard your Governors Office with calls, emails an fax's demanding enforcement of Federal Law and voicing your opposition to the plan to grant driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. |
LOL funny.......campaign ad`s a plenty from this Debate....All I gotta say is go Russell I really thought He Bled Blue...But he Took Hillary to the Woodshed
I can't stand Hillary Clinton. I hope to God she doesn't get on the ballot.
well this proves shes just not much better than most politicians.
im not going to vote 4 her bcause if she gets in office thats really the cementing of dynasties, the past 2 decades when she done will b nothing but bush n clinton, policies aside thats not good 4 democracy |
Hillary in '08!! We need a woman to speak out on children and family issues. Immigration will be an issue no matter who the candidates are. It seems like an unfixable problem. Everyone claims to want to "get tough on immigration" but no one ever does.
i think I'll run against the hillary...
![]() she's just as bad as the Ahnold ![]() doea any one have a link for this newest stupidity? ![]() |
dhutch, she just proved she isnt taking a stand in that debate, just another politician and what her gender is should have no impact on her constituency, sadly im sure it will
I mean yes a woman in the white house would b historic, but we should elect someone because we actually believe they will guide the country towards a positive future. not just because of their gender. however im sure the gender card will come up plenty and many people will vote for her just because of her chromosomes. as einstein said "individuals are smart, people are dumb" |
A lawyer and professional politician? One would think she would be better in arguments and public oration... But it's like she lacks personal conviction or something.
I'm with Rapunzel, karacola and TansuDragon on this one. |
hutch;Everyone claims to want to "get tough on immigration" but no one ever does.
That's not true. There are many people who are Pro-Active in the roundup and deportation of the Illegal. I wanted to expose the reason New York Politics was pushing giving Illegals Drivers Licenses. My objective is, that New Yorkers get off their butts and act. With emails, calls, fax's, informing ICE of suspicious activities, etc. Taking pictures, reporting employers. ICE can step in, even in Sanctuary States. |
I hate it when people will vote/want someone to win because of their gender, race, ect. Just because she is a women makes no difference to me. Just because we haven't had a women president(really, who cares?) doesn't mean you should vote for the first women who crawls out of a ditch. Voting should be based on their views, how the speak/portray themselves and how well they are educated on issues. Believe me, Hilary has enough 'family issues' to deal with of her own haha!
It's not because she's a woman. She is advocating breaking federal law by wanting New York to give Illegal Immigrants Drivers Licenses.
That in itself, for a majority, is unAmerican. |
If your reply was to me, mine was about dhutch9's post and people who support her in general.
I 'pologize! Gotta' learn how ta' read better. Report Suspicious Activity: 1-866-DHS-2-ICE 1-866-347-2423 New York can call them as well! Point is, New York, it's past time to bombard your Governors Office with calls, emails an fax's demanding enforcement of Federal Law and voicing your opposition to the plan to grant driver’s licenses to illegal immigrants. |
Hillary Clinton's two-faced.
Just goes to show she'll say anything to get elected. She takes lobbyist money, that tells you something. If she really cared for 'joe six-pack' she wouldn't take a dime of lobbyist money. And she wouldn't sound so much like a Republican, either. |
If you want status quo,\
vote for Hilary! And go along with the other sheep. Baaaaaaaa!!!! |
have the liberal/commies forgot that it was Hillary who wanted to require a licence to be a parent? Your dealing with a marksist commie here. Im not saying thats a good or bad thing, but recognise that this is her platform. Compare her rantings to the communist manifesto for an awakening.
i wonder what hillary's response to torture question is
i am sure there are a couple of posters that know why i ask this question hhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm i wonder |