Topic: Hillary Clinton | |
APNewsBreak: State Dept audit faults Clinton on emails WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Clinton disregarded various State Department guidelines for avoiding cybersecurity risks, an internal audit found Wednesday. The inspector general's 78-page analysis, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" related to the agency's communications. These started before Clinton's appointment as secretary of state, but her failures were singled out as more serious. Despite guidelines to the contrary, Clinton used mobile devices to conduct official business on her personal email account and private server. She never sought approval from senior information officers, who would have refused the request because of security risks, the audit said. "By Secretary Clinton's tenure, the department's guidance was considerably more detailed and more sophisticated," it concluded. "Secretary Clinton's cybersecurity practices accordingly must be evaluated in light of these more comprehensive directives." just more liberal babble... the only thing we need to hear is: HILLARY CHARGED... Clinton News Network! |
APNewsBreak: State Dept audit faults Clinton on emails WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Clinton disregarded various State Department guidelines for avoiding cybersecurity risks, an internal audit found Wednesday. The inspector general's 78-page analysis, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" related to the agency's communications. These started before Clinton's appointment as secretary of state, but her failures were singled out as more serious. Despite guidelines to the contrary, Clinton used mobile devices to conduct official business on her personal email account and private server. She never sought approval from senior information officers, who would have refused the request because of security risks, the audit said. "By Secretary Clinton's tenure, the department's guidance was considerably more detailed and more sophisticated," it concluded. "Secretary Clinton's cybersecurity practices accordingly must be evaluated in light of these more comprehensive directives." just more liberal babble... the only thing we need to hear is: HILLARY CHARGED... Clinton News Network! ![]() |
APNewsBreak: State Dept audit faults Clinton on emails WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Clinton disregarded various State Department guidelines for avoiding cybersecurity risks, an internal audit found Wednesday. The inspector general's 78-page analysis, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" related to the agency's communications. These started before Clinton's appointment as secretary of state, but her failures were singled out as more serious. Despite guidelines to the contrary, Clinton used mobile devices to conduct official business on her personal email account and private server. She never sought approval from senior information officers, who would have refused the request because of security risks, the audit said. "By Secretary Clinton's tenure, the department's guidance was considerably more detailed and more sophisticated," it concluded. "Secretary Clinton's cybersecurity practices accordingly must be evaluated in light of these more comprehensive directives." just more liberal babble... the only thing we need to hear is: HILLARY CHARGED... Clinton News Network! ![]() Somebody check the BBC... ![]() |
APNewsBreak: State Dept audit faults Clinton on emails WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Clinton disregarded various State Department guidelines for avoiding cybersecurity risks, an internal audit found Wednesday. The inspector general's 78-page analysis, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" related to the agency's communications. These started before Clinton's appointment as secretary of state, but her failures were singled out as more serious. Despite guidelines to the contrary, Clinton used mobile devices to conduct official business on her personal email account and private server. She never sought approval from senior information officers, who would have refused the request because of security risks, the audit said. "By Secretary Clinton's tenure, the department's guidance was considerably more detailed and more sophisticated," it concluded. "Secretary Clinton's cybersecurity practices accordingly must be evaluated in light of these more comprehensive directives." just more liberal babble... the only thing we need to hear is: HILLARY CHARGED... Clinton News Network! ![]() PMSNBC! ![]() |
APNewsBreak: State Dept audit faults Clinton on emails WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Clinton disregarded various State Department guidelines for avoiding cybersecurity risks, an internal audit found Wednesday. The inspector general's 78-page analysis, a copy of which was obtained by The Associated Press, cites "longstanding, systemic weaknesses" related to the agency's communications. These started before Clinton's appointment as secretary of state, but her failures were singled out as more serious. Despite guidelines to the contrary, Clinton used mobile devices to conduct official business on her personal email account and private server. She never sought approval from senior information officers, who would have refused the request because of security risks, the audit said. "By Secretary Clinton's tenure, the department's guidance was considerably more detailed and more sophisticated," it concluded. "Secretary Clinton's cybersecurity practices accordingly must be evaluated in light of these more comprehensive directives." just more liberal babble... the only thing we need to hear is: HILLARY CHARGED... Clinton News Network! ![]() Somebody check the BBC... ![]() BBC? Hops and Malt lost! |
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Wed 05/25/16 10:05 AM
Yep. It seems her simple "security review" wasn't quite as simple as she made it out to be. The State Dept even said others in the Bush and other admins had used private email systems (as everyone does) for personal and non-secure correspondence (some maybe even questionable) but Clinton was railed for using hers for "ALL" email exposing state secrets to an "unprotected" server that had the potential of being hacked. The FBI has now made a plea deal with "Guccifer" who exposed her private server, found thru investigations into her Benghazi fiasco. She's got some 'splainin to do ![]() |
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Wed 05/25/16 10:22 AM
Hillary's cucks are already running to aid her....
""House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday defended Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server even after a State Department watchdog reported that she broke federal rules. "What Secretary Clinton did was consistent with what other secretaries of state have done, including Colin Powell," the California Democrat said as she noted the watchdog's reference to Clinton predecessors using private email communications. Clinton, she said, "did act in good conscience" when she was secretary of state. Pelosi focused her comments on the report's finding that Clinton was not the only one to use private email for State department business. But she did not comment on the watchdog's finding that Clinton's misuse was far more extensive than those who held the job before her."" Like flies to crap ![]() |
Hillary's cucks are already running to aid her.... ""House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday defended Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server even after a State Department watchdog reported that she broke federal rules. "What Secretary Clinton did was consistent with what other secretaries of state have done, including Colin Powell," the California Democrat said as she noted the watchdog's reference to Clinton predecessors using private email communications. Clinton, she said, "did act in good conscience" when she was secretary of state. Pelosi focused her comments on the report's finding that Clinton was not the only one to use private email for State department business. But she did not comment on the watchdog's finding that Clinton's misuse was far more extensive than those who held the job before her."" Like flies to crap ![]() Glad that was in "GOOD CONSCIENCE"! Imagine if she had acted in Bad Conscience? ![]() |
Pelosi is the largest of them all. I don't like how she's run the Democratic party in the past, and even with a majority for a few years, she couldn't get a damned thing done. I agree, and one of the biggest obstructionists is Harry Reid. I agree that she couldn't get anything done....well at least anything meaningful. But there is a difference between obstructing and not getting anything done. Reid blocked bills passed in the house from getting to the senate floor making him a bigger obstructionist than Pelosi in IMO. But yeah....she is a b*tch. |
Clinton is she a good choice?,,who would properly bring our country back? No |
Bruce Jenner claims he's a if him and Jane Fonda were to get in a physical altercation because of their political differences would it be a cat fight in the minds of liberals?
I have way too much time on my hand to think about stuff like this. ![]() |
Hillary Clinton Ignored Multiple Warnings on Email Vulnerability
The State Department’s Inspector General has concluded that Hillary Clinton and her senior aides ignored repeated warnings that her private email system was vulnerable to hackers when she was Secretary of State. The IG also finds, in the report set to be released Thursday morning, that Clinton failed to comply with Federal Records Act requirements to turn over her work e-mails when she left office in 2013. The report, copies of which were provided to the State department and Congress ahead of its public release, will drive continued criticism of Clinton’s unorthodox e-mail arrangement as she seeks the White House, and could fuel civil cases brought by watchdog groups seeking access to her e-mails. The IG found evidence that hackers tried to breach Clinton’s server, but were unsuccessful. The report finds that the technical specialist Clinton used to manage the server had twice shut the system down when it came under attack. On January 9, 2011, the report says, the specialist wrote a top Clinton aide that “someone was trying to hack us and while they did not get in i didn’t want to them them have the chance to.” Another attack occurred later the same day, the report says. The FBI has been investigating since last August how classified information made it onto Clinton’s unclassified private server. The investigation is in its final stages and there is no indication criminal charges against anyone are likely, or that classified information was compromised or that the system was actually breached. Clinton’s senior aides have been interviewed by the FBI, and the former Secretary is expected to be interviewed soon. Clinton’s critics have accused her of endangering national security and intentionally thwarting rules and laws enforcing government transparency. In a statement, her campaign said that “there is no evidence of any successful breach of the Secretary’s server” and that “Clinton’s use of personal email was not unique, and she took steps that went much further than others to appropriately preserve and release her records.” The Federal Records Act requires government officials to comply with rules that they hand over all their work e-mails to their employers when they leave government. Clinton only turned over more than 30,000 pages of work e-mails to the State Department 21 months after she stepped down in 2013. <continue> |
git a rope, let's string her up!
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Clinton is she a good choice?,,who would properly bring our country back? Hey Ocean! Please define 'properly' ![]() |
Hillary is one step above a nazi..
She thinks she needs to tell you how to live every moment of your life Shouldn't the president be nothing more Or Nothing less than the voice of American opinion Our presidents here the word leader And all the sudden They think they should tell the American people what to do Instead of the other way around Our government is 100% backwards |
(Properly) in an orderly fashion, meaning listening to the people, to the congress instead of too many executive decisions
(Properly) in an orderly fashion, meaning listening to the people, to the congress instead of too many executive decisions . ![]() ![]() ![]() |
I'd choose Sanders over Clinton. It would be amazing if there were TWO contested conventions, and we ended up with Sanders and Kasich in the election. I'd vote for either of them. Welcome to Venezuela! Are Venezuela or Cuba good examples of why Bernie Sanders would not be good for America? Link: * A friend of mine pointed out that because of their socialism, the people are not happy, and just recently, with a 74% voter turnout, elected a different leader who will go the opposite direction with the country. Is this true? Can this be compared to America and Bernie Sanders? * A mixed economy, often confusingly called democratic socialism, can be well implemented or poorly implemented. Venezuela is among the worst implementations. A move toward capital "S" socialism going back to 1998 illustrates the corruption and lust for power inherent in the Marxian economic model. See Greece for another example. This is not unlike the corruption and greed that is attracted by unregulated or poorly regulated capitalism. The United States illustrates a poorly implemented mixed economy in which the votes of elected representatives a routinely exchanged for campaign contributions and other favors. The impact on the economy is seen in the form of a shrinking middle class, rampant corporate welfare, and increased reliance on consumers in other countries. The latter drives trade agreements that favor corporate profits at the expense of worker compensation on both sides of the deal. Venezuela has virtually nothing in common with the strong mixed economies that Bernie Sanders points to a good models. Those being the Nordic countries and The Netherlands, among others. In those countries you see well regulated capitalism mixed with transparency in government, where social programs, policies and projects are managed. The latter are paid for by taxes generated by a strong economy, driven by high wages which results in a population with disposable income available to spend on wants rather than necessities. This is not to say there is zero greed in the private sector or zero corruption in the public sector. Those factors exist, but they are rare compared to places like Venezuela and the United States. Bernie Sanders is proposing a move toward well regulated capitalism and transparent government. That's just what America needs to get it back on track as a well implemented mixed economy. Learn more and take appropriate action. Where does Bernie Sanders stand on the issues? For one thing, that brand of socialism in Venezuela is quite a bit different than the Democratic socialism of Bernie Sanders. In Venezuela, things seem to be much more dictatorial and lopsided. I found it interesting article that does a lot to explain the brand of socialism that Senator Bernie Sanders prescribes to. Here is the link: Bernie Sanders' Brand of Socialism -- More Karl Marx or FDR? - TheStreet * Also, you have to consider that Venezuela, despite the fact that they have a large amount of oil, the average person in Venezuela is much more poverty-stricken than the United States. Comparing the Democratic socialism of Bernie Sanders to the socialism in Venezuela is like comparing apples to oranges. Conditions in Venezuela are much different than the United States. Here is another article I found that explains what is going on in Venezuela. Socialism Crumbles In Venezuela, But Democrats Think It’s a Great Idea | Power Line However, if conditions in the United States keeps degenerating the way they currently are, I am rather fearful that in 5 to 10 years, conditions here in the United States could be just as bad as they are in Venezuela. As far as I'm concerned, electing Senator Bernie Sanders as president will go a long way in making things better in this country. * Carlos Matias La Borde, Half Venezuelan 7.5k Views Venezuela is a good example of why a dictatorship and stupid leaders with too much power doing dumb stuff doesn't work. It has nothing to do with socialism. Chavez played around with Venezuela like it was Candy Land. He was always doing random, stupid nonsense. Like "our currency sucks, so I'm making a new one, instead of the bolivar, it's called the strong bolivar, and it's worth 4 to a dollar". Then when that started to decline like crazy, he was like "it's illegal to accept less than 4 bolivars to their dollar equivalent". Because he doesn't get economics. So then overnight, the black market scalps every single plane ticket and starts selling them on the down low, marked way up. So it was actually impossible to leave the country without going through the black market. The insane "socialist" government that his administration ran was complete rubbish. The government just seized all sorts of buildings arbitrarily to house the homeless or poor, rather than coming up with a sustainable way to improve the economy, create more jobs or build state housing. When I was there some years ago, next door to my uncle's house some people were building a large mall. The government just grabbed it a few years later, still in the middle of construction and passed it off to the homeless. This kind of thing ensured that they got voters, and destroyed the economy and the "free" market. Some cousins had invested in a few Venezuelan companies, out of the blue, they get seized, all of the stock holders get nothing.Then people wonder why no one invests there, and why the economy is rubbish. It did stuff like this over and over and over again. People invest and start a business, government steals it. Eventually people stopped investing and the economy tanked even harder.The government was a freaking joke. And they had so much oil that we could fill up a tank for 50 cents, and the subway cost 2.5 cents. Literally. That's not an example of socialism. It's an example of an incredibly unstable government with far too much power ruled by the equivalent of a toddler jacked up on Adderall. Thank God the opposition finally took the Senate at least... It has absolutely nothing to do with Bernie Sanders. |
Hillary Clinton...?
* How Likely Is A Hillary Clinton Indictment? Published on May 6, 2016 Hillary Clinton is under investigation by the FBI for using a private email server, during her time as Secretary of State. How likely is it that the FBI will indict her? Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola, and Jimmy Dore, hosts of The Young Turks, break it down. Tell us what you think in the comment section below. “Hillary Clinton has all but locked up the delegates needed to become the Democratic nominee for president — a fact many on both the right and the left are finding difficult to come to terms with. Perhaps that's why potential disaster scenarios seem to be surfacing with increasing frequency these days. With her rival, Bernie Sanders, all but mathematically eliminated after a string of bruising primary losses, chatter has gotten louder about Clinton potentially being indicted by the FBI over her use a private email server during her tenure at the State Department. Republican mega-donor T. Boone Pickens insisted to Newsmax last week that Clinton would not be the Democratic nominee. "I don't think she's physically up to it, but that's not going to eliminate her," he said. "It'll be some other reason. I just don't think that she will ever hear the starter's gun." Asked if he believed "emailgate" would disqualify Clinton, Pickens said, "All of it. She has so many things." (Both Pickens and former House Speaker John Boehner have in recent days publicly floated scenarios in which Joe Biden swoops in at the DNC to wrest the nomination from Clinton's grip.)” Read more here: * Cohen: Hillary Clinton’s disregard for our security evident Server didn’t protect * Fiscal Times: ‘Clinton Cash’ Documentary Is ‘Weapon That Could Knock Clinton Out’ * Anonymous - Message to Hillary Clinton * |
Pelosi is the largest of them all. I don't like how she's run the Democratic party in the past, and even with a majority for a few years, she couldn't get a damned thing done. I agree, and one of the biggest obstructionists is Harry Reid. Only accomplishment of princess Nancy, was to get herself "entitled" to a government 737, at taxpayer expense. I'll wager, she cried when they took it away from her. ![]() |