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Topic: What do you wonder about the person above you? Part 2 - part 2
SitkaRains's photo
Fri 05/20/16 04:50 PM

I wonder if SitkaRains has plans w friends this weekend...

Nope working this weekend I am on call
Next weekend though...

I wonder how Storm is doing has the inner storm calmed down?

Annierooroo's photo
Fri 05/20/16 06:43 PM
I wonder if she has been busy on call.

adivorcedone's photo
Sat 05/21/16 12:01 AM
she has'nt , by all the chatter,,,

I wonder if I can sneak off and if anybody would notice....

Annierooroo's photo
Sat 05/21/16 12:14 AM
I wonder what he's been up to that would want him to sneak off?

adivorcedone's photo
Sat 05/21/16 04:21 AM
3 am...so had to leave....to sleep....alone....again...

I wonder if she is having an interesting trip...

no photo
Sat 05/21/16 05:06 AM
I wonder what he has planned for the day...

adivorcedone's photo
Sat 05/21/16 05:11 AM
breakfast plan in place.....and not thinking beyond....as that will be a long drawn out affair....hopefully...

I wonder if she is working all things out to her satisfaction?

no photo
Sat 05/21/16 05:32 AM
Wonder if he will purchase a lottery ticket just for the heck of it...

adivorcedone's photo
Sat 05/21/16 05:39 AM
Now that she wonders about that lottery ticket...I sure as hell gonna get one.....or two....one each...sounds good!!

no photo
Sat 05/21/16 04:54 PM
I wonder if ADivorceDone had a blast at breakfast...

no photo
Sat 05/21/16 05:23 PM
I wonder how Storm would describe herself in 3 words? :)

SitkaRains's photo
Sat 05/21/16 10:46 PM
I wonder why Peggy changed her profile pic

adivorcedone's photo
Sun 05/22/16 02:51 AM
I wonder that to.

I wonder if she is being kept busy at her "on call" status, just so she dont get too bored...

Annierooroo's photo
Sun 05/22/16 02:56 AM
I wonder why he didn't say how breakfast was

adivorcedone's photo
Sun 05/22/16 02:59 AM
I wonder why my breakfast is a hot topic?

Annierooroo's photo
Sun 05/22/16 03:32 AM
Because you had breakfast plans

I wonder if he remembered

adivorcedone's photo
Sun 05/22/16 03:36 AM
It was breakfast of Champions.....she had gluten free though...Its always a blast when I take her anywhere....but she is my BFF...so she says...

I am wondering if that is too much info...?

Annierooroo's photo
Sun 05/22/16 03:47 AM
That's pretty cool

You don't have to say anything.

I wonder if he knows he can say mind your own business. Lol

adivorcedone's photo
Sun 05/22/16 05:42 AM
cannot say that to friends...who care...

I wonder if I have to explain BFF ??? No? thats good then...!!

Annierooroo's photo
Sun 05/22/16 05:45 AM
Best friends forever
Nothing wrong with that.
I encourage my kids to have friends with both male and females

No I was meaning I shouldn't be nosey.

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