Topic: worlld war 3?
mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/18/16 12:49 PM

World wars are described by Wikipedia as "a war involving many or most of the world's most powerful and populous countries. World wars span multiple countries on multiple continents, with battles fought in multiple theatres."

If those same parameters used to categorize past conflicts as "world wars" were used to describe conflicts today WW3 may have started years ago, especially if the internet were to be considered a "theater" in which attacks are conducted.

don if Putin started a conquest across Europe trying to put the Soviet Union back together by military force (Which he has stated he wants to do) that wouldn't turn into a World War?

you should stay away from the liberal websites, don... that not what Russia is doing at all...

mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/18/16 12:51 PM

There are some factions (of a sort) of modern historians, who would like to rename the World Wars we've had, with some saying that the worldwide conflict of Empires, centered around France and Great Britain in the 18th Century (of which our little rebellion in 1776 was a small backwater conflict), should be called World War 1, with the Napoleonic portion being lumped in with all that. That would make the one that started in 1914, World War 2. And some see the rise of Naziism and the attacks of Japan, as extensions of that war, rather than being part of an all new conflict, so that what we call WW2, would become the "post-Armistice continuation" of the 1914 war.

Other conflicts have ALWAYS been occurring, with how they are named, often having more to do with local politics than anything else.

Plenty of people died during that thing we called the Cold War. Most were hidden from both sides, again for political reasons. Viet Nam was called A Police Action by some, more because they wanted to pretend we weren't really at war, than anything else.

they called it a police action because they were limited in what kind of arms they could use and where they could go... they didn't want it to escalate into a WW...

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 05/18/16 12:57 PM

World wars are described by Wikipedia as "a war involving many or most of the world's most powerful and populous countries. World wars span multiple countries on multiple continents, with battles fought in multiple theatres."

If those same parameters used to categorize past conflicts as "world wars" were used to describe conflicts today WW3 may have started years ago, especially if the internet were to be considered a "theater" in which attacks are conducted.

don if Putin started a conquest across Europe trying to put the Soviet Union back together by military force (Which he has stated he wants to do) that wouldn't turn into a World War?

you should stay away from the liberal websites, don... that not what Russia is doing at all...

so,what is the KGB-Colonel doing then?

mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/18/16 01:04 PM

World wars are described by Wikipedia as "a war involving many or most of the world's most powerful and populous countries. World wars span multiple countries on multiple continents, with battles fought in multiple theatres."

If those same parameters used to categorize past conflicts as "world wars" were used to describe conflicts today WW3 may have started years ago, especially if the internet were to be considered a "theater" in which attacks are conducted.

don if Putin started a conquest across Europe trying to put the Soviet Union back together by military force (Which he has stated he wants to do) that wouldn't turn into a World War?

you should stay away from the liberal websites, don... that not what Russia is doing at all...

so,what is the KGB-Colonel doing then?

playing nice, making the world a better place...:angel:

no photo
Wed 05/18/16 01:46 PM

are we on the verge of another world war?

Actually not on the verge, it is something that has been going on for quite some time. But as to the shooting version, that is on the horizon and moving forward at an alarming rate.

But on the other hand, what if they gave a war and no one came? Would the world's ruling elite fight it themselves?

no photo
Wed 05/18/16 01:50 PM

This is one of those "it depends on what you mean" questions.

For the most part, I'd say no, in the sense that there's no reason to think that any of the larger countries are about to march their infantries into some one else's country.

But you can also look at the facts that China seems to be looking to expand it's military presence in the Pacific, and push back against the long standing US military presence there. And Russia under Putin certainly seems eager to overrun Ukraine and try to reestablish the old Russian Empire.

One thing that makes it extra hard to be sure of anything, is that there are a lot of heavy duty political interests here in the US, for whom the ability to scare Americans into THINKING we are about to enter a huge war, pays tremendous dividends in power and money. And of course, various "news" media outlets benefit every time we all get upset at the same time.

While one cannot deny facts, I would advise that you check your premises as many are in error leading to an invalidation of any and all conclusions.

no photo
Wed 05/18/16 01:54 PM

It's already started. We lost our chance to end it when the US left Iraq. Now it will spread like the disease it is farther than WWII. The radical branch of Islam is on one side and the rest of the world is on the other.

I would suggest that you check your premises as they are all in error.

On the other hand, I would love to hear an explanation as to this "Islam" disease and how it relates to the topic other than supposition.

no photo
Wed 05/18/16 01:57 PM

It's already started. We lost our chance to end it when the US left Iraq. Now it will spread like the disease it is farther than WWII. The radical branch of Islam is on one side and the rest of the world is on the other.

They start it we'll end it.

"WE"? Are you suggesting that you will join the ruling elite and grab that gun and go kill some more "brown" people? Haven't this country in the name of "democracy" killed enough?

no photo
Wed 05/18/16 02:01 PM

This is one of those "it depends on what you mean" questions.

For the most part, I'd say no, in the sense that there's no reason to think that any of the larger countries are about to march their infantries into some one else's country.

But you can also look at the facts that China seems to be looking to expand it's military presence in the Pacific, and push back against the long standing US military presence there. And Russia under Putin certainly seems eager to overrun Ukraine and try to reestablish the old Russian Empire.

One thing that makes it extra hard to be sure of anything, is that there are a lot of heavy duty political interests here in the US, for whom the ability to scare Americans into THINKING we are about to enter a huge war, pays tremendous dividends in power and money. And of course, various "news" media outlets benefit every time we all get upset at the same time.

Actually could see Putin pulling a Hitler and trying to retake all of the countries formerly in the USSR and more honestly.

So are you saying that it will be Putin that will start WWIII?

What if Russia and China have already taken actions to win the war without firing a shot? Would you be able to recognize it?

no photo
Wed 05/18/16 02:03 PM
Plenty more Ethnic Russians in the Baltics,Finland and other Independent Sovereign Countries!

And how does this relate to WWIII? Are they secret infiltrators?

no photo
Wed 05/18/16 02:13 PM

World wars are described by Wikipedia as "a war involving many or most of the world's most powerful and populous countries. World wars span multiple countries on multiple continents, with battles fought in multiple theatres."

If those same parameters used to categorize past conflicts as "world wars" were used to describe conflicts today WW3 may have started years ago, especially if the internet were to be considered a "theater" in which attacks are conducted.

First, Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information for any declaration. Just a collection of thoughts of many on the internet, does operate nicely as a source of details that can be used to start research.

But as to the internet as a "theater of war", that is an interesting concept but how can one justify it? While it can be used as a nuisance, I can't see it as an act of war. Care to clarify?

no photo
Wed 05/18/16 02:18 PM

so,what is the KGB-Colonel doing then?

playing nice, making the world a better place...:angel:

You forgot trying to remain calm in the face of all the saber rattling and provocation from that idiot in the White House and his little puppets in England and France.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 05/18/16 02:22 PM

so,what is the KGB-Colonel doing then?

playing nice, making the world a better place...:angel:

You forgot trying to remain calm in the face of all the saber rattling and provocation from that idiot in the White House and his little puppets in England and France.

you're preaching to the choir... the US does more damage to other nations than Russia or China combined...

no photo
Wed 05/18/16 02:24 PM

so,what is the KGB-Colonel doing then?

playing nice, making the world a better place...:angel:

You forgot trying to remain calm in the face of all the saber rattling and provocation from that idiot in the White House and his little puppets in England and France.

you're preaching to the choir... the US does more damage to other nations than Russia or China combined...

I believe we are in the same choir on this one.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 05/18/16 02:27 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 05/18/16 02:30 PM

Plenty more Ethnic Russians in the Baltics,Finland and other Independent Sovereign Countries!

And how does this relate to WWIII? Are they secret infiltrators?

Was basically the start of the last one!
Hitler and Stalin played the Ethnic Game!
Sudetenland,Poland,Danzig,eastern Poland,Karelia,Baltics,you name it!

no photo
Wed 05/18/16 02:47 PM

Plenty more Ethnic Russians in the Baltics,Finland and other Independent Sovereign Countries!

And how does this relate to WWIII? Are they secret infiltrators?

Was basically the start of the last one!
Hitler and Stalin played the Ethnic Game!
Sudetenland,Poland,Danzig,eastern Poland,Karelia,Baltics,you name it!

That would be your version not mine!!! I would suggest you think as your premises are in error.

There are many factors you choose to ignore for the convenience of explanations offered by the supposed victors at the expense of some 72.5 million that died.

Really had nothing to do with Hitler and Stalin playing any ethnic game, the real game was much more sinister than that.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 05/18/16 02:53 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Wed 05/18/16 03:03 PM

Plenty more Ethnic Russians in the Baltics,Finland and other Independent Sovereign Countries!

And how does this relate to WWIII? Are they secret infiltrators?

Was basically the start of the last one!
Hitler and Stalin played the Ethnic Game!
Sudetenland,Poland,Danzig,eastern Poland,Karelia,Baltics,you name it!

That would be your version not mine!!! I would suggest you think as your premises are in error.

There are many factors you choose to ignore for the convenience of explanations offered by the supposed victors at the expense of some 72.5 million that died.

Really had nothing to do with Hitler and Stalin playing any ethnic game, the real game was much more sinister than that.

still relying on Mister Peabody,hmm?
Conspiracy much?
More Insinuations you can't prove!
Playing the same old Game again?
Guess you'll blame the Illuminati next!

Smartazzjohn's photo
Wed 05/18/16 03:38 PM

World wars are described by Wikipedia as "a war involving many or most of the world's most powerful and populous countries. World wars span multiple countries on multiple continents, with battles fought in multiple theatres."

If those same parameters used to categorize past conflicts as "world wars" were used to describe conflicts today WW3 may have started years ago, especially if the internet were to be considered a "theater" in which attacks are conducted.

First, Wikipedia is not a reliable source of information for any declaration. Just a collection of thoughts of many on the internet, does operate nicely as a source of details that can be used to start research.

But as to the internet as a "theater of war", that is an interesting concept but how can one justify it? While it can be used as a nuisance, I can't see it as an act of war. Care to clarify?

First, I used the Wikipedia's description (not declaration) of world wars because I think it's pretty accurate...and I cited the source rather than just posting it as being my own words.

Territorial waters or land are spaces when invaded for militarily purposes become the "theaters" of a war. The internet is considered a "space" that can be invaded for military purposes and therefore could be considered a "theater" of war.

Using viruses sent via the internet to disable the computers that control so much of the militaries ability would be an attack. An attack on the military of sovereign country is an act of war.

Godsfriend10's photo
Wed 05/18/16 04:05 PM

It's already started. We lost our chance to end it when the US left Iraq. Now it will spread like the disease it is farther than WWII. The radical branch of Islam is on one side and the rest of the world is on the other.

I think the war we all should brace up for is Islamic fundamentalism on a global scale.
Take a look at the terror groups that had emerged in recent years:
Boko haram in the Northern Nigeria/Western African Axis,Alshabab in the hone of Africa,Alqueda and the deadliest of all now ISIS.
Common interest could unite these groups and all other groups. Book Haram already pledged allegiance to ISIS.
Other groups could still emerge in the future.
This might be the war.

no photo
Wed 05/18/16 04:34 PM

It's already started. We lost our chance to end it when the US left Iraq. Now it will spread like the disease it is farther than WWII. The radical branch of Islam is on one side and the rest of the world is on the other.

I think the war we all should brace up for is Islamic fundamentalism on a global scale.
Take a look at the terror groups that had emerged in recent years:
Boko haram in the Northern Nigeria/Western African Axis,Alshabab in the hone of Africa,Alqueda and the deadliest of all now ISIS.
Common interest could unite these groups and all other groups. Book Haram already pledged allegiance to ISIS.
Other groups could still emerge in the future.
This might be the war.

Sadly,I think you maybe right.