Topic: Is love real? Or just a fantasy? | |
I never have said my children are my guardians and I never said I was ready to date. I said they Had not missed him yet because well they seen him beat me black and blue but I will encourage a relationship with their father should he choose to participate. Yes I know I will have a lower economic level it was never my "plan" to get a divorce...
A lot of ASSumptions.
If there was a way I could post a picture on here I would show you my broken check bones, nose and bruised up body. This wasent a simple small dispute that ended this.... I wanted my children to be raised with their father but do I want them to learn its ok to beat women.... No.
Hi melyssanoriega
You already have a lot of advice above... consider the good ones and ditch the bads.. your call. I suggest you also read the posts under Parenting Talk (for members who have kids) ![]() |
Thank you for your post. It takes great strength to lock the path that has been laid before you. Do not focus on a partner at this time. You must focus on your family. It is all that matters at this time. You know the truth, do not fall backward to try to make it work. An abuser will always follow his track. You have made a great decision, follow thru and do not fail. The people in this forum are good and decent. Please join us on the forums, even if you just want to talk. Rob |
So this is the first attempt I've made at online dating. A little background about me, I am a child at heart, I met my husband and I was a super social happy person, we have 2 awesome sons together. In ten years he never remember Christmas, a birthday, Mother's Day, anniversary... And I always made excuses "that's a guy thing for you" but he was what I now know to be verbally avusive which turned into physical abuse. I have finally gotten strong enough to part ways with him and everyone keeps telling me how I will meet a man who will cherish me blah blah blah. But I started to wonder- do men really do all that romantic stuff or is it just a thing from movies and books? And am I being selfish even looking? Should I wait til my kids are grown (they are 6 and 8) and would men be interested in a platonic first relationship... So many questions! Thank u for taking the time to read my ramble... I appreciate it :) ** You will find many good past topics on * Single Parents Dating and relationships. Most often the kids never know about any outside relationships till long after it has become clearly a permanent one. * Some single parents make it clear that no family change will ever happen. * Enjoy reading many past "topics" that detail the information you need. ![]() * Enjoy Mingle2 ![]() * Fun site that often brings laughter and joyful tears ![]() |
Wow is eroti your ex? Because he seems to know you well. ..either that or he's making a lot of ASSumptions..... No he is making assumptions I don't know who the hell he is |
Wow is eroti your ex? Because he seems to know you well. ..either that or he's making a lot of ASSumptions..... No he is making assumptions I don't know who the hell he is |
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Thu 05/19/16 10:55 PM
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Thu 05/19/16 11:32 PM
Wow is eroti your ex? Because he seems to know you well. ..either that or he's making a lot of ASSumptions..... No he is making assumptions I don't know who the hell he is You're a woman we've never met...You posed a question to random men you've never met....related to one man only you've met & billions, whom none of us have met. So if assumptions wad your panties, then ask your family/friends these questions while presenting a global poll....otherwise YOU are the a$$, not Doug or anyone else going off of the 1 paragraph of info you provided. Get it?? Or maybe you A$$umed we had the power to know more info than you gave and/or we cared to investigate it. See a shrink for those answers ![]() |
Falling in love is very real, but I used to shake my head when people talked about soul mates, poor deluded individuals grasping at some supernatural ideal not intended for mortals but sounded pretty in a poetry book. Then, we met, and everything changed, the cynic has become the converted, the sceptic, an ardent zealot.
Wow is eroti your ex? Because he seems to know you well. ..either that or he's making a lot of ASSumptions..... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Is love real? Or just a fantasy It's just a fantasy ![]() |
So this is the first attempt I've made at online dating. A little background about me, I am a child at heart, I met my husband and I was a super social happy person, we have 2 awesome sons together. In ten years he never remember Christmas, a birthday, Mother's Day, anniversary... And I always made excuses "that's a guy thing for you" but he was what I now know to be verbally avusive which turned into physical abuse. I have finally gotten strong enough to part ways with him and everyone keeps telling me how I will meet a man who will cherish me blah blah blah. But I started to wonder- do men really do all that romantic stuff or is it just a thing from movies and books? And am I being selfish even looking? Should I wait til my kids are grown (they are 6 and 8) and would men be interested in a platonic first relationship... So many questions! Thank u for taking the time to read my ramble... I appreciate it :) so sad,and the emotional wounds of the children.....WORK ON YOURSELF FIND OUT THE WHY YOU PICKED THAT TYPE A GUY...EXAMPLE :DO YOU FEEL YOU DESERVE TO BE HAPPY.?....THE BOYS NEED MODEL ROLES AROUND, A WOMEN CAN NOT MAKE A MAN OUT OF A BOY....REALLY WORK ON YOURSELF.....AT THE TIME:'THE PERSON WE PICK REVEALS THE CONTOURS OF OUR HEART''....EVERY WOMEN IS BORN WITH A BEAUTIFUL LITTLE GIRL INSIDE...THE REASON SHE HAS BAD PROBLEMS IS THAT SHE WAS WOUNDED GROWING UP.....WE TAKE ALL OUR BELIEFS AND FAVORITE FEELINGS TO ADULTHOOD WITH US...GOOD LUCK...I HOPE YOU FIND THE LOVE YOU WANT.... |
There's different types of love melyssa,
there is the 'love' that is 'exciting' new etc...but that's not real it's lust, and anyone can lust, it's easy, they are getting rather than giving...again that's east. then there is true love, the kind im sure you feel for your kids, you give your time, you want them to succeed, you will give them the tools to succeed. First I'd say love yourself, do for you what you do for your kids, give yourself time, time to heal, time to grow, and find the tools you need to do this, whether it's quiet time on the beach, or running a marathon, whatever it is that is that YOU want to do THEN I'd say look for man who wants you to have those things as well, one who's interested not only in where you're at, but also in helping you get to where you want to be. I wish you good luck in your search |
love is a choice :)
Love is love.. If you feel for real its ral else all is in the air
Love is love.. If you feel for real its ral else all is in the air