Topic: A " Department of Peace "?
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Mon 05/16/16 01:37 PM

A “Department of Peace”? 62 official languages? Liberals to discuss “loony” policy proposals at convention

May 16, 2026 -Brian Lilley

A department of peace, 60 more official languages and declaring sugar a toxic substance. All fine Liberal ideas about to get some serious consideration.

The federal Liberal Party, with their hands on the reigns of power, are going to have a convention later this month at the same time as the Conservative convention.

The Conservatives will discuss how to take power back from the Liberals, and Liberals will discuss what to do with their new found power, and that’s worrisome.

Among the ideas? A department of peace! We already have a well-funded global body doing what this Liberal motion is proposing and it fails miserably. Adding Canadian bureaucrats to the fray won’t help.

A department of peace isn’t the only looney idea the Liberals are considering.

I review some of the worst big-spending proposals including one to eliminate all forms of Islamophobia, a couple on aboriginal issues with one that CANNOT become government of Canada policy calling for aboriginal languages to join English and French as official languages. According to Stats Canada there are 60 aboriginal languages spoken in Canada. Ready for 62 official languages?

The answer should be “no”, but that won’t stop them. Remember, they’re already looking to change our voting system to benefit their own fortunes using a stacked committee.

Most of these policies are unworkable but they’ll push ahead indifferent to the cost to taxpayers or damage to the national fabric for the cause.

I'd say pity the poor Liberals, but we’re the ones that elected them and may have to live under these policies.
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Department of Peace? 62 Official Languages? Liberals discuss loony policy ideas
05:50 - RebelMedia

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 05/16/16 01:41 PM
Trudy's Ministry Of Peace?
Sounds kind of Orwellian!

no photo
Mon 05/16/16 01:42 PM
I just want to know ONE thing..
If Ebonics & Spanish were considered on the language list? Because you will need it with all the incoming 'American Progressives Refugees'.

Conrad_73's photo
Mon 05/16/16 01:43 PM

I just want to know ONE thing..
If Ebonics & Spanish were considered on the language list? Because you will need it with all the incoming 'American Progressives Refugees'.

RustyKitty's photo
Mon 05/16/16 01:57 PM
I would not worry too much about these Liberals... If they don't get a handle on the de-criminalization of cannabis
and start the legalizing of it so that medicinal testing can be done ...they will be a one term party...

no photo
Mon 05/16/16 02:56 PM
Mexican Visa requirement: Liberals re-open floodgates to Mexico

(Canada )- May 10, 2016

Rock's photo
Mon 05/16/16 10:38 PM
Trudy and his limp wrested liberal ilk,
just want a gubbahmint sponsored "safe place",
where they can feel empowered in their cowardice.

Conrad_73's photo
Wed 05/18/16 12:55 AM

Kevin Libin: Ontario’s big, green assisted economic suicide plan

Kevin Libin | May 16, 2016 | Last Updated: May 17 7:50 AM ET

To get an idea of what Ontario could look like a couple of decades out under Liberal energy minister Glen Murray’s “climate action plan” — which was revealed in detail in Monday’s Globe and Mail — who better to rely on than the man himself, Glen Murray?

Back in 2008, when he chaired the National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy, Murray — along with his acting CEO, Alex Wood, now executive director of the Ontario Climate Change Directorate — offered up a plan that looked remarkably similar to the new Liberal cabinet document. In fairness, the NRTEE document hardly offered the perniciously micro-managed prescriptions for people and businesses that Murray has graduated to now. And this new plan, billed by the Liberals as a “once-in-a-lifetime transformation” for Ontario’s economy, may also prove the end of Ontario’s lifetime of economic progress. In an era where assisted dying is the big thing with Liberals, this could be the first case where it’s tried on a province.

The leaked cabinet document, reportedly signed-off on by Premier Kathleen Wynne, lists a jaw-dropping 80 or so policies including: The eventual ban on heating new homes and buildings with natural gas, with only electric or geothermal being legal; $4 billion to be doled out by a “green bank,” funded by carbon taxes, to subsidize retrofits of buildings to get them off natural gas; the requirement that homes undergo an “energy-efficiency audit” before they can be sold; and a stack of rules, regulations and handouts to get an electric car into every two-car household within eight years, including rebates, free electric charging, and plug-in stations at every liquor store. Naturally, there will be billions more in traditional government-spending programs on public transit, bike paths, upgrades for schools and hospitals, and “research” funds and centres of climate excellence, not to mention new ethanol fuel standards that will gratify the Liberals’ top corporate donors in the biofuel lobby.

What hasn’t changed, evidently, is Murray’s confidence that a vast centrally planned government program is capable of re-engineering an entire economy through a combination of painful taxes, bans, and endless subsidies. That particular perspective no doubt fed into the Harper Conservatives’ 2013 decision to pull NRTEE’s funding. But at least its work, under Murray, was more honest than the Ontario Liberals will likely ever be about the enormous economic costs accompanying such schemes.

In assessing “investment changes in key economic sectors” resulting from carbon pricing, the roundtable bluntly projected that spending in the mineral and freight transport sector would virtually dry up due to “reduced output” (refining, too, although that’s meant as a feature, not a bug). Investment would also shrink in those “value-added” industries that provincial governments love — from cars and paper mills, to chemicals, metals, and building construction. Meanwhile, investment would come pouring instead into electricity and biofuels, largely because NRTEE estimated carbon taxes in the neighbourhood of $500 to $775 a tonne by 2026 — just a decade from now. That’s 15 to 25 times the highest carbon tax in Canada today.

As energy analyst Aldyen Donnelly points out, there are echoes of the decades-long Scandinavian climate experiments in Ontario’s effort to shift to geothermal power by banning natural gas (although Murray took issue Monday with calling it a ban, given that natural gas would still play some “role in the energy mix”). In Sweden and Norway, governments facing the prospect of shrivelling business investment ended up shifting the rising costs of their new, “green” electricity to consumers, who paid more, while businesses saw rates decrease to prevent relocations to less-expensive jurisdictions.

In Denmark, the government has mandated a shared “district heating” network since the 1980s, beginning with carbon taxes to incentivize choices, before it resorted to outright banning new furnaces and water heaters, and eventually forcing people to pay for a “mandatory connection” to the network. Danish ratepayers now pay five times as much in electrical taxes and levies than for their actual energy use. Meanwhile, reductions in the average Dane’s household carbon footprint over 20 years has been less than one-third. Ontario somehow thinks it will beat that, with 37 per cent reductions by 2030 and 80 per cent by 2050 — despite having among Canada’s weakest geothermal energy resources.

The ban on natural gas means Ontarians will either soon end up a lot colder or a lot poorer

That suggests that under the new climate action plan, most Ontario homeowners will be forced instead to rely on solar and wind electricity for home heating. Since Ontario ratepayers already pay the continent’s highest rates, thanks to the Liberals’ ideological obsession with green power, that can only mean they’ll soon end up a lot colder or a lot poorer. Union Gas estimates that heating by electricity instead of gas will inflate the average homeowner’s heating bill by about 600 per cent. As Donnelly also pointed out Monday, in European countries that have tried the kinds of economy-wide carbon-cutting schemes that Ontario aims to emulate, household debt as a percentage of income has exploded compared to elsewhere in the OECD. Denmark’s debt ratio is nearly twice as high for the average family as in Canada.

In a preamble to the leaked cabinet document, Wynne promises “a transformation that will forever change how we live, work, play and move.” Forever is an awfully eternal commitment for a single premier to lay claim to. Perhaps the Wynne government thinks it can pile on rigid bans and crushing carbon taxes on households and businesses both, and still somehow permanently keep people and investment in the province. Or maybe, the government has accepted that Ontario’s fate means sacrificing the latter. Statistics Canada’s Capital and Repair Expenditures Survey last week showed investment in manufacturing and finance in the province at half its pre-2008 recession levels. With Ontario’s economic demise now “reasonably foreseeable,” the Wynne government may have come to terms with the inevitable, and is ready to embrace an extreme green plan to hasten its own economic suicide. If only there were a way it could be a bit less agonizing.

The Liberal's Green Insanity!

metalwing's photo
Wed 05/18/16 06:42 AM
Oddly, the truth doesn't seem to matter when it comes to "green" energy. Whatever is PC rules.