Topic:, transgender
no photo
Tue 05/03/16 01:14 PM

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 05/03/16 01:37 PM

interesting take on things!

Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme
by Paul McHugh
within Bioethics, Culture, Science, Sexuality

June 10th, 2015

The idea that one’s sex is a feeling, not a fact, has permeated our culture and is leaving casualties in its wake. Gender dysphoria should be treated with psychotherapy, not surgery.

read more at the Link!

Oh Brother. Many things were once called "Disorders" that now with greater knowledge and research we know are "normal" for a percentage of the population. Doesn't mean you have to consider it normal but I guarantee you it did not just suddenly change over night.

But if you were to have any medical background or know someone who does you would know that thousands of infants are born multiple sex or even asexual every year and thankfully we do not destroy these infants for just being the exception rather than being the norm. If our society becomes what it is expected to become those who are of a certain singular minority, whatever it is , are soon going to be the abnormal.

If the general population thinks that transgender identity; especially having the hormone therapy and surgery required to become the opposite sex is just a whim that you just pretend or get any doctor to do does not understand how complicated the issue is and how difficult the process is. Or that it is "just about feelings" but many bio medical factors both psychological and physiological that have to be sorted out just don't have the knowledge they need to have anything more than an "opinion" on the issue because the facts clearly prove otherwise.

If you think the average transgender person gets accolades and that people fawn all over them then you clearly are misinformed.

Insinuating that a person who want to be who they understand them self to be; especially when the required psychological counseling is intense to be certain that it is not just self mutilation, is really ridiculous.

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 05/03/16 01:59 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 05/03/16 02:00 PM

interesting take on things!

Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme
by Paul McHugh
within Bioethics, Culture, Science, Sexuality

June 10th, 2015

The idea that one’s sex is a feeling, not a fact, has permeated our culture and is leaving casualties in its wake. Gender dysphoria should be treated with psychotherapy, not surgery.

read more at the Link!

Oh Brother. Many things were once called "Disorders" that now with greater knowledge and research we know are "normal" for a percentage of the population. Doesn't mean you have to consider it normal but I guarantee you it did not just suddenly change over night.

But if you were to have any medical background or know someone who does you would know that thousands of infants are born multiple sex or even asexual every year and thankfully we do not destroy these infants for just being the exception rather than being the norm. If our society becomes what it is expected to become those who are of a certain singular minority, whatever it is , are soon going to be the abnormal.

If the general population thinks that transgender identity; especially having the hormone therapy and surgery required to become the opposite sex is just a whim that you just pretend or get any doctor to do does not understand how complicated the issue is and how difficult the process is. Or that it is "just about feelings" but many bio medical factors both psychological and physiological that have to be sorted out just don't have the knowledge they need to have anything more than an "opinion" on the issue because the facts clearly prove otherwise.

If you think the average transgender person gets accolades and that people fawn all over them then you clearly are misinformed.

Insinuating that a person who want to be who they understand them self to be; especially when the required psychological counseling is intense to be certain that it is not just self mutilation, is really ridiculous.

the Article has been written by someone with an intense Medical and Psychiatric Background,but if you think you have better qualifications than him,be my Guest!laugh

no photo
Tue 05/03/16 06:28 PM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 05/03/16 06:36 PM
People will always place other people into categories, and ostracize themselves from the categories that they don't understand or feel threatened by. This can be on the basis of sexuality , race/ethnicity , disabilities ... The list goes on and on.

As for the transgender bathroom issue...

What most people don't realise is that we have been sharing bathrooms with thieves , rapists, child predators, drug pushers and other offenders ALL OUR LIVES.

It just wasn't an issue before because many people werent wearing what some PERCEIVE to be the evidence of criminal tendencies . But a person in transgender apparrel is not evidence of criminal activity. What studies do we have to prove that the LBGT community is responsible for most of the sex crimes in America?

Even before the issue of transgender washrooms came up, the onus has always been on parents to supervise their kids in the bathrooms, and for adults to remain alert and assume a state of self -defense whether they are in a public restroom or whether they are coming out of their car late at night in their own garage.

Regardless of whether they build separate bathrooms for them or not, predators will exist and we have to remain vigilent about our surroundings at all times.

no photo
Tue 05/03/16 06:49 PM, transgender we are all humans, why the divide?


PacificStar48's photo
Tue 05/03/16 06:58 PM

interesting take on things!

Transgenderism: A Pathogenic Meme
by Paul McHugh
within Bioethics, Culture, Science, Sexuality

June 10th, 2015

The idea that one’s sex is a feeling, not a fact, has permeated our culture and is leaving casualties in its wake. Gender dysphoria should be treated with psychotherapy, not surgery.

read more at the Link!

Oh Brother. Many things were once called "Disorders" that now with greater knowledge and research we know are "normal" for a percentage of the population. Doesn't mean you have to consider it normal but I guarantee you it did not just suddenly change over night.

But if you were to have any medical background or know someone who does you would know that thousands of infants are born multiple sex or even asexual every year and thankfully we do not destroy these infants for just being the exception rather than being the norm. If our society becomes what it is expected to become those who are of a certain singular minority, whatever it is , are soon going to be the abnormal.

If the general population thinks that transgender identity; especially having the hormone therapy and surgery required to become the opposite sex is just a whim that you just pretend or get any doctor to do does not understand how complicated the issue is and how difficult the process is. Or that it is "just about feelings" but many bio medical factors both psychological and physiological that have to be sorted out just don't have the knowledge they need to have anything more than an "opinion" on the issue because the facts clearly prove otherwise.

If you think the average transgender person gets accolades and that people fawn all over them then you clearly are misinformed.

Insinuating that a person who want to be who they understand them self to be; especially when the required psychological counseling is intense to be certain that it is not just self mutilation, is really ridiculous.

the Article has been written by someone with an intense Medical and Psychiatric Background,but if you think you have better qualifications than him,be my Guest!laugh

Yea and if you check into his background and who funded some of these studies you might also see a serious overlay of religious prejudice which is rampant in people who want to push their agenda's. Psychologists and researches are not immune to saying anything that is not strictly hetero sexual or does not require that a person spend a lifetime in therapy denying that their hormonal and sometimes even physical structures are mixed and maybe the early assignment might have in fact been inaccurate.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/03/16 07:42 PM

People will always place other people into categories, and ostracize themselves from the categories that they don't understand or feel threatened by. This can be on the basis of sexuality , race/ethnicity , disabilities ... The list goes on and on.

As for the transgender bathroom issue...

What most people don't realise is that we have been sharing bathrooms with thieves , rapists, child predators, drug pushers and other offenders ALL OUR LIVES.

It just wasn't an issue before because many people werent wearing what some PERCEIVE to be the evidence of criminal tendencies . But a person in transgender apparrel is not evidence of criminal activity. What studies do we have to prove that the LBGT community is responsible for most of the sex crimes in America?

Even before the issue of transgender washrooms came up, the onus has always been on parents to supervise their kids in the bathrooms, and for adults to remain alert and assume a state of self -defense whether they are in a public restroom or whether they are coming out of their car late at night in their own garage.

Regardless of whether they build separate bathrooms for them or not, predators will exist and we have to remain vigilent about our surroundings at all times.

i never heard anyone say the gays are the problem with this, everything i've heard is the lowlifes that will take advantage of the new laws... sure, they are around now, but why make it easier for them to be perverts?

PacificStar48's photo
Tue 05/03/16 08:00 PM

People will always place other people into categories, and ostracize themselves from the categories that they don't understand or feel threatened by. This can be on the basis of sexuality , race/ethnicity , disabilities ... The list goes on and on.

As for the transgender bathroom issue...

What most people don't realise is that we have been sharing bathrooms with thieves , rapists, child predators, drug pushers and other offenders ALL OUR LIVES.

It just wasn't an issue before because many people werent wearing what some PERCEIVE to be the evidence of criminal tendencies . But a person in transgender apparrel is not evidence of criminal activity. What studies do we have to prove that the LBGT community is responsible for most of the sex crimes in America?

Even before the issue of transgender washrooms came up, the onus has always been on parents to supervise their kids in the bathrooms, and for adults to remain alert and assume a state of self -defense whether they are in a public restroom or whether they are coming out of their car late at night in their own garage.

Regardless of whether they build separate bathrooms for them or not, predators will exist and we have to remain vigilent about our surroundings at all times.

i never heard anyone say the gays are the problem with this, everything i've heard is the lowlifes that will take advantage of the new laws... sure, they are around now, but why make it easier for them to be perverts?

Well I do not consider Transgender people perverts but I don't see that banning them from bathrooms is going to keep the true criminals out.

But I agree with Peggy we all have to be vigilante weather it is about sexual predators or sexual bigots.

TMommy's photo
Tue 05/03/16 08:12 PM
Edited by TMommy on Tue 05/03/16 08:21 PM
the thing of it is this my darlings

if he/she is not supposed to go in the girl's room
and not supposed to go in the boy's room

then where exactly is this person allowed to go??????

schools dealing with are telling a kid to go use the teacher's lounge bathroom..well now if that isn't ostracizing and pointing out in neon lights " treat this one different" I don't know what is

not since the DSM 3 has homosexuality been listed as a mental disorder

when was the first sex change operation in the US anyhow?

if we are talking true hermaphrodites ...used to be the parents would pick a sex and there would be corrective surgery done while the baby was still an infant

so believe it or have shared your public bathrooms with transgenders for quite some time

before it became big news

and yes counseling is usually a pre-requisite for this kind of life altering decision
is this fueled by religious organizations? in some cases it may be

but for most it is because this is a permanent decision that will effect your ability to conceive children and once done cannot easily be undone

not something to be decided on a whim so counseling is usually required before and sometimes after the procedures

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/03/16 08:17 PM

People will always place other people into categories, and ostracize themselves from the categories that they don't understand or feel threatened by. This can be on the basis of sexuality , race/ethnicity , disabilities ... The list goes on and on.

As for the transgender bathroom issue...

What most people don't realise is that we have been sharing bathrooms with thieves , rapists, child predators, drug pushers and other offenders ALL OUR LIVES.

It just wasn't an issue before because many people werent wearing what some PERCEIVE to be the evidence of criminal tendencies . But a person in transgender apparrel is not evidence of criminal activity. What studies do we have to prove that the LBGT community is responsible for most of the sex crimes in America?

Even before the issue of transgender washrooms came up, the onus has always been on parents to supervise their kids in the bathrooms, and for adults to remain alert and assume a state of self -defense whether they are in a public restroom or whether they are coming out of their car late at night in their own garage.

Regardless of whether they build separate bathrooms for them or not, predators will exist and we have to remain vigilent about our surroundings at all times.

i never heard anyone say the gays are the problem with this, everything i've heard is the lowlifes that will take advantage of the new laws... sure, they are around now, but why make it easier for them to be perverts?

Well I do not consider Transgender people perverts but I don't see that banning them from bathrooms is going to keep the true criminals out.

But I agree with Peggy we all have to be vigilante weather it is about sexual predators or sexual bigots.

indifferent whoa
i said pedophiles, not trannies...
nobody ever said the "it" crowd were perverts...

no photo
Tue 05/03/16 08:23 PM

People will always place other people into categories, and ostracize themselves from the categories that they don't understand or feel threatened by. This can be on the basis of sexuality , race/ethnicity , disabilities ... The list goes on and on.

As for the transgender bathroom issue...

What most people don't realise is that we have been sharing bathrooms with thieves , rapists, child predators, drug pushers and other offenders ALL OUR LIVES.

It just wasn't an issue before because many people werent wearing what some PERCEIVE to be the evidence of criminal tendencies . But a person in transgender apparrel is not evidence of criminal activity. What studies do we have to prove that the LBGT community is responsible for most of the sex crimes in America?

Even before the issue of transgender washrooms came up, the onus has always been on parents to supervise their kids in the bathrooms, and for adults to remain alert and assume a state of self -defense whether they are in a public restroom or whether they are coming out of their car late at night in their own garage.

Regardless of whether they build separate bathrooms for them or not, predators will exist and we have to remain vigilent about our surroundings at all times.

i never heard anyone say the gays are the problem with this, everything i've heard is the lowlifes that will take advantage of the new laws... sure, they are around now, but why make it easier for them to be perverts?

But what are the checks and balances put in place to assess who the transgender people are Moe ? Not all of them are as easy to detect as Caitlin Jenner?

What about the people who aren't transgender or even gay, but who don't look like the gender group they have been born to, do they have t o usethe transgender bathroom too?

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/03/16 08:30 PM

People will always place other people into categories, and ostracize themselves from the categories that they don't understand or feel threatened by. This can be on the basis of sexuality , race/ethnicity , disabilities ... The list goes on and on.

As for the transgender bathroom issue...

What most people don't realise is that we have been sharing bathrooms with thieves , rapists, child predators, drug pushers and other offenders ALL OUR LIVES.

It just wasn't an issue before because many people werent wearing what some PERCEIVE to be the evidence of criminal tendencies . But a person in transgender apparrel is not evidence of criminal activity. What studies do we have to prove that the LBGT community is responsible for most of the sex crimes in America?

Even before the issue of transgender washrooms came up, the onus has always been on parents to supervise their kids in the bathrooms, and for adults to remain alert and assume a state of self -defense whether they are in a public restroom or whether they are coming out of their car late at night in their own garage.

Regardless of whether they build separate bathrooms for them or not, predators will exist and we have to remain vigilent about our surroundings at all times.

i never heard anyone say the gays are the problem with this, everything i've heard is the lowlifes that will take advantage of the new laws... sure, they are around now, but why make it easier for them to be perverts?

But what are the checks and balances put in place to assess who the transgender people are Moe ? Not all of them are as easy to detect as Caitlin Jenner?

What about the people who aren't transgender or even gay, but who don't look like the gender group they have been born to, do they have t o usethe transgender bathroom too?

hasn't been a problem till now? what changed to make it a problem?

no photo
Tue 05/03/16 08:38 PM

People will always place other people into categories, and ostracize themselves from the categories that they don't understand or feel threatened by. This can be on the basis of sexuality , race/ethnicity , disabilities ... The list goes on and on.

As for the transgender bathroom issue...

What most people don't realise is that we have been sharing bathrooms with thieves , rapists, child predators, drug pushers and other offenders ALL OUR LIVES.

It just wasn't an issue before because many people werent wearing what some PERCEIVE to be the evidence of criminal tendencies . But a person in transgender apparrel is not evidence of criminal activity. What studies do we have to prove that the LBGT community is responsible for most of the sex crimes in America?

Even before the issue of transgender washrooms came up, the onus has always been on parents to supervise their kids in the bathrooms, and for adults to remain alert and assume a state of self -defense whether they are in a public restroom or whether they are coming out of their car late at night in their own garage.

Regardless of whether they build separate bathrooms for them or not, predators will exist and we have to remain vigilent about our surroundings at all times.

i never heard anyone say the gays are the problem with this, everything i've heard is the lowlifes that will take advantage of the new laws... sure, they are around now, but why make it easier for them to be perverts?

But what are the checks and balances put in place to assess who the transgender people are Moe ? Not all of them are as easy to detect as Caitlin Jenner?

What about the people who aren't transgender or even gay, but who don't look like the gender group they have been born to, do they have t o usethe transgender bathroom too?

hasn't been a problem till now? what changed to make it a problem?

Well that's my point. We are having these heated discussions over whether it's dangerous for them to share our bathroom facilities or not , when they have been sharing the space with us for years . Why is it a problem now?

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/03/16 08:42 PM

People will always place other people into categories, and ostracize themselves from the categories that they don't understand or feel threatened by. This can be on the basis of sexuality , race/ethnicity , disabilities ... The list goes on and on.

As for the transgender bathroom issue...

What most people don't realise is that we have been sharing bathrooms with thieves , rapists, child predators, drug pushers and other offenders ALL OUR LIVES.

It just wasn't an issue before because many people werent wearing what some PERCEIVE to be the evidence of criminal tendencies . But a person in transgender apparrel is not evidence of criminal activity. What studies do we have to prove that the LBGT community is responsible for most of the sex crimes in America?

Even before the issue of transgender washrooms came up, the onus has always been on parents to supervise their kids in the bathrooms, and for adults to remain alert and assume a state of self -defense whether they are in a public restroom or whether they are coming out of their car late at night in their own garage.

Regardless of whether they build separate bathrooms for them or not, predators will exist and we have to remain vigilent about our surroundings at all times.

i never heard anyone say the gays are the problem with this, everything i've heard is the lowlifes that will take advantage of the new laws... sure, they are around now, but why make it easier for them to be perverts?

But what are the checks and balances put in place to assess who the transgender people are Moe ? Not all of them are as easy to detect as Caitlin Jenner?

What about the people who aren't transgender or even gay, but who don't look like the gender group they have been born to, do they have t o usethe transgender bathroom too?

hasn't been a problem till now? what changed to make it a problem?

Well that's my point. We are having these heated discussions over whether it's dangerous for them to share our bathroom facilities or not , when they have been sharing the space with us for years . Why is it a problem now?

no, why is it a problem the it's need their own bathroom?

no photo
Tue 05/03/16 08:51 PM
Edited by Unknow on Tue 05/03/16 08:56 PM

People will always place other people into categories, and ostracize themselves from the categories that they don't understand or feel threatened by. This can be on the basis of sexuality , race/ethnicity , disabilities ... The list goes on and on.

As for the transgender bathroom issue...

What most people don't realise is that we have been sharing bathrooms with thieves , rapists, child predators, drug pushers and other offenders ALL OUR LIVES.

It just wasn't an issue before because many people werent wearing what some PERCEIVE to be the evidence of criminal tendencies . But a person in transgender apparrel is not evidence of criminal activity. What studies do we have to prove that the LBGT community is responsible for most of the sex crimes in America?

Even before the issue of transgender washrooms came up, the onus has always been on parents to supervise their kids in the bathrooms, and for adults to remain alert and assume a state of self -defense whether they are in a public restroom or whether they are coming out of their car late at night in their own garage.

Regardless of whether they build separate bathrooms for them or not, predators will exist and we have to remain vigilent about our surroundings at all times.

i never heard anyone say the gays are the problem with this, everything i've heard is the lowlifes that will take advantage of the new laws... sure, they are around now, but why make it easier for them to be perverts?

But what are the checks and balances put in place to assess who the transgender people are Moe ? Not all of them are as easy to detect as Caitlin Jenner?

What about the people who aren't transgender or even gay, but who don't look like the gender group they have been born to, do they have t o usethe transgender bathroom too?

hasn't been a problem till now? what changed to make it a problem?

Well that's my point. We are having these heated discussions over whether it's dangerous for them to share our bathroom facilities or not , when they have been sharing the space with us for years . Why is it a problem now?

no, why is it a problem the it's need their own bathroom?

Quite frankly, as long as every human being has a decent enclosed space to pee, it doesn't affect me in any way .

And if the businesses can afford it,then its fine, but it may be challenging for smaller businesses, unless they are being offered a grant or something.

And even after these transgender bathrooms are built, checks and balances will still have to be put in place to assess who are the transgender people because as I said before some of them are not that obvious to detect

mightymoe's photo
Tue 05/03/16 08:56 PM

People will always place other people into categories, and ostracize themselves from the categories that they don't understand or feel threatened by. This can be on the basis of sexuality , race/ethnicity , disabilities ... The list goes on and on.

As for the transgender bathroom issue...

What most people don't realise is that we have been sharing bathrooms with thieves , rapists, child predators, drug pushers and other offenders ALL OUR LIVES.

It just wasn't an issue before because many people werent wearing what some PERCEIVE to be the evidence of criminal tendencies . But a person in transgender apparrel is not evidence of criminal activity. What studies do we have to prove that the LBGT community is responsible for most of the sex crimes in America?

Even before the issue of transgender washrooms came up, the onus has always been on parents to supervise their kids in the bathrooms, and for adults to remain alert and assume a state of self -defense whether they are in a public restroom or whether they are coming out of their car late at night in their own garage.

Regardless of whether they build separate bathrooms for them or not, predators will exist and we have to remain vigilent about our surroundings at all times.

i never heard anyone say the gays are the problem with this, everything i've heard is the lowlifes that will take advantage of the new laws... sure, they are around now, but why make it easier for them to be perverts?

But what are the checks and balances put in place to assess who the transgender people are Moe ? Not all of them are as easy to detect as Caitlin Jenner?

What about the people who aren't transgender or even gay, but who don't look like the gender group they have been born to, do they have t o usethe transgender bathroom too?

hasn't been a problem till now? what changed to make it a problem?

Well that's my point. We are having these heated discussions over whether it's dangerous for them to share our bathroom facilities or not , when they have been sharing the space with us for years . Why is it a problem now?

no, why is it a problem the it's need their own bathroom?

Quite frankly, as long as every human being has a decent enclosed space to pee, it doesn't affect me in any way .

And if the businesses can afford it,then its fine, but it may be challenging for smaller businesses, unless they are being offered a grant or something.

And even after these transgender bathrooms are built, checks and balances will still have to be put in place to assess who are the transgender people because as I said before some of them are not that obvious to detect

And even whe

doesn't matter, even tho i may not have a choice about it, i won't agree with it...

latersbaby65's photo
Tue 05/03/16 09:38 PM
it's a personal choice. not me to judge watever makes you happy

Robxbox73's photo
Tue 05/03/16 10:07 PM

People will always place other people into categories, and ostracize themselves from the categories that they don't understand or feel threatened by. This can be on the basis of sexuality , race/ethnicity , disabilities ... The list goes on and on.

As for the transgender bathroom issue...

What most people don't realise is that we have been sharing bathrooms with thieves , rapists, child predators, drug pushers and other offenders ALL OUR LIVES.

It just wasn't an issue before because many people werent wearing what some PERCEIVE to be the evidence of criminal tendencies . But a person in transgender apparrel is not evidence of criminal activity. What studies do we have to prove that the LBGT community is responsible for most of the sex crimes in America?

Even before the issue of transgender washrooms came up, the onus has always been on parents to supervise their kids in the bathrooms, and for adults to remain alert and assume a state of self -defense whether they are in a public restroom or whether they are coming out of their car late at night in their own garage.

Regardless of whether they build separate bathrooms for them or not, predators will exist and we have to remain vigilent about our surroundings at all times.

i never heard anyone say the gays are the problem with this, everything i've heard is the lowlifes that will take advantage of the new laws... sure, they are around now, but why make it easier for them to be perverts?

Well I do not consider Transgender people perverts but I don't see that banning them from bathrooms is going to keep the true criminals out.

But I agree with Peggy we all have to be vigilante weather it is about sexual predators or sexual bigots.

Whoa there, what I said was that the pedophile would use this scene to do his work a little more efficiently. Please read thoroughly. Thanks.

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/04/16 12:26 AM

the thing of it is this my darlings

if he/she is not supposed to go in the girl's room
and not supposed to go in the boy's room

then where exactly is this person allowed to go??????

schools dealing with are telling a kid to go use the teacher's lounge bathroom..well now if that isn't ostracizing and pointing out in neon lights " treat this one different" I don't know what is

not since the DSM 3 has homosexuality been listed as a mental disorder

when was the first sex change operation in the US anyhow?

if we are talking true hermaphrodites ...used to be the parents would pick a sex and there would be corrective surgery done while the baby was still an infant

so believe it or have shared your public bathrooms with transgenders for quite some time

before it became big news

and yes counseling is usually a pre-requisite for this kind of life altering decision
is this fueled by religious organizations? in some cases it may be

but for most it is because this is a permanent decision that will effect your ability to conceive children and once done cannot easily be undone

not something to be decided on a whim so counseling is usually required before and sometimes after the procedures

the school didn't tell anyone to use the teachers lounge,, they offered the option because the student told the school they wouldn't use the bathroom designated for their biological sex

msharmony's photo
Wed 05/04/16 12:59 AM
Edited by msharmony on Wed 05/04/16 01:00 AM
we view them as ill because they are not attracted to adults

we can view them ill because they aren't attracted to opposite sex as well

although I would replace the term 'mental illness' with 'emotional illness'

illness is not to be hated or detested

we don't hate people for having cancer and a whole lot of people who view the alleged inability to be attracted to the opposite sex DO NOT see it as cause to hate or detest someone either,,,