Topic: The Quija Board | |
How many of you have used a Quija board? Was your experience positive or negative? Tell me about your experiences, please.
I played with a friend when I was a teenager
I didn't enjoy it, so I never played again... I don't want to know what the future holds each day is an adventure for me just my 2 cents |
im a spiritual reader, and yes i use the ouiji board only when it is needed to be used, and my experience is that you need to be careful on what and how you use the board.....
and to let you know i used to play with the board with a friend of mine when we were in high school, and the board i had belong to my sister which i dont have any more as that board got so old it fell apart.. i knew someone that was playing with the board with her neighbor and it stated that someone was going to die, well the next day there neighbor that wasent there was killed by a driving you just got ot becareful on what you do with the board..... i even had my best friend tell me one time that she knew someone that threw the board in the fire place and it started to scream
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I have heard similar stories from my friends, but this Halloween I wanted to try one...unfortunately, I was unable to find one at any of the stores I went to.
And to those who have grammar or spelling issues like I do: Yes, I know I misspelled ouija. LOL! |
if you have a toysrus store, you should be able ot find one there and the cost isent that much
They are definitely real. Demonic spirits can be cojured up but the whole purpose is to shroud you with mystery and deception. There's nothing there in the darkness, you're wasting your time.
Seriously, people waste their' whole lives dabbling with dark spirits. And when they are through toying with you, They drag you to a place to rot. Just fair warning. God bless, Ti |
Gee Ti...
Try NOT to scare me or anything. If the ouija board is so bad then why isn't the Tarot? Or Astrology? |
Do not touch that board.
neujins/TI is dead right, poltergeist activity isnt fictional. even if you THINK you are benefiting from its use, the devil can appear as a beautiful angel of light, he is a master of deception. |
I dont believe in it!
Be careful ... you open up to the dark ... lower energies like ouija boards ... I wouldn't touch it!
there have been a lot of testimonys where people messed with the board and experianced paranormal evils which followed.
I remember there was this one guy on youtube that video recorded poltergeist activity in his own house. You could tell by his frantic breathing, shaking hands and when he ran; the shear fear of what was happing in front of him. Things like his bowl of cereal slowly being dragged across his kitchen table until it sped up and smashed onto the floor. |
Just to clarify "Ouija" is the name of a specific game based upon various "Talking Boards" of the mid 1800's. The first patent for the "Ouija Board" was granted in 1891.
"Talking Boards," "Spirit Boards," and "Ouija Boards" themselves are not evil. They tools for divination. In the hands of those who are not skilled in the art of divining then yes one could very well have a negative experience. You don't hand a knife to an infant and tell them to cook up a nice meal. So it is with tools for divining such as "Talking Boards." Silly school children or drunken adults playing around with tools for divining is a recipe for disaster. |
Agreed Lady ... but even as an experienced energy worker myself I won't touch ouija ... too accessible to lower vibrations.
Just trust God as a young child would. I tell my children not to do things and they should trust I don't want them hurt and that I'M SPEAKING OUT OF LOVE. There are such divinating spirits mentioned in the bible, God says stay away because He doesn't want you hurt. If you don't have one then don't persue it. Spirits come as angels of light oft times. God made it simple and said, just don't mess with it.
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