Topic: Muslim Gratitude | |
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Wed 04/27/16 01:15 AM
On the 18th of September 2014, a large group of teenagers gathered on [location]. This includes both suspect and victim. They had a confrontation. Suspect hit victim in the face, twice. On the second hit, she lost her balance and fell, injuring her head. As a result, victim suffered pain, dizziness and behavioural chances. On 19 sept. 2014, a MD diagnosed the subject, and found a swollen left eye and right cheek. Furthermore, the CT-scan showed that she had a light concussion.
i saw two videos the old one linked to one with a slightly larger view. The large group of teenagers you mention - were aligned with the suspect (explained down). The victim appears to be alone. yet you say 'they' had a confrontation. from the body language of the victim - she didn't back down. The suspect 'suddenly hit her' - a totally unexpected blow that threw her off balance he then shot a second right & missed. maybe because the victim tried to ward off the second blow the suspect then didn't take chances he moved in with a 1-2 stance of a trained puncher and punched her down. The left hook smash - no joke then the suspects friend - yellow jacket moved in and pounded into her with his leg. the suspect returned but the victim stayed down yellow jacket then gave her a parting kick (2nd) she lay motionless to the second kick - apparently 'out' an adult is visible coming towards the store and the suspect and friend 'slide' away: mission accomplished. ---- my reading? suspect's friend is definitely 18 - he was not booked suspect did not get fobbed of by the warding purse suspect moved in like a trained fighter: the 1-2 swing suspect claiming blackout - definitely not the case because he is articulate - proclaiming justification after she is down before returning to victim to verify this was not violence by a man of IQ80 his fists were accurate and contained deadly force sufficient to knock her but not put him off balance when he missed her blind rage by IQ80 does not deliver with such accuracy & control victim was completely taken by surprise at the first blow showing that the attack was per-meditated victim's IQ is probably 60 or she is a liberal, reason: tangling with a proclaimed thief trying to drive in sense. And all of that is apparently related to his financial and social situation, not his heritage or religion. not financial situation, since the money laying around was unexpected. not social, since he was an invitee to party & his cousins were also invitees heritage? i admit i don't understand what "parent-child issues" are being referred to. if it is 'parent-child' it amounts to heritage religion? if the victim is also Muslim, suspect's family would have to pay in 'blood' for what he did; else strife for generations that is the law within Islamic tribes. since the victim is not Muslim she went to court and the court dutched her. --xx--- Alla-o-Akbar; Allah! --xx--- on the other note, it is not Muslim families alone that are fearful the fear is now in European streets. if we want to expand this discussions further please bear in mind: India was an Islamic state for 500 years. partitioned to Pakistan 70 years ago has the second largest Muslim population in the world please don't tell me that Christian fundamentalism exists to the scale of Muslim fundamentalism the world over in this day and age. it is this fundamentalism that has raised ISIS / Al-Qaeda armies yes, there is now a danger of Christians getting together to protect their people as has happened with Hindus in India rising Hindu fundamentalists. progressive Muslims (my teachers) couldn't alter the few lines of Koran that says 'killing a non-believer' leads you to paradise. that is all there is to it. but for this one aspect, Islam has a discipline & value system that would be the envy of Republicans. in fact, Muslims cannot convert out of their religion without risk to their lives & families. so where lays the solution. first steps are now being taken 'oath by refugees' on landing in host countries. it should be no less than the oath that nation comes first and God second. yet there is raising hope as Muslim generations get educated in the West. Aa-salam al-aikum. |
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Wed 04/27/16 02:10 AM
Hi jai .. The translation of the court transcripts Are not my interpretation of the events .. The link to the court documents is Available . Seems he was dealt to by the judicial system . Not sure about his accomplice . thanks, i have a daughter, now 21. so you can see. --xx-- fact is, in our generation father had only to say a word that was it. no monkey business mother? oh, she may thrash with a broom didn't count now-a-days i see children have two mothers. or just one mother yes, definitely heritage. ![]() |
yep,we see that Gratitude daily here in Europe,and frankly,we are stunned by it!
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Wed 04/27/16 04:18 AM
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