Topic: Mississippi vs LGBT Agenda
Rock's photo
Thu 04/14/16 12:22 AM

And more from North Carolina... Ringo Star is boycotting now.

With all the trouble & protests & riots in the UK ... He can't find a reason to stay home & annoy people?

And two bullets shy of a full Beatles reunion.
Tsk tsk...


Conrad_73's photo
Thu 04/14/16 12:30 AM

"It is proper to forbid all discrimination in government-owned facilities and establishments: the government has no right to discriminate against any citizens. And by the very same principle, the government has no right to discriminate for some citizens at the expense of others. It has no right to violate the right of private property by forbidding discrimination in privately owned establishments…. A man’s rights are not violated by a private individual’s refusal to deal with him." —Ayn Rand

eat that,Springsteen,Adams and all the rest of you Libtardants!

Conrad_73's photo
Thu 04/14/16 01:02 AM

Michael Moore lives in my state....someone please take him!!!
Since he thinks so highly of Cuba maybe they'll take him.

But there might be an excuse for his lunacy....he may have a mental disability from lead poisoning since his mansion is in Flint.

But he was so pretty as a Baby!


mightymoe's photo
Thu 04/14/16 10:58 AM
Funny how all these "has beens" are coming outa the woodwork to protest something they never woulda touched in their heyday...

no photo
Thu 04/14/16 02:00 PM
Edited by RebelArcher on Thu 04/14/16 02:01 PM
Natchez said "Frick it, we want to secede...."

"" Since April has been designated Confederate History Month and secession is honorable this month, we hereby petition the Governor to allow Natchez to secede from the State of Mississippi and be annexed to Louisiana.""

They'll thank God they have that big river between them and the rest of Concordia Parishlaugh

no photo
Thu 04/14/16 03:03 PM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Thu 04/14/16 03:05 PM

Natchez said "Frick it, we want to secede...."

"" Since April has been designated Confederate History Month and secession is honorable this month, we hereby petition the Governor to allow Natchez to secede from the State of Mississippi and be annexed to Louisiana.""

They'll thank God they have that big river between them and the rest of Concordia Parishlaugh

After reading the comments .. Let them go. I think Natchez needs to be it's own country.

Build a wall laugh

mightymoe's photo
Fri 04/15/16 04:17 PM
found this on facebook, don't know how true it is, can't find the guys name... but it makes some sense...

InvictusV's photo
Fri 04/15/16 07:20 PM
Adams played a concert in Egypt on 8 March..

A country that puts homosexuals in jail...

What a massive phucking hypocrite..

no photo
Sat 04/16/16 03:52 AM
Edited by SassyEuro2 on Sat 04/16/16 04:29 AM

found this on facebook, don't know how true it is, can't find the guys name... but it makes some sense...

Okay.. Time is up. smokin

Hang 'Em High Theme

Leading LGBT activist outed as registered sex offender, resigns

Nick Duffy, PinkNews

A leading LGBT activist in Charlotte, North Carolina has resigned – after he was outed as a registered sex offender.

Chad Sevearance-Turner had served as the President of Charlotte’s LGBT Chamber of Commerce, and was even named ‘Person of the Year’ last year by local LGBT news site QNotes.

However, right-wingers opposed to the group have outed Sevearance-Turner as a convicted sex offender who “fondled” under-age boys.

Right-wing website Breitbart first made the news public, reporting that Severance is listed as a sex offender from a 1998 charge of sexual molestation of a minor.

A report from 2000 details the allegations, which came about while Sevearance was working as a youth minister at a church, aged 20.

The report claims that Sevearance lured a 15-year-old boy to spend the night with him, showing him pornography and “fondling him” while he slept.

QNotes reports: “Severance-Turner was sentenced to 10 years in prison, and he served two years before being released on parole. He has had no further violations since.”

The revelations have been exploited by anti-gay groups working to oppose a proposed LGBT rights ordinance in the city, with the N.C. Values Coalition claiming it “discredits any supposed evidence” for the basic rights protections.

Sevearance refused to comment about his conviction, but told QNotes that he has resigned to avoid people “throwing stones at an organization that has done absolutely nothing but help individuals and our community in our city.”

He said: “If this had anything to do with the non-discrimination ordinance, and if it had any credence or validity with what we’re discussing as a city and as an LGBT community, then I would absolutely welcome the interrogation.

“But I think that it detracts from the real conversations we’re having.”

The disgraced activist added that he is filing a lawsuit against the right-wing activists for “misusing” information from the sex offender registry, as use for “intimidation, threats, or harassment of an offender” is banned.

Melissa Morris, the new President of the LGBT Chamber of Commerce, admitted that the group had been aware of his convictions for some time.

She told the outlet: “We’re like a family, and as a family, it’s difficult for us to see any one of us put in a bad situation.

“It’s disheartening that things had to move in this direction, but as a family, we also recognize that we have to look out for the best interests of the whole.”

Conrad_73's photo
Sat 04/16/16 04:52 AM

The man leading the fight to allow men to use the same bathrooms as little girls is hiding a dark (and disgusting) secret. Chad Severance is the president of the Charlotte Business Guild and the leader of the gay fascist movement that would force the 98%+ of Americans who are not transgendered to use the same bathrooms as members of the opposite sex. He is also a convicted sex offender who was once worked as a “youth minister.”

From Breitbart:

In 1998, Sevearance worked as a youth minister and in that capacity allegedly lured younger men to his apartment to spend the night where Severance showed them pornography and tried to talk them into sex. One boy testified that he woke up to find Severance “fondling him.” Severance was convicted on one charge of sexual molestation of a minor.

Townhall’s Mike Adams had more to add about this on Facebook:

The leader of efforts to pass the Charlotte bathroom ordinance is a convicted sex offender. Chad Sevearance, now-former president of the Charlotte LGBT Chamber of Commerce, worked as a youth minister in the late 1990s. He was later accused of luring young men to his apartment for stay overs, showing them pornography, and trying to talk them into sex. As a result of one boy testifying that he woke up to find Severance “fondling him,” Severance was convicted on one charge of sexual molestation of a minor.

His conviction and status as a registered sex offender was initially ignored by the Charlotte Observer. Later, they were pressured into doing their jobs by conservative opponents of the ordinance. There is simply no journalistic excuse for ignoring such highly relevant evidence on a matter of public concern.

Nor is there any excuse for pastors failing to warn us of the enemy in our midst. Churches love best when they are warning the flock and protecting women and children.

Oh. But don’t worry, folks. Because the liberals tell us that it’s bigoted to think that just because an adult male want to use the same changing rooms, bathrooms, and showers as our wives, sisters and daughters, he might be some kind of pervert. Well, here’s proof. At least one of the leaders of the movement to force gender insanity upon us is a convicted sexual predator who preys upon the weakest members of our society.

Even one such monster should be enough to stop the madness.

Rock's photo
Sat 04/16/16 01:28 PM
That Bruce Springsteen aligned himself
with a pedophile and registered sex offender,
SPEAKS VOLUMES about Springsteen.
Frickin' loser. rant

no photo
Sat 04/16/16 01:54 PM

That Bruce Springsteen aligned himself
with a pedophile and registered sex offender,
SPEAKS VOLUMES about Springsteen.
Frickin' loser. rant

Another one bites the dust. grumble

no photo
Sat 04/16/16 02:04 PM
The North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) is a pedophile and pederasty advocacy organization in the United States. It works to abolish age-of-consent laws criminalizing adult sexual involvement with minors[2][3] and campaigns for the release of men who have been jailed for sexual contacts with minors that did not involve coercion.[2][4] The group no longer holds regular national meetings, and as of the late 1990s—to avoid local police infiltration—the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters.[4][5] Around 1995, an undercover detective discovered there were 1,100 people on the organization's rolls.[4] In 1997, NAMBLA was the largest group in IPCE, an international pro-pedophile activist organization.[6] Since then, the organization has dwindled to only a handful of people, with many members joining online paedophile networks such as DanPedo, BoyChat, and Annabelleigh, according to Xavier Von Erck, director of operations at the anti-pedophile organization Perverted Justice.[7] As of 2005, a newspaper report stated that NAMBLA was based in New York and San Francisco.[4]WIKI

The goal of NAMBLA is to force a change in our laws regulating sexual activity to allow sex with children as young as 8 years of age!

Their motto is: "Sex before eight before it is too late".

Rock's photo
Sat 04/16/16 02:28 PM
Ain't but one cure for pedophilia.

Bullet to the forehead.

no photo
Sun 04/17/16 04:51 AM
Cirque du Soleil has joined Bruce Springsteen, Ringo Starr, Bryan Adams and others in boycotting North Carolina over the state's controversial "bathroom" law that would affect transgender people.
Cirque du Soleil joins boycott of North Carolina over transgender bathroom law * More On Link *

The MONTREAL company famous for its colorful, acrobatic extravaganzas said Friday that it is canceling upcoming performances of "Ovo" in Greensboro and Charlotte, as well as "Toruk" -- its new "Avatar"-themed spectacular -- in Raleigh.

"Cirque du Soleil believes in equality for all," the company said in a release. "It is a principle that guides us with both our employees and our customers. We behave as change agents to reach our ultimate goal of making a better world with our actions and our productions."


SMFH... At this moment I don't know which is bothering me more... Men in bathrooms w/women & children or the fact that there is more outside influence from a FOREIGN COUNTRY over a few SOUVENIR STATES.


msharmony's photo
Sun 04/17/16 11:44 AM
money is power,, wherever it comes from

I expect the world of the arts to express their position as well,,,as is their right

just a matter of who has the most influence,,,

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 04/17/16 12:44 PM

Watch: College Kids Can’t Explain Why a Short White Man Isn’t a Tall Asian Woman

by David French April 16, 2016 11:22 AM

From the Family Policy Institute of Washington comes this amusing video, where a conversation about gender-neutral bathrooms turns into something a bit more interesting:

Watch as the students struggle to explain why an adult male shouldn’t enroll in a first-grade class, why he’s not a woman, why he’s not substantially taller, or why he’s not Asian.

This isn’t moral relativism, it’s a completely fact-free new moral code, one based entirely on consent and harm. Or, I should say, immediate harm. Essentially the new morality is “you do you — so long as it doesn’t hurt me or someone else in a way that I immediately recognize.” The new immorality is any act of “intolerance” that purports to interfere with this radical autonomy.

The fascinating and disturbing thing is that a generation that so prizes its alleged love of “science” continues to hold to this primitive harm-based morality in spite of oceans of evidence that years of far more basic departures from traditional morality have caused (and are causing) enormous social problems and human suffering. Years ago no-fault divorce was a no-brainer, a recognition of individual free will. Fast forward two generations and broken families are a prime factor in virtually every negative economic, emotional, and cultural development in the United States.

More recently, cohabitation is a new norm, and couples who wait until marriage to live together are seen as odd. Yet cohabitation often causes young children to experience extreme family instability, exposes children to greater risk of physical and sexual abuse from non-parent boyfriends, and often leaves single mothers facing serial abandonment.

And we’ve barely dipped our toe in the water of the brave new world, where it’s totally cool if men believe they’re female dragons. But there’s no trace of regret or humility in the cultural revolutionaries — the people who’ve so profoundly influenced the young people on the video above. Just keep doing what you want. If you get hurt, it’s probably some Christian’s fault. Only intolerance can stop utopia now.

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/17/16 12:47 PM
something we agree on

our minimalist values are truly concerning

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/17/16 12:49 PM
something we agree on

our minimalist values are truly concerning

no photo
Sun 04/17/16 01:33 PM

money is power,, wherever it comes from

I expect the world of the arts to express their position as well,,,as is their right

just a matter of who has the most influence,,,

Mary Mary Quite Contrary