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Topic: Brussels Chief: EU To Encourage MORE Migration
Conrad_73's photo
Mon 04/18/16 08:56 AM

* I would welcome a few million more people to Toronto. The economic growth would be invigorating :smile:
* Mind you, I do like Trumps "make-work" wall (my tenders are ready) :wink:
* It was not that long ago that the U.S. welcomed the worlds "riff-raff", 1700's and 1800's. Only the "natives" complained and we know what happened to them. ill

1- The USA now needs two walls
2- The majority of my country was built on imigration. I really resent you referring to MOST of our ancestors as RIF RAFF.
Most came legally & worked their as@es off & became naturalized & assimilated & built this country that everyone wants to either get into or destroy.
3- You are behind on the Canadian threads. There are 2 on how YOUR native population is being ignored & forgotten. And if you Goggle you find you'll find Canada has the worst record in that department.

Ck out ' Suicide Tide In Indigenous Communities '

1- No, The USA needs a impenetrable dome.... that should keep it contained too!
2- The violence and hatred originates from somewhere winking
3- The Conservatives really did a number on the aboriginals, I hope we can reverse this in time, so far so good, we're acting on it now.

sure glad the Canadians are so benevolent toward their Native Brethren!pitchfork

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Mon 04/18/16 06:37 PM

I think he's wrong about Thatcher.

I'm certain she would have looked at what's going on and thought f--k this, let's get out of Dodge.

Then again, we would never have gotten this far into the Brussels meddling if she was still Prime Minister.

waving to Brussels for me I think

I think she would of said "we have our own problems to deal with, you're on your own Wanker"

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