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Topic: Bill Clinton vs #BLM Protesters
msharmony's photo
Mon 04/11/16 07:27 PM

Hhhaaa.. Your being ASinine.
And resorting to passive aggressive name calling. Because you feel inferior.
(You use the same words a lot..'inferior', ' superior' very telling) because you are stuck in 'Victimization', & your logic & the #BLM's is flawed.

Now they are a redundant hate group that no one ever or took seriously anyway.
( Not any rational person anyway. Excluding politicians who used & abused the #BLM & laughed as the #BLM tried to use & abuse the system). Pawns.
Time to panic? Because they took the bait, hook line & sinker

So now.. They #BLM headed North.

#AmericanBlackLivesMatterThinksTheyCanConquerThe Yukon

Live at 5 on CBC & MSNBC
Bring your own snacks & a parka


I never called anyone a name

because I don't feel inferior I don't need to insist others are

thats the point

black lives matter is a movement of many in many places, some will grab the one offs and pretend it represents the totality

few of those care to really know, just to keep misrepresenting

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/11/16 07:28 PM

it happens more, is basic numbers, and there are more numbers of whites so that's not the point

it doesn't happen at the same RATE

example: group A has 1000 indviduals
group B has 200 individuals

pure numbers

if , 300 people who are unarmed are stopped ,,(new demographic which includes ALL groups)

and of that demographic(unarmed suspects) , 30% of those who belong to group B are killed compared to 15% of group A

that is called a race based DISPARITY

having nothing to do with who is committing crimes, since crime is irrelevant when sorting for a group in which all are assumed to commit crime

that is the issue, not how many more whites there are or that are getting shot

but with the DISPARITY in the RATE at which it happens

,,,,,now,, go on and respond with how understanding of math is somehow 'spin'

why? you don't even know your spinning it in your favor...

in what way do I benefit in this?


no photo
Tue 04/12/16 01:20 PM

You may not find this use of the phrase offensive MsHarmony, but there are many brainwashed BLM supporters who get infuriated when a white person makes a comment like this; I read their posts on facebook and sometimes even hear them rant in person.

Many of today's anti-racists don't hesitate to use whatever dishonest tactic they can to control the conversation and silence other views. Bill Clinton was absolutely right about that point in his speech: They do not want to hear the truth.

no argument there,, these are humans, we find all kinds

the context of what he said was pointing out how his actions were in line with black lives matter and not against them,,,,not to challenge the movement itself

Yes, I agree with you. He was not trying to challenge the BLM movement. He was (a) trying to shut down one (or a few?) irate and out of control protester who kept screeching her talking points and who had no interest in an actual discussion. Also, he was (b) trying to defend some decision that he made years ago, on the basis that those decisions were good for "black lives" - literally. He probably had other goals, those were 2 that I saw and I agree he wasn't trying to invalidate the BLM movement.

My point is that the dominant voices in the BLM movement are so narrow minded, intolerant, and irrational that they won't stand for _any_ invocation of the phrase "Black Lives Matter" which isn't focused exclusively on their agenda. Taking the phrase literally is strictly verboten, and is (insanely) seen by many as the mark of a 'racist'.

So even though he had no intention of challenging the validity of the larger BLM movement, many people are going to (unfairly) interpret his statements as if he were.

mightymoe's photo
Tue 04/12/16 01:37 PM

You may not find this use of the phrase offensive MsHarmony, but there are many brainwashed BLM supporters who get infuriated when a white person makes a comment like this; I read their posts on facebook and sometimes even hear them rant in person.

Many of today's anti-racists don't hesitate to use whatever dishonest tactic they can to control the conversation and silence other views. Bill Clinton was absolutely right about that point in his speech: They do not want to hear the truth.

no argument there,, these are humans, we find all kinds

the context of what he said was pointing out how his actions were in line with black lives matter and not against them,,,,not to challenge the movement itself

Yes, I agree with you. He was not trying to challenge the BLM movement. He was (a) trying to shut down one (or a few?) irate and out of control protester who kept screeching her talking points and who had no interest in an actual discussion. Also, he was (b) trying to defend some decision that he made years ago, on the basis that those decisions were good for "black lives" - literally. He probably had other goals, those were 2 that I saw and I agree he wasn't trying to invalidate the BLM movement.

My point is that the dominant voices in the BLM movement are so narrow minded, intolerant, and irrational that they won't stand for _any_ invocation of the phrase "Black Lives Matter" which isn't focused exclusively on their agenda. Taking the phrase literally is strictly verboten, and is (insanely) seen by many as the mark of a 'racist'.

So even though he had no intention of challenging the validity of the larger BLM movement, many people are going to (unfairly) interpret his statements as if he were.

that's the voices the media portrays... the calm, smart people the actually believe in the BLM movement are not shown in the media, because that doesn't sell...

most of the people we hear in the media are just being media hounds,IMO

Conrad_73's photo
Tue 04/12/16 01:42 PM
Edited by Conrad_73 on Tue 04/12/16 01:47 PM
most of the Members of that BLM are so narrowminded when it comes to Race,they could look through a Drinking Straw with both Eyes!
The Civil-rights Movement of the Sixties fought for integration,and those BLM Idiots are hellbent to segregate again!

and the Virus has spread to Canada!


Thank you,Tides Foundation!

msharmony's photo
Tue 04/12/16 10:53 PM

You may not find this use of the phrase offensive MsHarmony, but there are many brainwashed BLM supporters who get infuriated when a white person makes a comment like this; I read their posts on facebook and sometimes even hear them rant in person.

Many of today's anti-racists don't hesitate to use whatever dishonest tactic they can to control the conversation and silence other views. Bill Clinton was absolutely right about that point in his speech: They do not want to hear the truth.

no argument there,, these are humans, we find all kinds

the context of what he said was pointing out how his actions were in line with black lives matter and not against them,,,,not to challenge the movement itself

Yes, I agree with you. He was not trying to challenge the BLM movement. He was (a) trying to shut down one (or a few?) irate and out of control protester who kept screeching her talking points and who had no interest in an actual discussion. Also, he was (b) trying to defend some decision that he made years ago, on the basis that those decisions were good for "black lives" - literally. He probably had other goals, those were 2 that I saw and I agree he wasn't trying to invalidate the BLM movement.

My point is that the dominant voices in the BLM movement are so narrow minded, intolerant, and irrational that they won't stand for _any_ invocation of the phrase "Black Lives Matter" which isn't focused exclusively on their agenda. Taking the phrase literally is strictly verboten, and is (insanely) seen by many as the mark of a 'racist'.

So even though he had no intention of challenging the validity of the larger BLM movement, many people are going to (unfairly) interpret his statements as if he were.

agreed, I wish the dominant voices who actually started the movement got as much press as those controversial protestors do,,,,

no photo
Fri 04/15/16 07:45 AM

You may not find this use of the phrase offensive MsHarmony, but there are many brainwashed BLM supporters who get infuriated when a white person makes a comment like this; I read their posts on facebook and sometimes even hear them rant in person.

Many of today's anti-racists don't hesitate to use whatever dishonest tactic they can to control the conversation and silence other views. Bill Clinton was absolutely right about that point in his speech: They do not want to hear the truth.

no argument there,, these are humans, we find all kinds

the context of what he said was pointing out how his actions were in line with black lives matter and not against them,,,,not to challenge the movement itself

Yes, I agree with you. He was not trying to challenge the BLM movement. He was (a) trying to shut down one (or a few?) irate and out of control protester who kept screeching her talking points and who had no interest in an actual discussion. Also, he was (b) trying to defend some decision that he made years ago, on the basis that those decisions were good for "black lives" - literally. He probably had other goals, those were 2 that I saw and I agree he wasn't trying to invalidate the BLM movement.

My point is that the dominant voices in the BLM movement are so narrow minded, intolerant, and irrational that they won't stand for _any_ invocation of the phrase "Black Lives Matter" which isn't focused exclusively on their agenda. Taking the phrase literally is strictly verboten, and is (insanely) seen by many as the mark of a 'racist'.

So even though he had no intention of challenging the validity of the larger BLM movement, many people are going to (unfairly) interpret his statements as if he were.

agreed, I wish the dominant voices who actually started the movement got as much press as those controversial protestors do,,,,

They did get attention . National & international attention. And still do.

And so did their irationally & dysfuntional behavior & crimes.
Oh well. The truth is the truth.

Robxbox73's photo
Sat 04/16/16 03:59 AM
Saint scammer

Lpdon's photo
Sun 04/17/16 04:23 AM

Tell the truth:' Bill Clinton clashes with Black Lives Matter protesters

Former President Bill Clinton was involved in a heated exchange with Black Lives Matter protesters Thursday at a Hillary Clinton campaign event in Philadelphia, where he was forced to defend his record as president and his wife’s past statements.

For almost 15 minutes Clinton sparred with protesters who objected to the 1994 criminal justice reform bill he signed into law as president that increased prison sentences for a number of gang-related offenses. Black Lives Matter activists claim the bill disproportionately hurt African-Americans.

A visibly agitated Clinton told the protesters that the bill helped crack down on gangs who were killing African-American children.

"I talked to a lot of African-American groups. They thought black lives mattered. They said take this bill because our kids are being shot in the street by gangs. We had 13-year-old kids planning their own funerals," Clinton said.

One protester yelled that “black youth are not super predators” – a reference to a statement Hillary Clinton made as first lady. The former president shot back.

“I don't know how you would characterize the gang leaders who got 13-year-old kids hopped up on crack and sent them out onto the streets to murder other African-American children, maybe you thought they were good citizens,” Clinton said, his face turning increasingly red. “She didn’t.”

“You are defending the people who killed the lives you say matter. Tell the truth. You are defending the people who cause young people to go out and take guns,” Clinton yelled.

He also addressed claims by the protesters that the 1996 welfare reform bill increased poverty among African-Americans.

“They say the welfare reform bill increased poverty then why did we have the largest drop in African American poverty in history when I was president?” he asked rhetorically.

* Video 6:15 *
Black Lives Matter protesters and Bill Clinton repeatedly clash in Philadelphia

11:35 - CBS
April 7, 2016

These Black Lives Matter types are MORONS just trying to get their 15 seconds of fame.

I actually will say I am impressed with how Bill handled these criminals.

Lpdon's photo
Sun 04/17/16 04:26 AM

I think the Rhodes Scholar has never and would never use such elementary speech patterns

Just like he would never commit perjury and get disbarred either? Or leave DNA on a specific dress of a woman he said he DIDN'T touch. laugh

Bill Clinton is a skilled and proficient liar, a pure sociopath and I don't think anyone can try to deny that with a straight face.

msharmony's photo
Sun 04/17/16 11:41 AM

I think the Rhodes Scholar has never and would never use such elementary speech patterns

Just like he would never commit perjury and get disbarred either? Or leave DNA on a specific dress of a woman he said he DIDN'T touch. laugh

Bill Clinton is a skilled and proficient liar, a pure sociopath and I don't think anyone can try to deny that with a straight face.

apples and oranges

sexual proclivities and knowledge of grammar, , that is,,,

excellent example,, he never said he 'didn't touch', he said he didn't have 'sexual relations'......careful of the exact chosen words

being unfaithful and lying about it,, is a pretty proficient skill in plenty of men in America,,, of all intellect levels

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