Topic: The Story Of The God? | |
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Thu 04/28/16 03:29 AM
I've heard these vain babblings and science falsely so-called from "Science Worshipers" and atheists like lu10nt for many many years now. There's a Sermon that put this WHOLE ISSUE to bed for me titled "Science Fiction Religion" preached by a Baptist Pastor. It's silly to even debate this secular nonsense which lu10nt promotes - It's just "Science Fiction Religion." Listen to the Sermon. All of what this Preacher says is ENTIRELY True. The Truth is that lu10nt HATES the God of the Bible. Look at what he writes in this Thread. He literally HATES God! He despises Him. He "mocks" and belittles those who believe in the LORD. He holds himself "above" everyone else, probably because he has an over indulgence in Science Fiction. What else can explain this type of psyche? However, MOST of his "so-called" Science is NOT really based upon ANY REAL Science at all. It's "Science Fiction" that these atheists like to call Science. The Bible calls it "vain babblings" and "Science falsely so-called." (1 Timothy 6:20-21) It's a "Science Fiction Religion" to these atheists like Richard Dawkins, Stephen Hawkins and the rest of the "apostles of this "False" Religion. ![]() Just smirk and leave this guy alone. He just wants to argue with Christians to attempt to validate his view - which is total nonsense. Let him go and watch his Stephen Hawkins videos which attempt to "disprove" God. I will just pray that lu10nt will someday believe on the Lord Jesus Christ for his Salvation from an Eternity in Hell. About Me: "This one is machine and nerve and has his mind concluded" About You: "This one is but flesh and faith and is the more deluded" We as a species are adapting all the time, we create things all the time and are gradually evolving technology, science and even ourselves so i ask you do you think God built your computer, do you think god created the internet, do you think god created the car you drive to work in, do you think god created the church you preach in, do you think god created atheists, do you think god created governments, nuclear bombs, Hitler, war, hunger, poverty, the space rocket that went to the moon, the international space station, every movie, book, newspaper, every single image and piece of text on the internet. Did god do any of this? The obvious answer is no but your answer is that god did this through us so therefore god "through me" is determining that he doesn't exist because of the sheer lack of evidence. A big bang happened the rest is just time and eventually water and eventually survival. "One neuron, your alive, two neurons, your moving" The answers of obvious to those that haven't had their brains rotted by 2000 year old trash. |
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Thu 04/28/16 03:34 AM
And here are the stars of science: A lot more evidence of human evolution than God!
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Thu 04/28/16 03:32 AM
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fish are also animals so did he get 2 whales? FYI: Whales are mammals, not fish. |
It seems to me that we are here because of the evolution requirement. When a species finds it difficult to survive because of predators or changes in environment, there becomes a need to evolve and adapt and that the many species constantly trial and error different adaptations (something we don't have conscious control of) until either its too late and become extinct or in fact it works and we evolve to counter the changes. Your post suggests that living things choose to evolve ("there becomes a need to evolve", "species...trial and error"). The only relevant thing that creatures do is reproduce with small variations. If those variations find themselves in an environment where they improve the creatures' reproductive success they are selected for by that environment and appear with increasing frequency in subsequent generations. |
It seems to me that we are here because of the evolution requirement. When a species finds it difficult to survive because of predators or changes in environment, there becomes a need to evolve and adapt and that the many species constantly trial and error different adaptations (something we don't have conscious control of) until either its too late and become extinct or in fact it works and we evolve to counter the changes. Your post suggests that living things choose to evolve ("there becomes a need to evolve", "species...trial and error"). The only relevant thing that creatures do is reproduce with small variations. If those variations find themselves in an environment where they improve the creatures' reproductive success they are selected for by that environment and appear with increasing frequency in subsequent generations. I was simply giving my account of my opinion. I have not studied anything to do with evolution but it does seem the most logical by far and thought that I would put my spin on what I think occurs. I understand that we do reproduce very small changes and I also believe that we can evolve after being born. I don't think that the evolution is contained within the reproduction only. I myself have developed or evolved abilities that I could not previously perform and I have done this through necessity. I found a requirement for these adaptations and it works, it could have side effects, who knows, but it is a couple of abilities I am glad I do not live without anymore and could potentially now pass down. I am unaware of my parents possessing this ability because to be quite honest its not the kind of abilities to go around bragging about. They are nice since I did not have these abilities until around my teens but its in related to a topic that isn't appropriate to discuss on forums or at all for that matter. Now to tackle your other quote. Whales are Mammals indeed but I find it rather funny that you only picked this out of everything I said. I was simply trying to make a point that when the bible states 2 of every animal surely Whales, Sharks, Crocodiles and all water dwelling animals were also on board. All I can picture is the 41st day when Noah lets all the animals off the boat and its one big free-for-all of predators getting their fill. It would be the day where the record is broken for most species becoming exitinct within a single earth day but since the earth is only 6000 years old according to the bible then Noah must have decided to leave the Dinosaurs off the ship so that we scientists could have our evidence. |
fish are also animals so did he get 2 whales? FYI: Whales are mammals, not fish. i think a bigger point would be "why would Noah need 2 whales if the world was flooded"? but the whole arc thing is just fantasy anyway, not a real big arguing point to god or the bible... |
For someone who don't believe in God sure talks a lot about him.
Your information will not hinder what I believe or experience. If it wasn't for God I would be in a box 6 feet in the ground. |
For someone who don't believe in God sure talks a lot about him. Your information will not hinder what I believe or experience. If it wasn't for God I would be in a box 6 feet in the ground. If it wasn't for God, a lot more people would be walking the earth, which coincidentally would cause potential overcrowding issues. You may twist whatever fanatical story into God preventing you from being 6 foot under but many reached early graves because people believed that it was Gods will, God allowed good people to be killed and yet the devil punishes bad people, doesn't that make the devil good and god evil? So many thousands/millions have reached early graves but they are just numbers, you can't see their faces so what does that matter so long as your alive, you couldn't care less what atrocities have been made in gods name. Science must be evil in your mind, it only created just about every man-made object in existence which is just about everything you use, from clothes, shoes, tvs, computers, just about everything, what did god create? Don't see any evidence and you don't have any! This is how evil science is, science helps people, science is awful because it allows people just like yourself to survive and live life according to talking snakes. Science allows for overcrowding and the ability to resolve such problems by terraforming Mars. I don't see God terraforming Mars, its People. Any action you perform is yours to make and not God controlling you to do it. We have come such a long way from 2000 years ago and yet the people that have been taught to insert bible and remove brain still go round preaching about "our father this" and "our father that" and yet if people actually read the f*cking bible you would realise that God is in favour of so many things that are now against the law because of equality issues and because we all have a right to live life with a certain degree of normality. God approves rape, slave and many other atrocities and yet he saved you! I must be doing something wrong, maybe I need to start killing people to gain Gods favour and live a life of eternity. So many deluded empty heads in this world that try their hardest to shame the human race. Besides heres a load of Memes, and Ricky Gervais is an extremely clever man, he far exceeds the likes of me, let alone you! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() That will do for now! |
The origins of the laws of nature, life and the Universe point clearly to an Intelligent Source that human theories cannot explain. Indeed the Supreme Power is God. The burden of proof is on those who argue to the contrary.
Antony Flew (1923-2010) was the world's most famous atheist. I would suggest you read his recount of his conversion in a book titled, 'There is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind'. After the simple homework, please come back and tackle these two questions, too simple for your high IQ : 1) Factually convince us the non existence of an Intelligent Source. 2) Many other known great atheists like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris with such high IQ changed their minds. My take.... The wise gentlemen realized they were mistaken in their beliefs. Discuss. The burden of proof lies with you. Once ready, please submit your exam write up to the honourable members of Mingle who believe in God to open a factual discussion. Until then, I leave you with the following citations : Psalm 14:1 A fool says in his heart there is no God. Proverbs 26:4 Do not give answer to a fool according to his foolishness, lest you also be like him. Wise sayings.... Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. George Carlin Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. Mark Twain I rest my case! |
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Sat 05/21/16 04:43 AM
If it wasn't for God, a lot more people would be walking the earth, which coincidentally would cause potential overcrowding issues. You may twist whatever fanatical story into God preventing you from being 6 foot under but many reached early graves because people believed that it was Gods will, God allowed good people to be killed and yet the devil punishes bad people, doesn't that make the devil good and god evil? So many thousands/millions have reached early graves but they are just numbers, you can't see their faces so what does that matter so long as your alive, you couldn't care less what atrocities have been made in gods name.
Science must be evil in your mind, it only created just about every man-made object in existence which is just about everything you use, from clothes, shoes, tvs, computers, just about everything, what did god create? Don't see any evidence and you don't have any! This is how evil science is, science helps people, science is awful because it allows people just like yourself to survive and live life according to talking snakes. Science allows for overcrowding and the ability to resolve such problems by terraforming Mars. I don't see God terraforming Mars, its People. Any action you perform is yours to make and not God controlling you to do it. We have come such a long way from 2000 years ago and yet the people that have been taught to insert bible and remove brain still go round preaching about "our father this" and "our father that" and yet if people actually read the f*cking bible you would realise that God is in favour of so many things that are now against the law because of equality issues and because we all have a right to live life with a certain degree of normality. God approves rape, slave and many other atrocities and yet he saved you! I must be doing something wrong, maybe I need to start killing people to gain Gods favour and live a life of eternity. So many deluded empty heads in this world that try their hardest to shame the human race. Besides heres a load of Memes, and Ricky Gervais is an extremely clever man, he far exceeds the likes of me, let alone you! Perhaps you are also forgetting the cold hard indisputable facts about how SCIENCE and TECHNOLOGY were used in the VERY FIRST War of Ancient Mesopotamia; and so forth throughout the generations of all wars recorded in history which is undeniably still being used in todays advances of Modern Warfare. Yes, Science created all of those things you previously mentioned; as well as ammunition, bombs, knifes, guns, Military aircraft, Sea-craft, Land-craft and Witchcraft. Did God provide the blue-prints for these Scientists to create these things. No! |
The origins of the laws of nature, life and the Universe point clearly to an Intelligent Source that human theories cannot explain. Indeed the Supreme Power is God. The burden of proof is on those who argue to the contrary. Antony Flew (1923-2010) was the world's most famous atheist. I would suggest you read his recount of his conversion in a book titled, 'There is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind'. After the simple homework, please come back and tackle these two questions, too simple for your high IQ : 1) Factually convince us the non existence of an Intelligent Source. 2) Many other known great atheists like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris with such high IQ changed their minds. My take.... The wise gentlemen realized they were mistaken in their beliefs. Discuss. The burden of proof lies with you. Once ready, please submit your exam write up to the honourable members of Mingle who believe in God to open a factual discussion. Until then, I leave you with the following citations : Psalm 14:1 A fool says in his heart there is no God. Proverbs 26:4 Do not give answer to a fool according to his foolishness, lest you also be like him. Wise sayings.... Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. George Carlin Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. Mark Twain I rest my case! define clearly... i see a series of random, chaotic events that happens throughout the universe, which by no means points to a creator... |
I think you better reread what I said
Don't make out you know everything. No I don't hate science in fact I LOVE it yes it may come as a shock I LOVE it Don't say things about me that you have no idea. Shut your mouth! |
Not sure this has been brought up yet, but did you see "Inherit the Wind"? Definitely see this movie, because your argument is featured quite heavily, when the infamous Scopes "Monkey Trial" came to light in Kansas way back when.
Atheism isn't a "misguided cult". It's a group of people who question or doubt the existence of God. For people to entertain otherwise, they are the misguided ones. =) There is one major factor that comes into question: How long was the first day if there was no sun nor moon until the fourth day? That one always gets people to sputter and stop talking for a while. =) I also love this one passage, and it's very highly significant, and if it's truly from the Bible and therefore the word of God, this is huge, also from Genesis: "When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose..." Now then...what the hell is this saying? We know, from the Bible, that Adam and Eve had many sons and daughters, and that they did the nasty (yay, incest! Wait, isn't that a cardinal sin these days??), but clearly this passage needs clarification. Sons of God? Daughters of man? There is a LOT of controversy over that statement. =) So there you have it, the world is just 6000 years old and this is the story of God as told to me. I have only added a few questionable points in there but the whole story is what I have been told by other people. If this story is marginally askew or it is way out then please enlighten your misguided cult. |
fish are also animals so did he get 2 whales? FYI: Whales are mammals, not fish. i think a bigger point would be "why would Noah need 2 whales if the world was flooded"? but the whole arc thing is just fantasy anyway, not a real big arguing point to god or the bible... 6.5 square-millimeter is a lot of space on an Arch! ![]() |
The origins of the laws of nature, life and the Universe point clearly to an Intelligent Source that human theories cannot explain. Indeed the Supreme Power is God. The burden of proof is on those who argue to the contrary. Antony Flew (1923-2010) was the world's most famous atheist. I would suggest you read his recount of his conversion in a book titled, 'There is a God: How the World's Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind'. After the simple homework, please come back and tackle these two questions, too simple for your high IQ : 1) Factually convince us the non existence of an Intelligent Source. 2) Many other known great atheists like Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris with such high IQ changed their minds. My take.... The wise gentlemen realized they were mistaken in their beliefs. Discuss. The burden of proof lies with you. Once ready, please submit your exam write up to the honourable members of Mingle who believe in God to open a factual discussion. Until then, I leave you with the following citations : Psalm 14:1 A fool says in his heart there is no God. Proverbs 26:4 Do not give answer to a fool according to his foolishness, lest you also be like him. Wise sayings.... Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience. George Carlin Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference. Mark Twain I rest my case! You rest your case and prove my point so what! You are using wise sayings to combat with wiser people. This is fact and read it well! In the end, there will only be one type of person with the capability to say "I told you so" and those words will NEVER be said from any person with fundamental, undeniable proof of the existence of God, it will be those who have the mental capacity to distinguish bull **** from reality! |
I think you better reread what I said Don't make out you know everything. No I don't hate science in fact I LOVE it yes it may come as a shock I LOVE it Don't say things about me that you have no idea. Shut your mouth! I have reread what you said and that changed nothing! So how did the magical being floating in the clouds, urinated on stupid people become your savior and prevent you from being in a wooden box? To be honest, I don't care because all I will get is magic, angels and fairy dust but I am still waiting for someone with compelling evidence of the existence of God and if you think you have what it takes then take the stage but since no one in the world has undeniable proof you will be wasting your time. You love Science do you? That's nice, Tell me more about how people use science to create everything and how God has no involvement! I can't speak to you about things that I have no idea about and yet you can speak to me about the existence of God! I will tell you the truth and you will be hurt by me and yet you can tell me lies and I am expected to be silenced, control freaks My mouth is firmly shut thanks, doesn't stop my fingers from typing though! |
I do want to point out that I do believe in an intelligent being far greater than us. Whether or not it is truly God, that's something for which we just have to rely on faith.
I just don't see how evolution can prove ALL of this. Our bodies are incredible. I said this before, but we breathe air, we process the elements around us, and we can use our sense, and our whole nervous system is a complex, intricate mesh of "wires" and "electrical charges". There are really only two real conclusions I can draw from this. a) We were either built, for some purpose, by some power we cannot even begin to understand or; b) We are not real. Everything around us is nothing but an intense, deeper level of some kind of existential plane that we cannot grasp. I'll opt for choice a, on the contention that if something DID build us and build this world for us to live upon, one can only assume it was done with love, and the hopes we would show mutual love to others. And that's what God has always been about. =) |
fish are also animals so did he get 2 whales? FYI: Whales are mammals, not fish. i think a bigger point would be "why would Noah need 2 whales if the world was flooded"? but the whole arc thing is just fantasy anyway, not a real big arguing point to god or the bible... 6.5 square-millimeter is a lot of space on an Arch! ![]() mm?? ![]() ![]() |