Topic: Dear Diary ,..the revised edition
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Sun 11/11/07 09:18 AM
Good Morning (((Purple)))flowerforyou
Dishwasher running....check
Washing machine running....check
Vacuum running.......frown

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Sun 11/11/07 09:19 AM
Good Morning Seahawks......The awnser to that is my maids uniform....derrrr:wink: :wink:

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:20 AM
next Saturday my DISHWASHER will be delivered!!bigsmile
my usual dishwasher is still sleeping....

seahawks's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:21 AM
lol thanx for the visual, be right back.!!! lol

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Sun 11/11/07 09:21 AM
How exciting !!! A new dishwasher!!.....I want one of those little round vacuums that run by themselvesbigsmile bigsmile

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Sun 11/11/07 09:23 AM
Dear Diary..

I am going to rake the pine needles for Gypsy today, save all the pine cones so I can throw them at her when she gets released from JSH jail

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Sun 11/11/07 09:25 AM
ok....back to the housegrumble grumble grumble

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/11/07 09:27 AM
Survival tip of the day :
Pine needles contain vitamin C and could save your life if you where lost in the woods , pine needles and tree bark can provide a small ammount of nutrition if lost , eat the trees....

todays message is brought to you by the Number G an the Letter 13 ...............


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Sun 11/11/07 10:07 AM
Yummy...maybe I will cook up a pine needle cassarole for dinner:tongue: Gauranteed scurvy cure....laugh laugh laugh
Counters scrubbed....check
Laundry rotated....check
Cigarette break....check
Vacuum running.......grumble grumble

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/11/07 10:10 AM
well here it is ......Sunday........
an somebody I've been chatting with since before Halloween said they wanted to meet me today....................
only thing is ....he seems to have changed his mind I guess....
stopped talkin/chattin about wednesday.....
rejected dejected..........forgotten?? I feel like a piece of crap.......why even bother gettin my hopes up

NOBODY WANTS ME......!frown

worms!!!!!!!!!!!!!sad frown mad devil brokenheart :cry:

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/11/07 10:11 AM
vACCUUMING SUCKS...............indifferent

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Sun 11/11/07 10:13 AM
((((Purple)))....He probably lost his nerve!!!
Has no reflection on you....flowerforyou

My vacuum sucks....almost a waste of time!!
I need a new vacuumsad sad sad

I hate the holiday season.....Santa is BROKEsad

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/11/07 10:19 AM
I hate everything right now......frown
they just dont have a sad enough emoticon there......

no photo
Sun 11/11/07 10:21 AM
((((purple))).......I hope your day gets better....flowerforyou flowerforyou

gtg sweep and mop....

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/11/07 10:24 AM messy house is just staring at me......

purplecat's photo
Sun 11/11/07 10:27 AM
and my daughter is having five of her closest friends over for dinner....... an I gotta take her for grad photos and drive them all here an cook em supper and god knows what else....

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Sun 11/11/07 10:57 AM
Floor is swept and mopped and the girls are eating lunchdrinker drinker

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Sun 11/11/07 11:03 AM
11:58....cracking my first beer......YUMMY!!

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Sun 11/11/07 11:09 AM
O.k.....lunch break over...grumble grumble

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Sun 11/11/07 11:10 AM
Freshs email is for sale ......LOL come one fresh you had to expect a comment like that