Topic: Dear Diary ,..the revised edition
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Fri 11/09/07 03:23 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh
Or both......
<~~~~~has two hands:wink:

s1owhand's photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:29 PM

Wii may need some explicit instructions in self-exploration. I would tell him - but I don't wanna risk the boot!


no photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:33 PM
laugh laugh laugh He needs to explore something and maybe even draw a map while he is exploring.......just as a refrence for next timelaugh laugh

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Fri 11/09/07 03:41 PM
smokin smokin smokin

s1owhand's photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:45 PM
dear diary,

do you know Tom Lehrer's song "National Brotherhood Week"? How about the Edward G. Robinson and Humphrey Bogart classic film "The Amazing Dr. Clitterhouse"?


no photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:48 PM
I am unfamiliar w/ both....

s1owhand's photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:54 PM

well the racism thread makes me think of the former
and the size thread makes me think of the latter and
it is a serious film!! Really good.


Of course the Tom Lehrer song is a CLASSIC - posted
the lyrics on songs you like

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 03:56 PM
WootWoot.....time to go home!!! I'll have to pick this up laterflowerforyou

s1owhand's photo
Fri 11/09/07 04:05 PM

seeya later fresh!! happy week end drinker drinker

kidatheart70's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:45 PM

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Fri 11/09/07 05:45 PM
hya Kidflowerforyou

kidatheart70's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:57 PM
Hi Freshflowerforyou

I may as well have two smokes seeing as how I'm not quite done my coffee.smokin drinker

s1owhand's photo
Fri 11/09/07 05:58 PM

so we are back bigsmile

catchme_ifucan's photo
Fri 11/09/07 06:01 PM
Dear Big D,
So who got banned down in current affairs?

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Fri 11/09/07 06:06 PM
Current afairs.....what happened?

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Fri 11/09/07 06:10 PM
Heeeellllooooo????? sad sad sad Somebody....anybody tell me what is going on here.....

catchme_ifucan's photo
Fri 11/09/07 06:11 PM
sorry! I was on the phone.

& there's one 2007 something that I think bl8ant got in trouble in.

no photo
Fri 11/09/07 06:58 PM know it takes one asz stirring the pot to piss a bunch of people off!!

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Fri 11/09/07 07:08 PM
Is there anyway to tell if someone was suspended? Will their acct. say deactivated or anything?

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Fri 11/09/07 07:23 PM
:cry: :cry: I hope my friends are ot all banned.....sad sad