Topic: Dear Diary ,..the revised edition
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Thu 11/08/07 12:29 AM
As pain medication, OxyContin is taken every 12 hours because the tablets contain a controlled, time-release formulation of the medication. Most pain medications must be taken every three to six hours. Oxycontin abusers remove the sustained-release coating to get a rapid release of the medication, causing a rush of euphoria similar to heroin.

purplecat's photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:30 AM
thats probebly it...half of one...small half...noway
dizzy swaety cold naseau cant spell worth $hit

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Thu 11/08/07 12:31 AM
Dear will be ok.....just dont take anymore.....and dont get meds from your drug dealer!!noway laugh noway laugh

purplecat's photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:32 AM
ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww......get it out!!
oh I wish i would just puke.......sick
jeezuz ...owie or ewie..which is worse...noway
ewie I think.....Purple dooes lots of dumb things......
i was desperate..

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Thu 11/08/07 12:33 AM
so maybe you should puke....stick your finger down your throat....

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Thu 11/08/07 12:34 AM
Dear diary.....did I just say that???laugh laugh

purplecat's photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:34 AM
ya shoulda learned that one about 30 years ago eh...duh...
ohhhhhhh time released nausuea craptastic....
maybe if i can go to sleep...ew.....sick

purplecat's photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:35 AM
strongly considering trim ing a fingernail an hittin the auto edject button......sick

bigpappa4331's photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:36 AM
most likely oxycodone like a percoset

oxycontin is rarely given ,,and expensive as well

no photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:36 AM
i imagine it was oxycontin...if it came from her friend....

very dangerous stuff.... i am sorry you had to find out like this....

i need to ask you...what if your daughter did that , what would you say to her??

Purple so know better...NEVER!!!!!!! take anyone elses drugs!!!!!!

just this last week ...oh oh oh i can tell you a story...

my son's best friends

all flipped frikkin OUT on someone's bad drugs...ended up in hospital slashed up and in restraints... never NEVER remembering what had taken them there....OR ANYTHING OF THE EVENTS THAT TRANSPIRED THE NIGHT BEFORE... still recovering and in shock, one was allergic to something in the punch and is still in coma....

the pills were dunked and laced with something else...still trying to figure it all out....


:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

purplecat's photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:37 AM
i did try but my nails are to long an i jabbed myself...hey , I have a sore throat now...some pain pill ...craptastic...

no photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:38 AM
hmmmmmmmmm so what should she do bl8tant??? throw it up????

It cant be any worse than the double hit of orange bird I took when i was 16!!noway noway noway noway

purplecat's photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:41 AM
my daughter is probebly smarter than me in some ways and probebly wouldnt do somethin that dumb...she hates drugs her dads a freak.....

gotta learn the hard way dont I.....noway sick

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Thu 11/08/07 12:42 AM
sooooooooo was it..... OxyContin is available in tablet form in 5 doses: 10, 20, 40, 80, and 160mg.

no photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:44 AM
what about that syrup of ipecac stuff? would that work to flush it out??? or drink milk and induce vomiting????

no photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:46 AM
depends how long ago she took it...

prolly is in the system by's not much

drink..... water ... when you can eat , have a real meal fresh brocolli steamed with butter and a little lemon

lemonade...fresh squeezed will help flush the kidneys and liver...this is all gentle'll be just sucks now

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

purplecat's photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:46 AM
I dont know there was an 0 on the remaining half?..took it a lil over 3 hours ago... think I'm gonna enduce vomiting...sick

no photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:49 AM
whats the broccoli going to do???

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 11/08/07 12:53 AM

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Thu 11/08/07 12:54 AM
throw in some blueberries too......who has fresh lemons in their fridge in november????