Topic: let's try this again
boxturtle247's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:57 PM
(re-post into the right forum)

be careful this halloween.

My fire department has already been dispatched to two fires resulting from halloween decorations.

(one was a string of lights with frayed wiring, another was from a jack-o-lantern catching fire.)

all I'm saying is, be mindful of what's going on.

(and have lots of fun.)

on that note, what's everyone doing for halloween?

adj4u's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:00 PM
wonder if they were made in china stuff

insert head scratching emoticon here

brian325's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:02 PM
I suddenly had a deja vue laugh laugh laugh

boxturtle247's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:04 PM
the lights might have been. i dunno, they were melted.

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:36 PM
keep up yhe good work!!

andreajayne's photo
Mon 10/29/07 09:38 PM
i was suppose to go to a dress up kegger last saturday, but i went out with a friend instead.

Wednesday at work we are having a potluck, other then that, nata! I have to work til atleast 7