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Noden's photo
Mon 10/29/07 05:39 AM
For starters, I'd like to say, I am very,very sensitive, so plz, be tender with your words.

I have updated my profile, took it down, put it back up, so undecided about it, got feedback real indepth feedbacks in emails, saying that, I should do this or that...all I want to know is, how it looks, am I saying anything wrong?

Remember, I am sensitive, so do be kind...:heart:

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 05:43 AM
I think u about covered everything!!! Might be a tad bit long, but it tells about anything anyone would wanna knnow, I like it!!!flowerforyou drinker

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 05:53 AM
sounds like a ploy to get people to lok at your profilelaugh

oldsage's photo
Mon 10/29/07 05:59 AM
Fantastic profile.
Risky, soul bearing, tempting, insightful & very deep.
Interesting lady, looking forward to more of your writing.

CATBW56's photo
Mon 10/29/07 05:59 AM
a true insight to the real you...very nice.flowerforyou

no photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:02 AM
WOW, now thats a profile worth reading!!

If I was a male, I would contact you for sure haha

sherry4382's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:24 AM
It was a little long....but definitely worth reading and if someone takes the time to read your profile then they would be worth getting to know! I think it was wonderfulflowerforyou

Noden's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:45 AM
Thank you...

:heart: :heart: :heart: sherry, sin, cat, Mikey, and Oldsage:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

For you soldier...I said I am sensitive, I meant it, this is no ploy, I now know what you're all about, and for a soldier, I am amazed at your insight. I sit and pray here everyday for guys like you who go off and fight for our land and yours, I cry when I hear one has died for this purpose, I can't imagine, why you choose me to pick on today....need worry not cause you won't be in my thoughts....ever in a day!!!!!:cry:

RoamingOrator's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:46 AM
Well, I spotted a couple of spelling errors in there, but nothing that the brain can't work around. But I don't know, did I really learn anything about you? ;)

Yes, of course I did. Not to mention, you reminded me of some music that is glaringly missing from my collection. :) You got an amazing picture of yourself put into a very small space. Any man would be a fool not to send you a note, and if it isn't consisting of at least three or four paragraphs, don't read it.

One critique (sp?), don't give up on us younger men, sometimes we might suprise you with the amount of experience we can put into a short amount of time.

Chazster's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:54 AM
Its really long, too much for me to read right now cause I am not in the real reading mood. (that might be a problem but I don't know) Also I don't get the point of people that have pictures but not any pictures of themselves. I have seen several and it confuses me.. maybe I should start a topic on this.

catchme_ifucan's photo
Mon 10/29/07 06:54 AM
glasses g'mornin Lovely! ((((Noden))))

:wink: Kinda vague!

I guess if they want to know something they can ask!!!


Love ya! :heart:

pjmaxx's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:19 AM
I love it, I wish I had that much to say...I guess I'm just a hands on kinda guy..:wink: It sounds like it's from the haert and anyone that has a true interest will read every word...

Noden's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:28 AM
:heart: thank you...catch..miss ya...we should chat more often...thank you pjmaxx, well, women do love a hands on kinda man, so I quess that's makes you more intune with what needs to be done.flowerforyou

Chezster,thank you for even help me.flowerforyou

Roaming, so many thanks for the insight to my spelling mistakes, I corrected them, I think I got them all. I think I'll stick to the older men, tried not to mention how many, younger gents, but found them to be very childish, or never wanting to grow up...laugh laugh laugh and apperciate the finer things in life...flowerforyou

pjmaxx's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:31 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou bigsmile

Greyhound's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:32 AM
I was gonna ask you something... oh wait i'll go read your profile again...laugh
Seriously it's very nice.flowerforyou

Twitch's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:46 AM
you exposed the real you Noden. I think it was very nice

Noden's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:48 AM
:heart: Twitch:heart: , I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you...but it is nice to see such a lovely person, come across my thread, I am delighted, and hope to see you often...thank you...flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Twitch's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:50 AM
Thanks Noden -- it's my pleasure also

Noden's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:58 AM
Hey Twitch, are you having a nice day?

-----------aRe LiKe ApPlEs------
-------On TrEeS. tHe BeSt OnEs-----
-----ArE aT tHe ToP oF tHe TrEe.-----
---ThE bOyS dOn'T wAnT tO rEaCh---
--FoR tHe GoOd OnEs BeCaUsE tHeY--
-r AfRaId Of FaLlInG aNd GeTtInG hUrT.-
-iNsTeAd, ThEy GeT tHe RoTtEn ApPlEs-
FrOm ThE gRoUnD tHaT aReN't As GoOd,
BuT eAsY. sO tHe ApPlEs Up ToP tHiNk
SoMeThInG wRoNg WiTh ThEm WhEn In
-ReAlItY tHeY'rE aMaZiNg. ThEy JuSt--
---HaVe To WaIt FoR tHe RiGhT bOy To
---- CoMe AlOnG, tHe OnE wHo'S-
----------- bRaVe EnOuGh To-----
---------------ClImB aLl---------
---------------ThE wAy--------
--------------To ThE tOp

frankfk's photo
Mon 10/29/07 07:59 AM
Noden, you did a good job, a unique tooflowerforyou

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