Topic: Bernie Sanders' : White People Comments | |
Sanders's comment on white people and poverty creates social media stir By Ben Kamisar Bernie Sanders stumbled on a question at Sunday's debate over whether white Americans can empathize with blacks, stating that white people don't know what it's like to be poor. "When you are white, you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto, you don’t know what it’s like to be poor, you don’t know what it’s like to be hassled when you are walking down a street or dragged out of a car," Sanders said when asked about his personal racial blind spots. "We must be firm in making it clear that we will end institutional racism and reform a broken criminal justice system." The comments immediately caused a stir on Twitter. DeRay McKesson, a prominent figure in the Black Lives Matter movement, pointed out the awkward phrasing on Twitter but defended the substance of Sanders's answer. But others on social media did not defend the awkward wording. ------------------------ Bernie Sanders Suggests You Can’t Be Poor If You’ White ' |
Attention Poor & Unemployed & Feed up White People:
Save you pennies Buy a tent Go to all his relatives lawn Stay there Wait for further instructions ![]() |
poor Guy is delirious!
poor Guy is delirious! Him & Clinton are out of touch w/reality. And competing for the black vote. Rubio & Cruz: Hispanic vote ( argued over who speaks better Spanish & illegal immigration) Those candidates HOPE it is written in stone that people vote by race & sex. So they are feeding the beast. Trump appeals to everyone who is feed up. If I was in another country, all this pettiness would be comical but since I am not... I find it insulting, that they think people are this stupid. |
Here,Bernie,educate yourself! |
poor Guy is delirious! Him & Clinton are out of touch w/reality. And competing for the black vote. Rubio & Cruz: Hispanic vote ( argued over who speaks better Spanish & illegal immigration) Those candidates HOPE it is written in stone that people vote by race & sex. So they are feeding the beast. Trump appeals to everyone who is feed up. If I was in another country, all this pettiness would be comical but since I am not... I find it insulting, that they think people are this stupid. apparently he thinks blacks are stupid since thats who he's directing it to... |
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Ol Bernie must not be familiar with that shining example of white poordom known as the trailer park....
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Tue 03/08/16 02:21 PM
And what about all those " Food Stamps ", that this administration kept shoving down our throats?
Article after acticle saying, by percentage. more white people were on Food Stamps? What about the 1 in 4 American children go hungry? What about the PBS documentaries on Kentucky mountains? What about the BBC documentary on " Homeless Children In America" ? Bernie lives on another planet, or goes from his mansion, to a limo, to giving a speech !! ![]() |
Here,Bernie,educate yourself! In Appalachia the country is beautiful and the society is broken. Owsley County, Ky. — There are lots of diversions in the Big White Ghetto, the vast moribund matrix of Wonder Bread–hued Appalachian towns and villages stretching from northern Mississippi to southern New York, a slowly dissipating nebula of poverty and misery with its heart in eastern Kentucky, the last redoubt of the Scots-Irish working class that picked up where African slave labor left off, mining and cropping and sawing the raw materials for a modern American economy that would soon run out of profitable uses for the class of people who 500 years ago would have been known, without any derogation, as peasants. Thinking about the future here and its bleak prospects is not much fun at all, so instead of too much black-minded introspection you have the pills and the dope, the morning beers, the endless scratch-off lotto cards, healing meetings up on the hill, the federally funded ritual of trading cases of food-stamp Pepsi for packs of Kentucky’s Best cigarettes and good old hard currency, tall piles of gas-station nachos, the occasional blast of meth, Narcotics Anonymous meetings, petty crime, the draw, the recreational making and surgical unmaking of teenaged mothers, and death: Life expectancies are short — the typical man here dies well over a decade earlier than does a man in Fairfax County, Va. — and they are getting shorter, women’s life expectancy having declined by nearly 1.1 percent from 1987 to 2007. If the people here weren’t 98.5 percent white, we’d call it a reservation. Driving through these hills and hollows, you aren’t in the Appalachia of Elmore Leonard’s Justified or squatting with Lyndon Johnson on Tom Fletcher’s front porch in Martin County, a scene famously photographed by Walter Bennett of Time, the image that launched the so-called War on Poverty. The music isn’t “Shady Grove,” it’s Kanye West. There is still coal mining — which, at $25 an hour or more, provides one of the more desirable occupations outside of government work — but the jobs are moving west, and Harlan County, like many coal-country communities, has lost nearly half of its population over the past 30 years. There is here a strain of fervid and sometimes apocalyptic Christianity, and visions of the Rapture must have a certain appeal for people who already have been left behind. Like its black urban counterparts, the Big White Ghetto suffers from a whole trainload of social problems, but the most significant among them may be adverse selection: Those who have the required work skills, the academic ability, or the simple desperate native enterprising grit to do so get the hell out as fast as they can, and they have been doing that for decades. As they go, businesses disappear, institutions fall into decline, social networks erode, and there is little or nothing left over for those who remain. It’s a classic economic death spiral: The quality of the available jobs is not enough to keep good workers, and the quality of the available workers is not enough to attract good jobs. These little towns located at remote wide spots in helical mountain roads are hard enough to get to if you have a good reason to be here. If you don’t have a good reason, you aren’t going to think of one. Appalachian places have evocative and unsentimental names denoting deep roots: Little Barren River, Coal Pit Road. The name “Cumberland” blankets Appalachian geography — the Cumberland Mountains, the Cumberland River, several Cumberland counties — in tribute to the Duke of Cumberland, who along with the Ulster Scots ancestors of the Appalachian settlers crushed the Young Pretender at the Battle of Culloden. Even church names suggest ancient grievances: Separate Baptist, with the descriptor in all-capital letters. (“Come out from among them and be ye separate” — 2 Corinthians 6:17.) I pass a church called “Welfare Baptist,” which, unfortunately, describes much of the population for miles and miles around. * * * ![]() |
Yep, I saw that. Blew it big time.
Hard to believe that 20% of voters want him to be President!
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As a long time supporter of Sanders, I thought that I was prepared for the display of opposition & propaganda that would accompany his decision to participate in 2016 Election. But I really wasn't prepared for the kind of dishonesty & abuse of power that I have observed. One of the many elements launched by the opposition of Sander's candidacy is is the overtly biased & manipulated media/press coverage to either discredit or dismiss Sanders & his primary focus on the massive problem of wealth inequality in The US.
Media Ignores Bernie Sanders Maine Blowout * Breaking: TV News Doesn’t Want To Inform You * Bernie Sanders Confronts Alan Greenspan 2003 * However,I already understand the perceptions held by certain individuals on this forum. Whether those perceptions are correct or incorrect can only be ascertained in the future as to whether there are notable improvements validating or negating these closely held "opinions" of others. So, in the words of my dearly departed mother[r.i.p.], "If you can't say something nice[or inoffensive]; then say nothing at all..." I will also confess to the fact that for many years of my childhood; I remained silent. ![]() Thank you. |
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As a long time supporter of Sanders, I thought that I was prepared for the display of opposition & propaganda that would accompany his decision to participate in 2016 Election. But I really wasn't prepared for the kind of dishonesty & abuse of power that I have observed. One of the many elements launched by the opposition of Sander's candidacy is is the overtly biased & manipulated media/press coverage to either discredit or dismiss Sanders & his primary focus on the massive problem of wealth inequality in The US. Media Ignores Bernie Sanders Maine Blowout * Breaking: TV News Doesn’t Want To Inform You * Bernie Sanders Confronts Alan Greenspan 2003 * However,I already understand the perceptions held by certain individuals on this forum. Whether those perceptions are correct or incorrect can only be ascertained in the future as to whether there are notable improvements validating or negating these closely held "opinions" of others. So, in the words of my dearly departed mother[r.i.p.], "If you can't say something nice[or inoffensive]; then say nothing at all..." I will also confess to the fact that for many years of my childhood; I remained silent. ![]() Thank you. ![]() |
As a long time supporter of Sanders, I thought that I was prepared for the display of opposition & propaganda that would accompany his decision to participate in 2016 Election. But I really wasn't prepared for the kind of dishonesty & abuse of power that I have observed. One of the many elements launched by the opposition of Sander's candidacy is is the overtly biased & manipulated media/press coverage to either discredit or dismiss Sanders & his primary focus on the massive problem of wealth inequality in The US. Media Ignores Bernie Sanders Maine Blowout * Breaking: TV News Doesn’t Want To Inform You * Bernie Sanders Confronts Alan Greenspan 2003 * However,I already understand the perceptions held by certain individuals on this forum. Whether those perceptions are correct or incorrect can only be ascertained in the future as to whether there are notable improvements validating or negating these closely held "opinions" of others. So, in the words of my dearly departed mother[r.i.p.], "If you can't say something nice[or inoffensive]; then say nothing at all..." I will also confess to the fact that for many years of my childhood; I remained silent. ![]() Thank you. ![]() It is " The Donald vs Hillary " Show... ..... Worldwide. |
As a long time supporter of Sanders, I thought that I was prepared for the display of opposition & propaganda that would accompany his decision to participate in 2016 Election. But I really wasn't prepared for the kind of dishonesty & abuse of power that I have observed. One of the many elements launched by the opposition of Sander's candidacy is is the overtly biased & manipulated media/press coverage to either discredit or dismiss Sanders & his primary focus on the massive problem of wealth inequality in The US. Media Ignores Bernie Sanders Maine Blowout * Breaking: TV News Doesn’t Want To Inform You * Bernie Sanders Confronts Alan Greenspan 2003 * However,I already understand the perceptions held by certain individuals on this forum. Whether those perceptions are correct or incorrect can only be ascertained in the future as to whether there are notable improvements validating or negating these closely held "opinions" of others. So, in the words of my dearly departed mother[r.i.p.], "If you can't say something nice[or inoffensive]; then say nothing at all..." I will also confess to the fact that for many years of my childhood; I remained silent. ![]() Thank you. ![]() Soviet-Boinie! |
As a long time supporter of Sanders, I thought that I was prepared for the display of opposition & propaganda that would accompany his decision to participate in 2016 Election. But I really wasn't prepared for the kind of dishonesty & abuse of power that I have observed. One of the many elements launched by the opposition of Sander's candidacy is is the overtly biased & manipulated media/press coverage to either discredit or dismiss Sanders & his primary focus on the massive problem of wealth inequality in The US. Media Ignores Bernie Sanders Maine Blowout * Breaking: TV News Doesn’t Want To Inform You * Bernie Sanders Confronts Alan Greenspan 2003 * However,I already understand the perceptions held by certain individuals on this forum. Whether those perceptions are correct or incorrect can only be ascertained in the future as to whether there are notable improvements validating or negating these closely held "opinions" of others. So, in the words of my dearly departed mother[r.i.p.], "If you can't say something nice[or inoffensive]; then say nothing at all..." I will also confess to the fact that for many years of my childhood; I remained silent. ![]() Thank you. what's there to inform on that Commie,other than he is a Commie! ![]() ![]() Via Robert Gehl: Bernie Sanders tax increases are so huge, it practically broke the analysts’ calculators At more than $15 trillion, the Sanders tax increases are so massive, they actually challenged forecasters’ ability to calculate them. One of the taboos in politics is taxes. Every policy, every program a candidate proposes has to be paid for and ultimately the American people pay for it. Hillary Clinton’s plan will raise taxes by $1 trillion. She hasn’t spelled out how “lower- and middle-income families” will get a tax cut, but promised to tell us a little later. Yeah, right. But Hillary is a piker when it comes to tax increases compared to Bernie Sanders. Under a President Sanders, taxes will increase by $15.3 trillion dollars. On everyone. The very wealthy will get a massive soaking – with his proposed taxes for the top one-tenth of one percent cutting after-tax incomes in half. But nobody gets away from Bernie’s taxman. The middle class would be smacked with a $4,700 tax increase. Even the lowest-income households would pay $165 more, according to an analysis by the Tax Policy Center None of this is a secret. The Sanders campaign doesn’t dispute any of the numbers. Sanders himself has said time and time again that he’ll raise taxes on everyone. “There is a very, very clear choice,” said Len Burman, head of the non-partisan Tax Policy Center. “They really couldn’t be more different.” “Bernie Sanders is very open about raising taxes on everybody, with the argument that people at all income levels are going to be benefiting from the new spending programs that he’s proposing,” Burman said. Where is Sanders going to spend all this money? Mostly on health care, but he also wants to pay for free college tuition, paid family and medical leave, infrastructure spending and a host of other programs. Politico reports: Sanders is a rare presidential candidate in either party who is willing to spell out in detail how he’d finance his legislative agenda. By contrast, the Republican candidates have proposed tax-reform plans that would cost trillions, saying they would be financed by thus-far unspecified spending cuts and economic growth. In all, Sanders has proposed more than two dozen separate tax increases, the report shows, and in every major class of taxes. He’s called for multiple increases in the income taxes paid by individual Americans that would push the top rate to 54 percent, from the current 39.6 percent. At the same time, Sanders would create and expand payroll taxes. He’s proposed a new 6.2 percent tax on employers as well as an additional 0.2 percent payroll tax on both employers and their workers. He would also apply the current 12.4 percent Social Security tax to incomes over $250,000. Corporate taxes would go up, mostly by going after multinational corporations using accounting maneuvers to slice their tax bills. Sanders would end so-called deferral, which allows companies to postpone paying taxes on overseas profits; target tax-advantaged corporate inversions; and place new limits on the credits companies receive for paying taxes in other countries. Sanders would almost triple capital gains taxes to 64 percent, a level unseen since World War I. At the same time, he would shut off ways the wealthy have long used to avoid paying the tax, such as “stepped up basis at death,” which allows them to pass assets onto heirs tax free. And he would create two big new excise taxes, including a carbon tax, the first time that’s been proposed by a major presidential candidate. Sanders would charge $15 per ton of carbon dioxide emissions in 2017, with the fee ramping up to $73 per ton by 2035. That would raise $900 billion over the next decade, after accounting for rebates he would give to middle- and low-income people who presumably would be hit with higher energy prices, the Tax Policy Center said. He would also create a new financial transaction tax that would charge 0.5 percent on stock sales. That would produce an additional $692 billion, according to the analysis. The top 1 percent of earners would bear 38 percent of the total tax increase proposed by Sanders, according to the analysis, while those in the top fifth of incomes would pay 68 percent of his levies. That top quintile, which includes those earning more than $142,000, would see its taxes go up by an average $44,759. Those at the very bottom of the income ladder would see their taxes go up by $165 while those in the second quintile of incomes — between $23,000 and $45,000 — would pay an additional $1,625. Many of Sanders’s tax increases are so big and novel that it tested the ability of the Tax Policy Center to predict their likely effects. “It was a difficult estimating task,” said Frank Sammartino, a senior fellow at the group. “For changes of this magnitude, we’re really going into unknown territory.” Anybody looking for a difference between a “Democrat” and a “Socialist” can stop here. When Democrats talk about taxes, they claim they’re trying to shield the middle class and lower from tax increases. Socialists make no distinction. Everybody pays. And everybody pays more. |
The reality is that no matter who runs ... no matter what they say ... no matter what their beliefs ... the following will be the votes.
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