Topic: What am I doing wrong? | |
I never really had that many relationships. The ones I ended up in were usually bad ones because of the guy doing what he wanted and me letting him do it. Except I have learned to put my foot down when its needed- and trust me my last relationship needed at least 3 times a week. I always blamed my lack of relationships on my being overweight when I was younger, but even now that I lost almost a whole other person off my stomach and thighs, I still don't seem to attract guys' attention. Even guys I don't know might take a glance or two over my way but nothing more that that. I'm not really picky at all. The only things I really won't stand for in a relationship are bad hygiene, bad attitudes, and the ones who are just oh so boring.. Please help me understand what I am doing wrong because I really am tired of being alone and ending up with the wrong guys.
By the way, most of these guys I dated who ran all over me were nice in the beginning and thats what I fell for, so how do I bypass all those guys? |
try being more social,, or talking more to random people,, you never know who your gonna meet
hun i wish i knew what to tell u..i attract the jerks too...they all seem so nice at first, and once they real you in, bam they show their true colors. i can totally relate..
Becca |
I don't know the answer to this so all I will say is keep looking and try not to let the jerks get you down cause it's just a part of the dating and relationship game. Good luck.
I also want to add that whomever you are that wanted to delete this topic, you are an idiot. get a life. ![]() |
amen sincere..i don't understand why someone would want to delete it..that's not cool.
Well, if you could I would drop the smoking. I have never heard a guy disagree when I say I don't like smokers. Other than that I am not sure. You seem cute enough in your pics. Do you flirt with anyone and show that you are interested?
Maybe asking friends to "refer" you could help?
I would love to meet more random people but I'm a lil shy. I mean I could up to a hot guy or any guy for someone else but when it comes to me, I usually never work up the courage to just say hi. Sometimes I do, I won't lie, but most of the time its hard.
And to becca.. what do see in us that they can use against us later in the relationship? thats when it hurts the most.. are they trying to hurt us? because if the are.. they're succeeding |
Yes, I flirt- even when I don't mean to. It just comes natural sometimes.
Well your still pretty young for one. Two you will learn.
And most of all most guys are nice and will not walk all over you in the end of it all. I'm a nice guy and I surely wouldn't walk all over any person, I would rather have 50 / 50 relationship vs having some one all the time tell me what to do and how to do it and make up rules etc. And Angel_iis every body is tired of being a lone but all in all we are all not a lone when we all have friends and family who care etc. Surely I get what you mean because we all feel a lone and stuck and no way out to find the right person but maybe some day that right guy will come a long for you, but in given time. |
hey there..wish i knew what they saw in us...maybe we are just too nice...who knows really. but you're right does hurt later..i am tired of being hurt and tired of attracting guys that hurt me. i just wish i knew how to break the cycle and find a guy that won't run all over me.
Not saying that you are, although being needy can be a problem. Out of desperation, you depend on whoever you are attracted to and shows you the slightest interest. I been in that boat before. I am honestly being worn down a bit to where I am thinking about being with someone, but I think it is just the weather making me like this. I shrug it off and keep on smiling in my boring life. Because I know one day it will all change.
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im shy when im in person,, and most people dont belive me till they see it, but ill still start a random conversation with someone
No, I'm not needy. I set my boundaries so that I won't have the feeling. But I do see what you're saying about interest in the first person you meet bc I have actually done that before and regretted it in the end. And yea becca, maybe we are to nice. I have been told that a couple of times, but thise few times had nothing to do with relationships. It seems as thought, Stranger, that smiling and shrugging it off is the only thing working these days, but do you think maybe I'm shrugging it off a bit too much? Maybe even coming off as a "leave me alone" kind of person? I hope not because thats the last thing I'll ever be.
people dont know how to take me,, ima grown kinda fella and they think im rough,, but for the most part im pretty much a gentle giant till im provoked,, but still very shy
well after u have been burned enough times, that tends to happen.i have shrugeed quite a bit off myself....until now, and i hate to admit it, but i have kinda put up a wall around myself, because i am not going to get hurt again. it seems easier to be a little standoffish ya know?
wall??? i got a wall,, moat, armed guards,, and gaters and jellyfish in the moat,,, wall scmall,,,lol
so do the jellyfish get along with the gators then?
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oh yeah,,, they do quite well,,, cause the gators get stung if they try to eat em,,,lol
they'd have to unless they wanted to be lunch lol
or are your jellyfish some feisty lil boogers? |