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lionessqueen16's photo
Thu 02/25/16 12:47 PM
Does true love still exists ?

PacificStar48's photo
Thu 02/25/16 01:13 PM
Sure it more common than some think. Takes effort but the results are sure worth it. Good Luck.

no photo
Thu 02/25/16 02:16 PM
Good question, sometimes I wonder...)

Robxbox73's photo
Thu 02/25/16 02:45 PM
I vote no.. looks like we'll need a tie breaker. Jkd! The term true love should just be two people who care deeply for each other. I don't belive in that bs about camelot. I'm a realist, no fairy tales for me. Real love.

no photo
Thu 02/25/16 03:11 PM
Does true love still exists ?

Of course!

Unfortunately it was all purchased by the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation and transferred to a secret wildlife refuge in South Africa.

It's being bred in captivity, mass processed, and resold only to other 1%ers who freebase it to feel better about themselves.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 02/25/16 03:49 PM

Ɔʎɹɐx's photo
Thu 02/25/16 04:03 PM
is found and exists in small amounts as radioactive element , better stay away from it and contact local authorities if you find any traces of it .

no photo
Fri 02/26/16 02:31 PM
when i find one i will answer your question

Hernandez0's photo
Fri 02/26/16 04:08 PM
This is a good question

Haw0's photo
Mon 02/29/16 04:01 AM
What is love?
is it an emotion , simply ? An we have the illusion that its something sooo Big , Like a God that we are getting lost trying to understand and see what it is in reality when its just a simple emotion that can lead to good behavior and action to others or oneself?

As fear, his opposite a simple emotion that lead to failure and mistakes,etc. Just good to flee/attack/defend from real danger without understanding.

We must ask our-self and thinking about it. And first of all the only love we can live if its an emotion, is the one we feel, so trying to find it outside of oneself become kinda complicated ^_- Except a lot of abusers are trying to find someone that is able to love order to get all the free thing that come out of that one! hooo I will be hated here , Hate: one of the son of Fear! ALLELOUYA ! lol!

( im french, so sorry for grammar)

no photo
Mon 02/29/16 05:00 AM

What is love?
is it an emotion , simply ? An we have the illusion that its something sooo Big , Like a God that we are getting lost trying to understand and see what it is in reality when its just a simple emotion that can lead to good behavior and action to others or oneself?

As fear, his opposite a simple emotion that lead to failure and mistakes,etc. Just good to flee/attack/defend from real danger without understanding.

We must ask our-self and thinking about it. And first of all the only love we can live if its an emotion, is the one we feel, so trying to find it outside of oneself become kinda complicated ^_- Except a lot of abusers are trying to find someone that is able to love order to get all the free thing that come out of that one! hooo I will be hated here , Hate: one of the son of Fear! ALLELOUYA ! lol!

( im french, so sorry for grammar)

Is love just a feeling alone ? Or is it a combination of feeling and consistent actions.

If love is a feeling alone , then I dont expect it to last very long. Feelings can change from good to bad from day to day.I want no part of a weak and fickle love like that.

Gozzreal's photo
Mon 02/29/16 08:56 AM
True love, cannot be explained. It is not only given but it is returned. A really deep rooted feeling. When you have it you'll know.

luvmeforlife's photo
Mon 02/29/16 08:58 AM
lol every time I read these topics I think of a song.

Arod_18's photo
Mon 02/29/16 09:45 AM
how do you know when you really truely love someone, what are some important aspects or questions you have to answer to yourself?

no photo
Mon 02/29/16 02:45 PM
Edited by Unknow on Mon 02/29/16 02:50 PM

how do you know when you really truely love someone, what are some important aspects or questions you have to answer to yourself?

I guess you could ask yourself questions like...

1. Do I want to be with them even when they show me darker side of their petsonality
2. How much of my time and energy am I willing sacrifice for this person's happiness or welfare.
3. How much do i think of the person"s welfare when they are not in my presence

That being said , it is not a love relationship if that person doesnt think of you or treat you in the same way

Jamcleod13's photo
Mon 02/29/16 02:50 PM
depends I believe that their is someone for everyone but u have 2 work for it , its not going to b like in Disney movies ,its going to b hard work and sometimes you will think its not worth it but when you find that person your whole outlook on life might b brighter....or I'm just sprouting bullock's and read to many books

Haw0's photo
Mon 02/29/16 04:57 PM
Edited by Haw0 on Mon 02/29/16 05:00 PM

Is love just a feeling alone ? Or is it a combination of feeling and consistent actions.

If love is a feeling alone , then I dont expect it to last very long. Feelings can change from good to bad from day to day.I want no part of a weak and fickle love like that.

yup im agree, the emotion of love will go and come back . And its an every relation, today people want that or nothing, once the love feeling is gone the relation end. My mom that is with my dad since 40 years told me that . She is with him since shes 16. So if you dont want that weak and fickle love like that. Its up to you. Maybe understanding is stronger then love? Who know?

no photo
Mon 02/29/16 05:06 PM

Is love just a feeling alone ? Or is it a combination of feeling and consistent actions.

If love is a feeling alone , then I dont expect it to last very long. Feelings can change from good to bad from day to day.I want no part of a weak and fickle love like that.

yup im agree, the emotion of love will go and come back . And its an every relation, today people want that or nothing, once the love feeling is gone the relation end. My mom that is with my dad since 40 years told me that . She is with him since shes 16. So if you dont want that weak and fickle love like that. Its up to you. Maybe understanding is stronger then love? Who know?

Or maybe understanding is part of love . I don't know lol. If your parents are happy in their marriage, then maybe you should ask them to join mingle and help explain love to us laugh

no photo
Wed 03/02/16 09:21 AM
Hey , how are you doing ? i came accross your profile , i will like to talk with you , i can skype with you or telephone call. would you like to talk with me and learn more. am interested to know you .

no photo
Wed 03/02/16 09:12 PM
Get to define true love and know what type of love you want. Knowledge is power for it saves us gambling.

Look at the types of love and know where you belong. Erotic, stergo, agape and philleo

First true love is not an emotion or feeling. It is a choice.

You can only give out what you have!

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