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Topic: What is one thing from your childhood that you still love do
Goofball73's photo
Thu 02/25/16 10:13 AM
I still listen to 80's music. It's better than the majority of the crap put out today.

IgorFrankensteen's photo
Thu 02/25/16 02:10 PM

I still love reading nancy drew and hardy boys books! I may be in my 30s but never to old to read mysteries. happy
I have a complete set of Nancy Drew :-)

I read Nancy Drew as a kid, and some of my teachers were worries, because as a guy, I was SUPPOSED to want to read Hardy Boys. It was just that I saw the Nancy Drew stories, and they had interesting cover pictures.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 02/25/16 03:10 PM
ANYTHING to get this spammer off the Title pageohwell

TMommy's photo
Thu 02/25/16 03:16 PM
I read Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, Boxcar children, the Narnia books, Little House on Prairie..happy

Robxbox73's photo
Thu 02/25/16 03:34 PM
Playing in a rock band. Flipping frisbees. Board games with relatives when I'm in California. Go-kart races.
Lightning storms. Stary nights. Playing with dogs and cats. Flinging boogers at my Sis. Then running for my life. bigsmile

Rock's photo
Thu 02/25/16 07:37 PM
Though I don't watch TV in the conventional sense,
I still watch Scooby Doo.

Dodo_David's photo
Thu 02/25/16 07:37 PM

Though I don't watch TV in the conventional sense,
I still watch Scooby Doo.


elizabeth0921's photo
Thu 02/25/16 09:10 PM
Nancy drew books are not just for girls. I forgot about the boxcar books. They also had books that combined nancy drew and the hardy boys. I was born in the 80s! I love 80s movies and 80s toys. One of my favorite 80s kid movies was called The boy who could fly.

blah..blah..'s photo
Fri 02/26/16 11:22 AM
the innocence of it all!

too much political correctness and nannying these days, children don't or aren't allowed a childhood like we had!

NOBootyHunter's photo
Fri 02/26/16 11:24 AM
Hide and seek would be fun,

Jimmy_roy's photo
Fri 02/26/16 11:51 AM
Eating cookies made by my grandma and seeing magic tricks done by my grandpa..I miss those moments :cry: brokenheart

no photo
Sun 02/28/16 01:06 PM
Edited by Walker001951 on Sun 02/28/16 01:07 PM
Just what is this question trying to infer? blushing

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