Topic: Clinton Barely Wins Nevada
Lpdon's photo
Sat 02/20/16 03:55 PM
Another embarrassing night for her campaign. It was a state she was leading in the polls by over 40% and will generally got for a more Conservative candidate over a Liberal.

She should have won by a large margin, not another race that was to close to call.

Both Hillary and Bernie are tied for delegates at 50 each.

Rock's photo
Sat 02/20/16 06:52 PM
Had it not been for the cheating by Harry Reid's son in the Vegass area,
I doubt Hilary would have had a chance.

Don, by "technicality", you and I were once neighbors.
(scary thought, huh?)

I think we can both recall a time when most Nevadans
absolutely hated Hilary.

Lpdon's photo
Sat 02/20/16 07:02 PM

Had it not been for the cheating by Harry Reid's son in the Vegass area,
I doubt Hilary would have had a chance.

Don, by "technicality", you and I were once neighbors.
(scary thought, huh?)

I think we can both recall a time when most Nevadans
absolutely hated Hilary.

Most Nevadan's do hate Hillary. If you look at every electoral map you will see a small part of Reno a 3/4 of Las Vegas voting Democratic. The rest of the state votes Republican. That's why we have Three out of four Republican Congressmen, why a Republican is projected to win Harry Reid's seat(He's a RINO, but still a Republican I guess), why we have a Republican Governor (He's a RINO too), Republican LT. Governor, Republican Attorney General, Republican Secretary of State, Republican State Controller and a Republican State Treasurer and Republicans have both the Assembly and the State Senate.

Hell, Nevada hasn't had a Democrat for a Governor in close to 20 years now, that's got to tell you something.

Hillary won because the African Americans turned out in numbers to vote for her.

Rock's photo
Sat 02/20/16 07:16 PM
LoL... Things haven't changed much.

Btw, do you recall the petition years ago,
to forcibly 'remove' Vegas from the rest of the state?

Good times indeed! :laughing:

Valeris's photo
Sat 02/20/16 10:02 PM
Edited by Valeris on Sat 02/20/16 10:08 PM

Hillary won because the African Americans turned out in numbers to vote for her.

Hillary won because she's got enough Bank & Wall Street funding & favoritism to promise "Special Favors" to the Leaders of "Special Interest" Groups[ AFRICAN AMERICAN & LATINO] to exert their control & prod their constituents to get the votes out in her behalf! "The Fix Is In"[& always has been]. The Democratic Nomination is/was rigged & is over. In truth, it most likely never began. Hillary Clinton will win because she cannot lose, no matter what lie she tells or what dishonest & unethical scandal she's enmeshed-in; it's THE GOLDEN RULE..."HE/SHE WHO HAS THE GOLD-MAKES THE RULES."
The Real Joke may yet, turn out to be on these Rich, Narcissistic, Greedy Wankers. While THEY may be able to Buy Their Candidate's Party Nomination; watch while the whole process goes "Pear-Shaped" when The Donald is elected "Mr.President";} Frankly, I do not believe that Hillary's "Electable" in terms of the distrust & disgust that she rightfully inspires in too many people across The States. lmao! :laughing: Hell, after the the overt corruption that I've observed? I'll even campaign explode for that Frigging Lunatic Madman [Trump] over even thinking of voting for Clinton! At least...He's Not "Owned".sad2


Conrad_73's photo
Sun 02/21/16 01:13 AM

Another embarrassing night for her campaign. It was a state she was leading in the polls by over 40% and will generally got for a more Conservative candidate over a Liberal.

She should have won by a large margin, not another race that was to close to call.

Both Hillary and Bernie are tied for delegates at 50 each.

Trick-Coins again?laugh

Conrad_73's photo
Sun 02/21/16 01:43 AM


Lpdon's photo
Sun 02/21/16 05:09 PM

LoL... Things haven't changed much.

Btw, do you recall the petition years ago,
to forcibly 'remove' Vegas from the rest of the state?

Good times indeed! :laughing:

Yeah, now they are trying to make it the state Capitol! The damn Governor, LT Governor, Secretary of State, Controller, and Treasurer all have offices down there and they spend more time there then up here.

mightymoe's photo
Thu 02/25/16 12:29 PM

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 02/25/16 12:41 PM

Another embarrassing night for her campaign. It was a state she was leading in the polls by over 40% and will generally got for a more Conservative candidate over a Liberal.

She should have won by a large margin, not another race that was to close to call.

Both Hillary and Bernie are tied for delegates at 50 each.

Trick-Coins again?laugh

She doesn't need them, Debbie Wasserman Schultz has enough super-delegates in her back pocket to save Hillary no matter what happens. So much for "voice of the people"frown

no photo
Thu 02/25/16 12:41 PM



mightymoe's photo
Fri 02/26/16 06:08 AM