Topic: what do you think of slapping/hitting ladies?
yellowrose10's photo
Wed 01/27/16 02:52 PM this really condoned in your country? It happens everywhere, but in my neck of the woods, no one would condone it. The guy smacking the women might get his butt kicked by a stranger

Winx's photo
Wed 01/27/16 03:05 PM
Edited by Winx on Wed 01/27/16 03:07 PM

I also believe that people can get outta control and that women are no different than men. There are some women that, at times... Deserve a good pop the kisser. Do you men

Yes, women are different than men. Men are stronger and can severely injure women when they hit them in the "kisser". A real man does not hit women.

If you feel that a woman "deserves" to be hit, you need to step away and regain control of yourself.

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 03:08 PM

Wow, you just watched and didn't even reprimand the guy? That's someone's daughter, sister, mother etc.

Another way to look at it is that tbe OP is is some one's brother or someone' son. We don't know if he is a caregiver for his parents or siblings and how they might be affected if he placed himself in harm's way. That being said, i hope he at least calls the police the next time.

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 01/27/16 03:23 PM
My son is a big 25. I have always taught him don't put his hands on anyone in anger. Self defense is one thing, but not assault. He knows if a woman ever hit him....walk away or call the cops. He is big and can do serious damage to a woman. If he saw someone else, he would break it up and try to restrain the guy while the woman got away.

I have seen a neighbor shove his girlfriend to the ground once. I yelled at him and helped the girl up. I told him if I EVER saw him putting his hands on someone again, I will call the cops myself. The punk mouths off to me about minding my own business and I didn't see what she did. Correct...I didn't see it. I saw them pull up and get out of the car and he ran over and knocked her down. I told him I would do the same if I saw her doing something.

I am a woman and my grandmother's care taker but that doesn't mean I would turn a blind eye. If I didn't get physically involved, you can bet I would be yelling for all to hear and calling the cops. Turning a blind eye is the same as condoning abuse, in my book.

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 04:09 PM
ppl practice it and still ADVOCATE it. What do y'all think?

I think as this is presented it's a bad question.

Might as well ask "yes or no, do you still enjoy beating your wife?"

I saw a guy slapping the hell out of a lady after a heated argument.

For all I know they were arguing about being suicide bombers and she really wanted to take out the local cafe.

For all I know they are in a BDSM relationship and she's a masochist.

For all I know what you consider "slapping the hell out of" others would consider a love pat.

For all I know she smacked him upside the head with a frying pan that morning before they left the house after a different argument and it's just normal for them. That if you interfered in any way she would have just looked at you like you were crazy and slapped the hell out of you for interfering.

I found this kind of funny:
unless you're in a uniform and at war..keep your
pansy fists to yourself.

That is just shifting moral responsibility to someone else, and setting up a specific class of people to do the dirty work.

Ultimately agreeing there is a time, place, and necessity for violence, it's just to be decided by other people, and preferably done somewhere else.
With the atrocities and friendly fire and civilian casualties and deaths and beatings in police has this approach worked out so far?

What do y'all think?

I think true education reduces violence.
The limited kind of education that teaches people to think.
And especially to think before acting.
Otherwise, people are just going to respond based on emotional impulse and that will just be the accepted norm.

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 04:21 PM
what do you think of
slapping ladies?
On the azz during hot, wild sex? Sure...other than that, I dont condone it.

Stan387's photo
Wed 01/27/16 04:32 PM
Bad news! You hit a woman around me I'm putting one on you. Zero tolerance on this. This subject os close to my heart and in live time in my life

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 04:43 PM

Wow, you just watched and didn't even reprimand the guy? That's someone's daughter, sister, mother etc.

I think in two ways.....One: wasn't his problem, and he did good. Not because is a woman he have to be in risk.

Two: He can intervene but NOT because is a "woman", it's because is a person attacking an other person. Most of the women want equality, ok then, don't victimize because "it's a woman", because women are not more important than the men.....are equal.

So a little old lady gets mugged in the street, it's ok because she's nothing to do with you? Hmm

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 05:01 PM

So a little old lady gets mugged in the street, it's ok because she's nothing to do with you? Hmm

No, If it's a "little lady" or a "little man" I will act in the same way :)
and if you read carefully I gave TWO options.

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 05:13 PM

My son is a big 25. I have always taught him don't put his hands on anyone in anger. Self defense is one thing, but not assault. He knows if a woman ever hit him....walk away or call the cops. He is big and can do serious damage to a woman. If he saw someone else, he would break it up and try to restrain the guy while the woman got away.

I have seen a neighbor shove his girlfriend to the ground once. I yelled at him and helped the girl up. I told him if I EVER saw him putting his hands on someone again, I will call the cops myself. The punk mouths off to me about minding my own business and I didn't see what she did. Correct...I didn't see it. I saw them pull up and get out of the car and he ran over and knocked her down. I told him I would do the same if I saw her doing something.

I am a woman and my grandmother's care taker but that doesn't mean I would turn a blind eye. If I didn't get physically involved, you can bet I would be yelling for all to hear and calling the cops. Turning a blind eye is the same as condoning abuse, in my book.

I commend your courage as well as your display of great citizenshipflowerforyou But I will never consider calling the police turning a blind eye. It is not as noble as your gesture but it is still a responsible gesture nevertheless

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 01/27/16 05:17 PM
Edited by yellowrose10 on Wed 01/27/16 05:19 PM

My son is a big 25. I have always taught him don't put his hands on anyone in anger. Self defense is one thing, but not assault. He knows if a woman ever hit him....walk away or call the cops. He is big and can do serious damage to a woman. If he saw someone else, he would break it up and try to restrain the guy while the woman got away.

I have seen a neighbor shove his girlfriend to the ground once. I yelled at him and helped the girl up. I told him if I EVER saw him putting his hands on someone again, I will call the cops myself. The punk mouths off to me about minding my own business and I didn't see what she did. Correct...I didn't see it. I saw them pull up and get out of the car and he ran over and knocked her down. I told him I would do the same if I saw her doing something.

I am a woman and my grandmother's care taker but that doesn't mean I would turn a blind eye. If I didn't get physically involved, you can bet I would be yelling for all to hear and calling the cops. Turning a blind eye is the same as condoning abuse, in my book.

I commend your courage as well as your display of great citizenshipflowerforyou But I will never consider calling the police turning a blind eye. It is not as noble as your gesture but it is still a responsible gesture nevertheless

Please re-read what I posted. I didn't say calling the cops was turning a blind eye. Doing nothing is turning a blind eye. In fact, I said if I didn't get physically involved, I would call the cops. There are times when it would be dangerous to get physically involved (breaking up a fighting, restraining the attacker, popping the attacker upside the head, etc)

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 05:39 PM

I'm all for it !! Women want equality, well they are getting it. If you don't like it, get yo weight up.....

First post and he's already saying he's for women getting hit. Lovely.

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 05:40 PM

Today I saw a guy slapping the hell out of a lady after a heated argument. I dont know them and i dont know the reason for their arguing
I dont know about you guys but some primitive ppl practice it and still ADVOCATE it. What do y'all think?

Sounds like abusive behavior. Did you just watch, or did you call the police?

adivorcedone's photo
Wed 01/27/16 05:56 PM
any kind of violence towards women is a no no in my book, absolutely no excuse, even if you are under the influence of booze or drugs....and I stay far away from some violent women too....just saying...

no photo
Wed 01/27/16 06:03 PM
If we have to solve this issue of violence against women as a society, we can't only focus on punishment for the men WHICH THEY FULLY DESERVE, but we have to educate and empower the women with the mental and physical resources they need to leave abusive situations. That beating that the OP witnessed that day was NOT the first time it happened to that woman. Who knows the number of beatings that victim endured over the last few weeks, months or even years?

I can't tell you the amount of times that families and the police have rescued battered women in my country from their abusive mates. 80% of the time those women voluntarily return to their abusers in less than a week.

Let us as citizens keep sounding the alarm against abusers. They need to be locked up and rehabilitated . But let us also work tirelessly to cultivate self awareness, self esteem and a sense of empowerment in these abused women because it is often their minds that are more broken than their battered bodies.sad2

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 08:30 PM

Humm so you actually watched someone do this and did nothing??

Hell I'm a woman and even I would have called the cops.. or pick something up and hit him with it to see how he liked it..

Physical Abuse is wrong no matter how you look at it~~~

Who said I did nothing?

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 08:32 PM

If you think slapping a female is ok then you need a slap, a proper one.

Did I say it is OK? You need to read before you comment

yellowrose10's photo
Wed 01/27/16 08:38 PM

If you think slapping a female is ok then you need a slap, a proper one.

Did I say it is OK? You need to read before you comment

We can only go by what is posted. If I had posted this topic, you can bet I would have said I did something. You didn't even mention that.

Annierooroo's photo
Wed 01/27/16 09:25 PM
Any man takes a strike at me. It would be the last time he hits anything.

I was not born to be someone's punching bag.

mikaxel80's photo
Wed 01/27/16 09:45 PM
Edited by mikaxel80 on Wed 01/27/16 09:47 PM

If you think slapping a female is ok then you need a slap, a proper one.

Did I say it is OK? You need to read before you comment

We can only go by what is posted. If I had posted this topic, you can bet I would have said I did something. You didn't even mention that.

ok . To make it clear I am not a slapper or any kind of hitting person. I despise those who do it. It pissed me so bad that i posted it. Btw i did hit the guy. they are just a random couple that I saw on the road