Topic: DU = depopulating us... | |
thats it... spew that enemy disinformation. its a METAL, not a ceramic. It doesent turn to dust, it stays intact, and i already discussed how harmless it is. one dust particle in a raindrop? Do you wear tin foil hats too?
You're apparently angry with yourself and in utter dismay. Two points to consider in your next diatribe. Two equally and mutually exclusive errors exist in your latest half- baked whine; 1) your incredulous and unmeitorious epitaph disguised as patriotic fervor suggests that your attack on my motives, as though they were purloined by your predispositions, has no basis in fact and unsubstantiably unsupported. 2) METAL? you are clearly mistaken and blinded by your hatreds. I choose now to direct your attention to facts that can be irrefutably cited as proving that grossly negligent statement. Perhaps educating yourself on the properties of uranium 238 and 235 would alter your opinion of the enemy. By your own admission, you choose to ridicule my statements with disengenuous remarks, specifically introducing the distraction of ceramic material as a substitute for your lack of knowledge on the subject. You are not clever enough to argue with an unknown opponent, or you wouldn't risk the embarrassment you're facing. I'm bored with petty hate-mongers that further ignorant and misguided agendas as truth. Tactically, you're displaying camoflage. Realisttically, you've not discussed how harmless it is, but rather discussed your fascination with toys like geiger counters that were thrown away as useless reminders of nuclear terror foisted upon the American people in the 50s and early 60s as a placation of rational fears. By the way, brainiac... Aluminum is a metal and does not naturally occur in nature. You seem fascinated with that too. So let me teach you something about that, as I'm sure you'll have an equally entertaining response for me to peruse. It is mined from boxite and occurs present as dust and looks like dirt. And yet, boxite is not an electrical conductor. Aluminum is. In your line of reasoning, I'm an idiot. To my line of reasoning, you're gullible. I can't even give you the benefit of being nescient, seeing how it is that you prefer ignorance. I'll save you the trouble before you grab a dictionary, if in fact you know where one is, and tell you now that I'm not omniscient. I just haven't stopped being a student of creation yet. Peace, out!
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goodness sake my paragraphs...
press that enter key please... ![]() |
thanks for the tip... don't know squat about this keyboard... been living manually til two months ago!!
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SSDD remember to replace the tinfoil in your hats
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wannabe, those are some long words there. DU is a metal. actually its alloyed with other metals in a penetrator. It is about half as radioactive as natural uranium ore. i worked with ... or more accuratly around the stuff back in the day along with a lot of other neat materials. You may be thinking of Tungston Carbide, which is a ceramic and was used as penetrators before DU. iT WOULD USUALLY VAPORISE upon impact. When DU was classified, it was 'leaked" to be TC for security reasons. This is where this dust rumor may have come from. By the way i dont hate anyone, dont know why you have so much hate in you though. mabe its the whiskey or the nose candy... dunnow. i can only state the facts as they really are, which i know to be true from a lifetime of expierence.
Q- is DU AND/ OR Uranium metal legal to own? |
ans., yup. its legal to own without special licences believe it or not.
p.s., FYI, i have a fat mineral collection, including several aluminum ores..... SO?
Hay Davinci, got any clues as to what happened to all The DU at The Camp Pendelton Tank and Live Fire playground when The USMC TORCHED IT LAS WEEK???
Shall we say it all went up in smoke and all over California and where ever else those clowds went to... But I'm glad that you found and saw fit to publish this... Thanks... |
yah it melts at over 9000 degree f. How hot was this fire?
... when thier disinformation meets my cold hard facts, they fold.
There have been many illnesses that are not known why the affects? Many children are being born with body and mind malfuntions. I have been wondering what we are going to make the culprit to these many many wrongs with not only our bodies, but all the born and unborn children.
Makes one wonder what we are eating or drinking or breathing that is making us sick? 1 in 166 babies are born with Autism. When did that happen? There is something wrong somewhere. It makes me scared for my kids to have more kids. When does our luck run out? When do we become 166? I know many of our soldiers come back and years later they come down with unexplainable illnesses. Even now. Why?? Kat |
Hornitos...thanks...I appreciate that...
scttrbrain......the reason for all the genetic diseases these days are written about from many points of view...we were created and born into this world to eat living vegetation...and now we are eating things that are made in the labs and are essentially drug substitutes... artificial food substitutes....DU is part of the problem... The scariest thing to read about is the innoculations that we give to infants...and the possible side effects...we are experiments for the government...... |
DU IS the problem just about as much as your smoke alarm is the problem. There are a lot of reasons why we are sick, one is that we are living longer. another is our diet, also our stressful lifestyle dont help. Then there are all the drugs that the Drs seem intent on packing into us...., immunizations, smoking, drinking, ect. ect.
I also realize that the foods we are feeding our livestock was never intended for the animals to eat. They are not cannibals and some think it is okay to feed them their own kind. Our feed sources are contaminated with food that is sick in its'self.
Giving our food source meds and antibiotics is not healthy for us. They are trying to make them bigger and better sooner. That is why I feed only good healthy dog food to my own dogs. They are actually feeding them essentially road kill and remains of their own kind. Research the feed information in depth. As for the inocculations; you are absolutely right. I have been trying to research the need for combining or giving individually the seperate shots. I have heard it is important to give them seperately. I have also heard that they are wondering if it is the shots themsleves that are responsible for all the Autism children. Kat |
I think the worst use
of depleted uranium is in tank armor. It's bad enough that our soldiers have to be subjected to roadside bombs and other attacks. They are also getting irradiated as well. I suppose you won't care too much about radiation that could be doing God knows what to you if you're worried about getting blown up. |
the average penalty dose inside an M1 tank is about 1 Mrm/ hr. This a very low dose. To assume that this is the reason for illnesses and genetic problems indicates a basic lack of understanding of the health physics involved. bESIDES... Would you rather have them be DEAD due to lack of armor and lack of killing power from thier weapons? Wpouldent that be a health hazard also? This whole DU thing is nothing more than the enemy playing on your ingnorance and fear. The "ANY dose will be lethal mentality"
cant you see that this is all disinformation? Like the fire discussed earlier in this thread for example. DU has a melting point somewhere above 9000 degrees. It simply isnt possible for a fire to melt the stuff. a cutting torch wont do it either. I WOULD BE DECRYING FOUL FROM THE ROOFTOPS IF I THOUGHT THERE WAS ANY DANGER. Think about it. The enemy would want to eliminate our most potent weapons, would they not? wittingly or not, these so called experts are playing right into thier hands. |
i think i might have laid that one to rest....