Topic: Homosexuality | |
Im gay , i love my God but i dont like to suppress or pretend to be a man.i want to be happy being gay. And i am looking for that special someone. If i found a bf and we make love you know etc. do you think we will go to hell or is there a thing like hell and heaven?
If you have to ask cause youre concious has already answered your own question......
The concept of going to heaven or hell when you die is not biblical. The bible says that when you die you sleep until the time of the resurrection.
Homosexuality is not condoned anywhere in the Bible. Sexual relationships are for a man and a woman. Your relation with God is between you and God. Look to God for guidance. |
Thank you i love my God so as to men. What should i do? Should i due just being gay. Or should i experience how its like to be with a man the man i love. Do you think same sex relationship will work. ? Im very depressed with this as i want to be happy.
Edited by
Sat 01/23/16 05:03 AM
Im gay , i love my God but i dont like to suppress or pretend to be a man.i want to be happy being gay. And i am looking for that special someone. If i found a bf and we make love you know etc. do you think we will go to hell or is there a thing like hell and heaven? 1 Corinthians 6:9 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a] nor sodomites, Cheeckako said, The concept of going to heaven or hell when you die is not biblical. The bible says that when you die you sleep until the time of the resurrection. Homosexuality is not condoned anywhere in the Bible. Sexual relationships are for a man and a woman. Your relation with God is between you and God. Look to God for guidance. Romans 1 24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due |
Im gay , i love my God but i dont like to suppress or pretend to be a man.i want to be happy being gay. And i am looking for that special someone. If i found a bf and we make love you know etc. do you think we will go to hell or is there a thing like hell and heaven? 1 Corinthians 6:9 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a] nor sodomites, Cheeckako said, The concept of going to heaven or hell when you die is not biblical. The bible says that when you die you sleep until the time of the resurrection. Homosexuality is not condoned anywhere in the Bible. Sexual relationships are for a man and a woman. Your relation with God is between you and God. Look to God for guidance. Romans 1 24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due yep,and they looked for Bread and you gave them Stones instead! That Stuff you cited was out-dated before it was even written! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Im gay , i love my God but i dont like to suppress or pretend to be a man.i want to be happy being gay. And i am looking for that special someone. If i found a bf and we make love you know etc. do you think we will go to hell or is there a thing like hell and heaven? 1 Corinthians 6:9 9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals,[a] nor sodomites, Cheeckako said, The concept of going to heaven or hell when you die is not biblical. The bible says that when you die you sleep until the time of the resurrection. Homosexuality is not condoned anywhere in the Bible. Sexual relationships are for a man and a woman. Your relation with God is between you and God. Look to God for guidance. Romans 1 24 Therefore God also gave them up to uncleanness, in the lusts of their hearts, to dishonor their bodies among themselves, 25 who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them up to vile passions. For even their women exchanged the natural use for what is against nature. 27 Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error which was due yep,and they looked for Bread and you gave them Stones instead! That Stuff you cited was out-dated before it was even written! ![]() ![]() ![]() ??? Nobody was looking for any bread, nor were stones given, what are you talking about? And how is it out dated? |
I'm not religious, because I learned a long time ago that all Religions (note, not BELIEFS) are made up by PEOPLE who are trying to guide, or to control, other PEOPLE.
And then I apply logic. And what LOGIC shows, in your case, OP, is that you have a choice between being who and what you are, OR being a member of a particular RELIGION or Church that you wish you could feel a part of. You can't do both, because so many RELIGIONS and Churches hold homosexuality to be something like a "sin." You CAN believe in whatever god you envision, and you CAN decide that you are okay with the god you love. But that's got nothing to do with your being a part of a larger existing RELIGION. Do heaven and or hell exist? My only opinion is that PEOPLE have used the idea of them, to accomplish various goals that they had here on Earth. I also again, follow basic logic about them: * IF they exist, and IF the gods controlling them exist, and are as all-seeing and all-knowing as their adherents like to claim, then that means that the gods can't be fooled. Can't be swayed. Can't be bribed. And more, it means that whatever I actually am, is already known to them. Therefore, IF those things exist, then whether I attend one or the other post-this-life, isn't within my control. Therefore finally, I don't bother with them in my day to day thinking. Instead, I live according to my own principles at all times. If gods exist, I am already doomed or "saved." Pretending to think other than I do, wont do anything other than MAYBE fool a few local yokels. |
I happen to believe the very first book of the bible gives us all we need regarding sin. Adam and Eve, given EVERYTHING they could need and only ONE RULE,,,, and just that one RULE drove Eve to sin,,,the flesh is not very welcoming to rules,, never has been the way in was through manipulation of Eves devotion to her flesh over her devotion to Gods word. manipulation through rebranding of sin as not really sin, but as something GOOD and desirable surely, God did not say to not eat from the tree of the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil. and why? because 'knowledge' cant be bad and having the knowledge of Good and Evil will make you like God, which also can't be bad I believe the world has done what it can to encourage us to prioritize based on the flesh and not God,,, so sex has been rebranded as 'love' and 'natural' and 'necessary' so as the sexual sins we are warned against are no longer a choice to disregard Gods word in the end, we all throughout life will choose sin because its so easy to do, it pleases our flesh, and society roots us on and supports us in our 'freedom' thankfully, Christ died for our sins, and (I believe) if we actually REPENT we are accepting Jesus and Gods word,, but repenting involves turning away from our sins I haven't thought much about hell, my concern as a Christian is more with the kingdom of heaven and I know I seek to inherit it with other Christians,,, Blessings,,,, |
surely, God did not say to not eat from the tree of the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil. and why? because 'knowledge' cant be bad and having the knowledge of Good and Evil will make you like God, which also can't be bad The way I understand it is this. There are two kinds of knowledge. Godly knowledge and Human knowledge. If we look to human knowledge, we can justify anything we want to do. This will lead to eternal death. If we look to God for knowledge and follow his laws, we have the potential to become "sons of God" and receive the gift of eternal life. |
surely, God did not say to not eat from the tree of the fruit of knowledge of Good and Evil. and why? because 'knowledge' cant be bad and having the knowledge of Good and Evil will make you like God, which also can't be bad The way I understand it is this. There are two kinds of knowledge. Godly knowledge and Human knowledge. If we look to human knowledge, we can justify anything we want to do. This will lead to eternal death. If we look to God for knowledge and follow his laws, we have the potential to become "sons of God" and receive the gift of eternal life. well put thank you for simplifying what I was attempting to say ![]() |
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Im gay , i love my God but i dont like to suppress or pretend to be a man.i want to be happy being gay. And i am looking for that special someone. If i found a bf and we make love you know etc. do you think we will go to hell or is there a thing like hell and heaven? heaven and hell, like a god, are only what you make them to be, nothing else... |
Im gay , i love my God but i dont like to suppress or pretend to be a man.i want to be happy being gay. And i am looking for that special someone. If i found a bf and we make love you know etc. do you think we will go to hell or is there a thing like hell and heaven? heaven and hell, like a god, are only what you make them to be, nothing else... All in all, if you believe in God or not, Heaven or not. Hell is an absolute true place without a doubt. Hell is the grave, a holding place for the dead. It's not an eternal torment, punishment, Hell is only temporary. And is why it will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Unless we happen to be living when God returns to this world, we will all go to Hell "the grave". And thus why we are told Revelation 20:13 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Notice hell gave up it's dead which we in them. Hell gave up the dead to be judged, so it's obviously not the final resting place for anyone. Don't recall the specific terminology atm, but that's why depending on the translation it will say hell or the other variations of the word revolving around "grave". |
Im gay , i love my God but i dont like to suppress or pretend to be a man.i want to be happy being gay. And i am looking for that special someone. If i found a bf and we make love you know etc. do you think we will go to hell or is there a thing like hell and heaven? heaven and hell, like a god, are only what you make them to be, nothing else... All in all, if you believe in God or not, Heaven or not. Hell is an absolute true place without a doubt. Hell is the grave, a holding place for the dead. It's not an eternal torment, punishment, Hell is only temporary. And is why it will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Unless we happen to be living when God returns to this world, we will all go to Hell "the grave". And thus why we are told Revelation 20:13 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Notice hell gave up it's dead which we in them. Hell gave up the dead to be judged, so it's obviously not the final resting place for anyone. Don't recall the specific terminology atm, but that's why depending on the translation it will say hell or the other variations of the word revolving around "grave". heaven and hell are just man made perceptions to give peoples life and death a meaning... be good, by their standards, and go to heaven... don't be good, again by their standards, and go to hell... who taught you what god, heaven and hell are? and don't say god, because we all know it was people... |
Im gay , i love my God but i dont like to suppress or pretend to be a man.i want to be happy being gay. And i am looking for that special someone. If i found a bf and we make love you know etc. do you think we will go to hell or is there a thing like hell and heaven? heaven and hell, like a god, are only what you make them to be, nothing else... All in all, if you believe in God or not, Heaven or not. Hell is an absolute true place without a doubt. Hell is the grave, a holding place for the dead. It's not an eternal torment, punishment, Hell is only temporary. And is why it will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Unless we happen to be living when God returns to this world, we will all go to Hell "the grave". And thus why we are told Revelation 20:13 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Notice hell gave up it's dead which we in them. Hell gave up the dead to be judged, so it's obviously not the final resting place for anyone. Don't recall the specific terminology atm, but that's why depending on the translation it will say hell or the other variations of the word revolving around "grave". heaven and hell are just man made perceptions to give peoples life and death a meaning... be good, by their standards, and go to heaven... don't be good, again by their standards, and go to hell... who taught you what god, heaven and hell are? and don't say god, because we all know it was people... Incorrect mightyomoe, we ALL go to hell unless of course we're specifically living when Jesus returns. If that does not happen, then we ALL go to hell. No matter the life we've lived, a total saint, or a total heathen. Hell again is nothing more then the GRAVE. And thus why hell is destroyed, and again thus why we will be resurrected from hell FOR judgement. |
Im gay , i love my God but i dont like to suppress or pretend to be a man.i want to be happy being gay. And i am looking for that special someone. If i found a bf and we make love you know etc. do you think we will go to hell or is there a thing like hell and heaven? heaven and hell, like a god, are only what you make them to be, nothing else... All in all, if you believe in God or not, Heaven or not. Hell is an absolute true place without a doubt. Hell is the grave, a holding place for the dead. It's not an eternal torment, punishment, Hell is only temporary. And is why it will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Unless we happen to be living when God returns to this world, we will all go to Hell "the grave". And thus why we are told Revelation 20:13 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Notice hell gave up it's dead which we in them. Hell gave up the dead to be judged, so it's obviously not the final resting place for anyone. Don't recall the specific terminology atm, but that's why depending on the translation it will say hell or the other variations of the word revolving around "grave". heaven and hell are just man made perceptions to give peoples life and death a meaning... be good, by their standards, and go to heaven... don't be good, again by their standards, and go to hell... who taught you what god, heaven and hell are? and don't say god, because we all know it was people... Incorrect mightyomoe, we ALL go to hell unless of course we're specifically living when Jesus returns. If that does not happen, then we ALL go to hell. No matter the life we've lived, a total saint, or a total heathen. Hell again is nothing more then the GRAVE. And thus why hell is destroyed, and again thus why we will be resurrected from hell FOR judgement. Revelation 20:13 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Notice this verse specifically mentions the sea eg., body's of water. Then mentions hell... but never mentions "grave" or anything of such... that is because hell is the as we refer to it these days the "grave". |
seems some here in the West are starting to scout for Tall Buildings!
How in Hell have we started to regress back into the fecking Dark Ages again? ![]() ![]() ![]() |
looking at Wikipedia, one description of 'dark ages' is "time of ignorance and superstition" which placed "the word of religious authorities over personal experience and rational activity if we replace 'superstition' with FEAR, and 'religious' with POLITICAL when have we NOT been in the dark ages? |
Edited by
Sat 01/23/16 11:37 AM
Im gay , i love my God but i dont like to suppress or pretend to be a man.i want to be happy being gay. And i am looking for that special someone. If i found a bf and we make love you know etc. do you think we will go to hell or is there a thing like hell and heaven? heaven and hell, like a god, are only what you make them to be, nothing else... All in all, if you believe in God or not, Heaven or not. Hell is an absolute true place without a doubt. Hell is the grave, a holding place for the dead. It's not an eternal torment, punishment, Hell is only temporary. And is why it will be thrown into the Lake of Fire. Unless we happen to be living when God returns to this world, we will all go to Hell "the grave". And thus why we are told Revelation 20:13 13 And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. Notice hell gave up it's dead which we in them. Hell gave up the dead to be judged, so it's obviously not the final resting place for anyone. Don't recall the specific terminology atm, but that's why depending on the translation it will say hell or the other variations of the word revolving around "grave". heaven and hell are just man made perceptions to give peoples life and death a meaning... be good, by their standards, and go to heaven... don't be good, again by their standards, and go to hell... who taught you what god, heaven and hell are? and don't say god, because we all know it was people... Incorrect mightyomoe, we ALL go to hell unless of course we're specifically living when Jesus returns. If that does not happen, then we ALL go to hell. No matter the life we've lived, a total saint, or a total heathen. Hell again is nothing more then the GRAVE. And thus why hell is destroyed, and again thus why we will be resurrected from hell FOR judgement. whatever, people still taught you the concepts, no matter how many times you tell me i'm wrong.. if you would have been brought up somewhere other than where you were, then your belief ideas would be completely different... it's all a matter of perception, nobody is right or wrong because nobody knows what happens after our bodies die... |