no photo
Fri 11/03/06 04:26 PM
This is imprtant to me..Will help me make a decision..What does being a
good friedn entail to you?? On both sides?? WILL
I appreciate intelligent and well thought out replies please>> : D

ellgee1976's photo
Fri 11/03/06 04:28 PM
a good friend

someone that will move the world if it will better you somehow

they only want what's best for you, they give and give and give, and ask
nothing in return

ShagnaC's photo
Fri 11/03/06 04:29 PM
Friendship is not taken lightley to me at all, It is a bond between two
people. I almost look at my friendships as a marriage as two people are
making a commitment with one another.
You are always there for one another in time of need, both happy and
sad, You dont pass judgement on one another or take advantage of each
other and you communicate your feelings wants and needs.
I dont have a lot of friends as true friends are hard to come by.

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 04:30 PM
More..This is helping..thanks so far..WILL

no photo
Fri 11/03/06 04:41 PM
friendship is like a relationship you both give honest thoughts and
feeling about whatever is going on in your life or with any problems
that may can talk with each other even if you disagree but
still have each other once you've spoken your peace.You will do whatever
it takes to help one another even if means loseing something dont go behind each others backs and speak un truth or
spread the news of the bad or the good unless first talking with your
friend.if you have something and your friend may need it also you will
find a way to get another or pass on what you have to them!!! It's All
About Love And Caring Even In Friendship!!!

ellgee1976's photo
Fri 11/03/06 05:48 PM
the only way to describe a friend, is to describe my best friend

the first thing she did, was told me how her and her hubs didn't have a
life, and we (my bf at the time, and i) could come over anytime, even if
it was to bs.

we watched her kids one night, while they went out, and it was ON.

it's a give and take thing.

when she bought her house, they decided to turn the back of their garage
into a bar (pool table and all lol) and we helped them, in return, we
also drank for free. when i was goin to school, the comute was 30
minutes one way, she always came to me to get her hair done, that way i
got the practical grade for it. when i went to take my st. board test,
she and i got a motel in a town over 4 hrs away, and stayed up til 3am
studying for my test. when my marriage started to fall apart, she was
there for me, listenin to my bitch, listenin to me cry, she got me out
of that house on more than one occasion.
when her marriage fell apart, i was there for her in return, in the same

it's a give and take thing, friendship has to be nurtured, and cared for
just like anything else you value.

Morena350's photo
Fri 11/03/06 07:25 PM
a friend is someone who will be there for you anytime
and when you need and advice a true friend will
tell you the truth even if it will hurt you,
a friend will never let you down
a friend hurt when you do. and Im sure there is more
to it. The person who has a real friend will never be alone.

Ghostrecon's photo
Fri 11/03/06 09:39 PM
Your friends are Gods way of apologizing for you family.

I said that to your family, they laught evern louder. LOL