Topic: The Last Person To Post Wins #6 | |
I don't do's a crime
lol, how long ya gotta work bro? hey at least you got a pc to have fun with!
well not pc but a c right?
I would almost kill for a job like that
well it's a crazy job, sometimes it's non stop, others it's slow...
lol, got a place for me, i'm looking for a job yanno?
After long absense, dragon sees the goal has not been reached yet so she swoops in for the win.....yay
expecting the dwagon any minute now
nope its me i win go pout in the corner
lol see ^^^^^^^^^^
I'm behind you dragon lady!
sure but you would have to move here......
seeing somehow the goal slipped her mighty grasp, dragon swoops in for the kill.
i normally slay drawgons...but i'll let this one slide lol