Topic: The Right Arm and the Left Arm of God | |
I come to the religion forums to read the conflict between those of the Right arm and those of the Left arm. Personally I believe that neither side is stronger than the other. And neither side is totality good, or totality bad. I see strong arguments on one side that to those who believe those arguments also believe that those arguments are the foundation rocking to the other side. But I observe that with each earth shattering argument the other side gets stronger in their in own resolve whether it is the Right arm or the Left arm.
This conflict, I should better say debate, is forever ongoing. Why am I posting this about this debate giving complements equally to two? I’m reminding everyone, whether you on the Right arm or the Left arm, is that you both connected to the body of a Divine entity. Who or what is the Divine entity? What is the Divine entity’s name; Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah? What exactly does Divine entity want for mankind? These are just some of a faction of what the eternal struggle between the Right arm and the Left arm. I would like to say the, perhaps with a ray of hope for mankind, that the flexing of the Right Arm and the flexing of Left Arm, that the Divine entity is increasing the strength of those arms. I personally and recently have come to believe that the Divine entity is preparing the to use both arms to do some thing. What does the Divine want to do with those arms? Well that is up to debate. |
free will to choose and forced to decide while dwelling in the body given. No one can deprive another of the best of journeys as long as we have been given a way to communicate with one another. Why even in solitude a conversation exists without the spoken word. Gee... you think?
Where I live at the minute its a beautiful sunny day and I am playing with my 21 month old grandson and his buddy of 20 months. Im in heavan.
God's right hand side is the favored side. Jesus sits to the right of the Father. The saved will stand to the right of Jesus. Those on the left of God will receive horrific punishment. The left of God is not a place I would want to be.
My God is compassionate, loving and doesn't have a wrong side.
That's great, thanks for sharing. My God is the Living God. My God exists and will judge all humanity. My God offers proof of His existance and shows Himself to those who seek Him. My God loved mankind so much that He gave His only begotten son up as a sacrifice for our sins. |
Celticfairy wrote:
“My God is compassionate, loving and doesn't have a wrong side.” Mine too! What a coincidence! She also has infinitely many arms. I'll bet our God's know each other. |
Spider who hurt you ? we are all God's children no matter what we do in life.
He is just a fanatical Christian, that's all.
My God only knows love, so he must be related to your somehow, and to Abras of course. |
"My God is compassionate, loving and doesn't have a wrong side. " You told me about your god, I told you about mine. I'm not sure what the complaint is, but I'm sure I'm a terrible person again. "BAD SPIDER! BAD! Speaking is only for other people, Christians aren't allowed to do that." "Spider who hurt you ? we are all God's children no matter what we do in life. " I thought we were talking about our gods. You told me about yours, I told you about mine. I guess you don't see that we were doing the same thing, but I'm not sure why you don't see that. |
Hey Spider, each to their own, just know mine and believe yours are both good.
how can spiritual being as God have a right or a left side, if He/She occupies everything that is and exists?
Can I add to your question Lonely?
Umm...who's right side tho? Is it my right, or God's right? And if I can't figure my left from my right, will I be sent to hell for being stupid? |
Tue 10/23/07 09:28 AM
God's right hand side is the favored side. Jesus sits to the right of the Father. The saved will stand to the right of Jesus. Those on the left of God will receive horrific punishment. The left of God is not a place I would want to be. Spidercmb if the God where to punish the left hand say by "cutting it off" then Spidercmb, I ask you, how would how would God be better off? I think you study the way a boxer uses both hands to win a fight. Or better yet how would a carpenter build without one or the other? |
How's this...Would you put a hyena into a room full of children? Would you put a drug dealer onto a play ground? Would you put a sex addict into a convent? God wants us to hate sin like he hates sin. God expects us to still be sinners, but to hate the sin and repent. There is no room in heaven for anyone who loves sin. If everyone in heaven hates sin and all temptations are removed, then nobody will sin. But if God puts a single person who loves sin into Heaven, then Heaven is no longer perfect and not worthy of God's presence. |
Spider wrote:
"God wants us to hate sin like he hates sin." I've never seen anyone who uses god to justify hate the way you do Spider. You give me the heebie-jeebies. Reading your posts is like watching a horror movie. |
Spider writes:
"God wants us to hate sin like he hates sin. God expects us to still be sinners, but to hate the sin and repent. There is no room in heaven for anyone who loves sin. If everyone in heaven hates sin and all temptations are removed, then nobody will sin. But if God puts a single person who loves sin into Heaven, then Heaven is no longer perfect and not worthy of God's presence." Sounds like heaven's going to be a tough slog for you. Think about it-- no sinners to love, no sin to hate or put on the balance scales with your own for comparisons, only a choir to preach to, nobody's positions on issues to distort, just the eternal boredom of always being right because every word coming out of your mouth will be as scripted as that of a sock puppet with a pull string coming out of its back. You're gonna miss us :) -Kerry O. |
A lot of people never really give any serious thought to the idea of heaven Kerry.
If heaven is ‘perfect’ then everyone in heaven must be precisely the same. If they have any likes or dislikes that differ, then for one of them, heaven would be ‘imperfect’. The idea of ‘perfection’ is an unattainable concept, not only on Earth, but even in the realm of pure thought. The very idea of perfection is an imperfect idea. In order for heaven to be ‘perfect’ there could be no wants or desires that are not being met. Nor could their be an work required to meet them. Only then could a person be in a perpetual state of perfect satisfaction and fulfillment. Anything less than that would be ‘imperfect’. However, as we have learned on earth, it is the overcoming of obstacles that gives rise to satisfaction, the mere lusting to have desires filled. So if there are no obstacles in heaven to overcome then there can be no satisfaction and feeling of fulfillment in having overcome them. Therefore a ‘perfect’ heaven would represent perpetual boredom as you point out. On the other hand, if there were obstacles to be overcome in heaven then it wouldn’t be ‘perfect’, on the contrary it would be very much ‘Earth-like’. So the very idea of a perfect heaven is an oxymoron. It can’t even exist for one person, and most certainly could never exist for two or more ‘different’ people because they would have different ideas of what they deem to be ‘perfect’. The reality that we are currently living in may very well be as close to perfection as can be possible. I actually believe that this is indeed the case. Heaven is at hand folks. Pinch yourself! You’re already here! Waiting to go to some imaginary perfect place is absurd. Heaven is at hand. Didn’t someone already preach this once before? |
"You're gonna miss us :) " I hope that you all get saved so that I don't have to miss you. Imagine a place where you don't argue over who is right or wrong, you get to spend all of your time getting to know the billions of people and the God with whom you will spend eternity. I'm sure you don't want to miss that. |
Abra writes:
" A lot of people never really give any serious thought to the idea of heaven Kerry." Monty Python's "It's Christmas in Heaven" number from 'The Meaning of Life' is probably about as close as most come. :) And in an odd sort of way, I think they instinctually gravitate towards putting a better face on xenophobia with the old sinner/sin routine as a means towards the end of not having to spend an eternity with 'those' people. Because of that, Heaven simply has to be a private club with bars on the doors that only open for the Right People who know the secret handshake. A gated retirement village with no spiritual adolescents asking pesky questions which only call forth paradoxes. Or spiritual childhood, where all your spiritual needs are like holiday lunch with chocolate cake and candy. Not at all like Earthbound experience, where one has to make a real effort to get along with one's fellow beings. Of having to solve the mysteries of life by using one's very existence as the words of an answer to an essay question, in stark contrast to the open book final exam comprised only of pat True/False questions written by unimaginative lawgivers. Arrrgh... I wish all that money were plowed into understanding the human genome and fixing cellular decrepitude with nanotechnology. So that people actually _could_ reasonably expect a lifespan free of disease that would seem like forever. But, I fear the species is still too young yet-- for now, we'll have to be content with the racial memory. -Kerry O. |