Topic: revenge and trust | |
Not easy to leave a 'friend' abruptly
May be you can ask for some 'space' go for a 'separation period', gives him some time to digest all this. You may not find 'new' love, but at least some peace. May be he too will find 'relief'. |
If I was you, I'd move out. And hopefully leaving him, will give him enough time, to sort his head out. You could write him a letter, explaining why you're leaving. If you're willing to confront him, then just tell him. Yet sometimes, leaving quietly is the better way, because then it shocks them, if they don't know you're going for good. Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a huge shock tactic, for another to realize how bad they treat you. And if he finds out you're ever with someone new, well he should have thought about that, while he was manipulating you.
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Your story doesn't say much about the real problem, is it with your bf or you or it's your relationship that's falling apart? But as I see it, the problem is with you,you don't trust your bf and you don't love him anymore, so why continue to live with him?
I don't know where to put my sympathy with you or with your bf. Doe he know how you feel about him? You said you hate not being in love, poor man you don't love him and you still live with him yet you are wanting to feel that love but not with him? And you are wishing for a better situation, means you are in regrets living with him and kindah wishing you want out??? What's with the sharing of car and the IOU stuffs, it sounds like who is using who, who owns stuffs and who is a free loader or who is dependent with whom and is afraid of letting go for practical reasons??? Whoever is at fault here, if you have fallen out of love with someone, then be honest with one another, have a good talk, and part ways peacefully. Learn to let go, and live your own life independently , stand on your own two feet , find true love and be happy. |
Dolphin you are not only beautiful but wise beyond your years. You will make some lucky man a fine mate.
I would recommend the opposite, get married instead, the love will come later. That's what I always do, and then once you have both feet in and it doesn't work out, just get a divorce.
Hmmmmmm And split your assets in half.
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I don't trust my boyfriend even calling him that is sort of weird. But he really really makes it seem that he just wants me but I see that's just a way to stab me in the back. ...i hate not being in love.'s the best feeling and I want it. ..I have to be in a better situation the fact that he lives with me and we share a car, all this IOU stuff is fudging me over :((((((( Uh does anyone see RED FLAGS Here??? Definitely put this one on the Frog Prince(ss)Association list. Hoping a few of you that think shacking up in a rush of lust/romance makes sense are taking notes. Anyone want to bet this ends up on the January call out for domestic violence? One, or both, ending up arrested and probably evicted on the backs of you the tax and rent payers? Maybe yet another car impounded and car loan bankrupted making your interest/insurance go up. Stupid is expensive to all of us. |
Edited by
Sat 12/26/15 11:55 AM
"If you're not happy leave " Yep ^^ what Annie said. |
There is an old saying.....if you don't love and care for your woman then another man will. Go find another dude.
I like John Wayne's saying. "Life is tough, it's tougher if you are stupid"
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There is an old saying.....if you don't love and care for your woman then another man will. Go find another dude. Truer words were never spoken. OP, you sound confused. You need a break - at least to sort your head out. If he is cheating, it will come to light. If he is not putting you first, then something is definitely wrong. |
Dolphin you are not only beautiful but wise beyond your years. You will make some lucky man a fine mate. Thank you for the compliment Cheechako ![]() ![]() |