Topic: Donald Trump : Won't Back Down | |
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Wed 12/09/15 02:53 PM
check Wiki....Christianity in Iran.... not wanting to argue or be verbose.....i'll hand-type just one statment.... "" Today, there are at least 600 churches for 300,000 to 370,000 Christians in Iran "" -----------if you want to read any more Histoory, look it up for yourself ------- not bad out of 77.45 million Population! ![]() good work there, old sod.....77 million in iran..,,,.1.7 billion ((with a B)) worldwide... according to Trump, all those other hundreds and hundreds of millions of muslims, who reside somewhere else in the world, must also be radical extremist terrorists only because of their religious affiliation...because of course, everyone knows..... ...... ALL Muslims are terrorists...yeah, do i got a handle on it now...paint them ALL with the same brush.....exterminate them from the face of earth...bomb them back into their spider-holes and if any dare to come out and show allegiance to their God..Allah..bring them before the tribunal and convict them of heresy... maybe 30 minutes tomorrow,...... but for's bye-bye.. ![]() P.S. btw the presidents name is Obama, not Obarry or Obonzo or Obozo or Oblowme or any other is spelled OBAMA... edit --- the meme has been edited out.....and i'll self-edit my comment on it.... . |
People, it's obvious what Trump is doing. Just like business, you always ask for more than you want. It's not rocket science.
check Wiki....Christianity in Iran.... not wanting to argue or be verbose.....i'll hand-type just one statment.... "" Today, there are at least 600 churches for 300,000 to 370,000 Christians in Iran "" -----------if you want to read any more Histoory, look it up for yourself ------- not bad out of 77.45 million Population! ![]() good work there, old sod.....77 million in iran..,,,.1.7 billion ((with a B)) worldwide... according to Trump, all those other hundreds and hundreds of millions of muslims, who reside somewhere else in the world, must also be radical extremist terrorists only because of their religious affiliation...because of course, everyone knows..... ...... ALL Muslims are terrorists...yeah, do i got a handle on it now...paint them ALL with the same brush.....exterminate them from the face of earth...bomb them back into their spider-holes and if any dare to come out and show allegiance to their God..Allah..bring them before the tribunal and convict them of heresy... normally i try to limit my interaction with witless internet experts to a window of 30 minutes...unfortunately that time has now, i will bid you all adieu and leave the 8 or 10 of you to your usual habits of talking amongst yourselves and patting each other on the back.... maybe 30 minutes tomorrow,...... but for's bye-bye.. ![]() P.S. btw the presidents name is Obama, not Obarry or Obonzo or Obozo or Oblowme or any other is spelled OBAMA... and alleoops...i've seen you use your "nice legs" meme/picture many times.. it deserves a "no comment"...._ _ _ _ ..._ _ _ <<<<you can fill in the blanks yourself... ![]() ![]() |
if Trump ((or any man)) who espouses this
If by "join the resistance" you mean get on an internet forum and type a bunch of "It's Bush's fault" posts, I believe you....
type of ideology comes to power in this country, then i'll be the first to join the resistence as a freedom-fighter in the struggle to overthrow the government...a "home-grown terrorist"... if you will... |
if Trump ((or any man)) who espouses this
If by "join the resistance" you mean get on an internet forum and type a bunch of "It's Bush's fault" posts, I believe you....
type of ideology comes to power in this country, then i'll be the first to join the resistence as a freedom-fighter in the struggle to overthrow the government...a "home-grown terrorist"... if you will... ![]() |
iran is a country ----- islam is a religion carters policies against the country of iran applied to ALL of its populace regardless of their religious affiliation.....iranian muslims ((the vast majority)) and also iranian jews & christians ((granted, a very small minority)) nonetheless, it was policy or sanction of a specific country not a religion, per se... Trumps call for the rounding up of ALL Muslims no matter what country they come from ((including 2nd & 3rd generation US citizens whose only country of residence has been the united states)) nothing but pure religious persecution.. if Trump ((or any man)) who espouses this type of ideology comes to power in this country, then i'll be the first to join the resistence as a freedom-fighter in the struggle to overthrow the government...a "home-grown terrorist"... if you will... who would be the next to round-up...perhaps the atheists, the buddists, the mormons, the jews...???? indeed......Donald (the new-Hitler) Trump... if you are a true american you will understand this.... and the others..... . those who fail to learn from history....are what ???? I'm not American but you have some valid points there. If he was a Brit I wouldn't be too happy either. While I think they should all be vetted, and until they can prove who they are, they shouldn't be let in. But Trump has just done more to help the so called Isis than any of their propaganda videos could ever do. In fact, he's played right into their hands. We all know that the politicians bending over and kissing their a$$es has worked really well so far in 'containing' ISIS.. All the so called 'leaders' of the west have come out and repeatedly said Islam is peaceful...haha How's that working out? You don't end a real threat from people that don't care about dying with platitudes. They have come to prominence through barbarism and violence. The world doesn't need a bunch of Chamberlains it needs Churchill. |
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check Wiki....Christianity in Iran.... not wanting to argue or be verbose.....i'll hand-type just one statment.... "" Today, there are at least 600 churches for 300,000 to 370,000 Christians in Iran "" -----------if you want to read any more Histoory, look it up for yourself ------- not bad out of 77.45 million Population! ![]() good work there, old sod.....77 million in iran..,,,.1.7 billion ((with a B)) worldwide... according to Trump, all those other hundreds and hundreds of millions of muslims, who reside somewhere else in the world, must also be radical extremist terrorists only because of their religious affiliation...because of course, everyone knows..... ...... ALL Muslims are terrorists...yeah, do i got a handle on it now...paint them ALL with the same brush.....exterminate them from the face of earth...bomb them back into their spider-holes and if any dare to come out and show allegiance to their God..Allah..bring them before the tribunal and convict them of heresy... normally i try to limit my interaction with witless internet experts to a window of 30 minutes...unfortunately that time has now, i will bid you all adieu and leave the 8 or 10 of you to your usual habits of talking amongst yourselves and patting each other on the back.... maybe 30 minutes tomorrow,...... but for's bye-bye.. ![]() P.S. btw the presidents name is Obama, not Obarry or Obonzo or Obozo or Oblowme or any other is spelled OBAMA... edit --- the meme has been edited out.....and i'll self-edit my comment on it.... . quit whining and vote for who want... you and the rest of the libtards and sit around holding hands and sing while everyone solves the stupid problems that y'all created... |
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Wed 12/09/15 05:56 PM
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Wed 12/09/15 09:55 PM
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At the very least should have a registry (Like the sex offender or ex felon registry) here in the United States for Muslims living here.
![]() Do you have popcorn ? ![]() |
perhaps trump could just make up some statistic and make up a source claiming how many of american homicides are committed by muslims,,,,?
a good passionate speech and/or fear tactics work wonders to gain the support of the coddled media junkies,,,, |
8 U.S.C. United States Code, 2011 Edition Title 8 - ALIENS AND NATIONALITY CHAPTER 12 - IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY SUBCHAPTER II - IMMIGRATION Part II - Admission Qualifications for Aliens; Travel Control of Citizens and Aliens Sec. 1182 - Inadmissible aliens From the U.S. Government Printing Office, §1182. Inadmissible aliens (a) Classes of aliens ineligible for visas or admission Except as otherwise provided in this chapter, aliens who are inadmissible under the following paragraphs are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the United States: (1) Health-related grounds (A) In general Any alien— (i) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to have a communicable disease of public health significance; 1 (ii) except as provided in subparagraph (C), who seeks admission as an immigrant, or who seeks adjustment of status to the status of an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence, and who has failed to present documentation of having received vaccination against vaccine-preventable diseases, which shall include at least the following diseases: mumps, measles, rubella, polio, tetanus and diphtheria toxoids, pertussis, influenza type B and hepatitis B, and any other vaccinations against vaccine-preventable diseases recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices, (iii) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Attorney General)— (I) to have a physical or mental disorder and behavior associated with the disorder that may pose, or has posed, a threat to the property, safety, or welfare of the alien or others, or (II) to have had a physical or mental disorder and a history of behavior associated with the disorder, which behavior has posed a threat to the property, safety, or welfare of the alien or others and which behavior is likely to recur or to lead to other harmful behavior, or (iv) who is determined (in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services) to be a drug abuser or addict, is inadmissible. (2) Criminal and related grounds (A) Conviction of certain crimes (i) In general Except as provided in clause (ii), any alien convicted of, or who admits having committed, or who admits committing acts which constitute the essential elements of— (I) a crime involving moral turpitude (other than a purely political offense) or an attempt or conspiracy to commit such a crime, or (II) a violation of (or a conspiracy or attempt to violate) any law or regulation of a State, the United States, or a foreign country relating to a controlled substance (as defined in section 802 of title 21), goes on to Crime,Terrorism and other Unlawful activities! It's quite a long Piece! So read it on the Gov.-Site! |
perhaps trump could just make up some
May as well...Obama makes up stuff all the time.
statistic and make up a source claiming how many of american homicides are committed by muslims,,,,? Trump is trolling and heads are exploding ![]() That debate next week will have huge ratings... |
perhaps trump could just make up some statistic and make up a source claiming how many of american homicides are committed by muslims,,,,?
Nah.. Merkel tried to convince ( & censor) the planet of that ' peaceful religion ' crap for 5 years. Fail button: She must be exausted ,but the bimbo is still at it. ![]() As the rein of terror encompasses the globe on a daily bais. |