Topic: Legal ways to rid your State of Illegal Immigrants. Even in | |
If an Illegal Immigrant or his Employer enters the Legal System, ICE can step in and enforce Federal Law.
Included in this list are things you can do to get your City officials and local Law Enforcement, Health Inspectors, City Code Enforcers, etc., involved. Try some of these things in your City if it is a Sanctuary for Illegals and see if it works. Feel free to copy and send to anyone anywhere! 1. Nationally, check out and become a member of this excellent grass roots organization that works to stop illegal immigration and reduce legal immigration to a sustainable 100,000 per year. You can join for free and you can send pre written faxes every week and sends them for you. You'll have up to the minute information. Pass this web site on to all your friends and have them pass it to their friends. It takes five minutes a week. 2. Ask Oreilly at Fox News or Lou Dobbs at CNN or Larry King Live or any other shows to interview Frosty Wooldridge, Terry Anderson, DA King, Dr. Madeleine Cosman, Linda Muller, Dr. William Herron and others. They will debate and create a national discussion. If you have time, write the same letter to all these news commentators: Joe Scarborough at MSNBC Heartland at Fox News Laura Ingraham Mike at Mike Online Sean Hannity at Fox News Bill Oreilly at Fox News Rush Limbaugh Lou Dobbs at CNN and Moneyline at CNN Chris Mathews at Hardball on MSNBC Peter Jennings at ABC Brian Williams at MSNBC 60 minutes at CBS NPR Morning Edition or atc at NPR or watc at NPR 3. Also, go to Info at NumbersUSA and ask for a local contact in your state. In Colorado, tell all your friends about In California, contact California Coalition for Immigration Reform. We're gaining thousands of ordinary citizens each week who find it unacceptable that our officials do nothing about massive illegal immigration and no one is thinking about the world our children will inherit from our irresponsible actions today. 4. Call toll free to your senators and congressmen and demand they enforce our immigration laws, put troops on the Mexican border, and stop any amnesty of illegal aliens. 1-877-762-8762. Tell them to join the House Immigration Reform Caucus with Tom Tancredo. 5. Illegal aliens bring us thousands of cases of TB, hepatitis, leprosy and other deadly diseases. Our children are at risk as 1.1 million unscreened illegal alien kids attend our schools. Websites that explain diseases and further actions you can take: and and m. 6. Also, you can go to my web site for my editorials and send them around to your friends to wake them up. . 7. Support organizations that enable impoverished people around the world to stay in their own communities (where they would rather be), create a decent living through entrepreneurship, training, and providing seed money to start home grown business. Examples include the Women's Opportunity Fund, Christian Children's Fund, Accion, Technoserve, Seacology, the Grameen Bank, etc. A search on might reveal many more. This is a 'human dilemma' and we must all work on it. Also, I urge you to support organizations that provide families with the resources and knowledge that promote family planning via birth control, so that couples can have smaller families and provide a better way of life for their fewer children. 8. BUILDING CODE ENFORCEMENT: (Great tool to use against employers suspected of employing Illegal Aliens). Look around within and or around the establishment for violations, frayed carpets, blocked fire exits, out of ADA compliance restrooms, poor lighting in parking lots, restrooms, etc. In restaurants look for all of the above and add cold water, no soap, paper goods, signage to wash hands before leaving, insects flying around, cold or improperly heated foods (contributes to food borne illnesses and buffets need to keep food maintained at 140 degrees), at a buffet, and see the food forming skins, that--s dangerous and a health violation. The above is a partial list, if you think there are many, many others we can use against the absconder supporters. In the meantime, if you see or hear of a violation in any of the above REPORT THEM, FILE A COMPLAINT - Especially if you or someone you know gets sick after eating out! DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND WELFARE Too many people living next door? 10 people in a 3-bedroom house? This is a health code violation and you should/could report such observations to your local Department of Health and Welfare! DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY Remember 9/11- the DHS asked us to report suspicious activity such as unusual numbers of persons living or frequenting a home or apartment! So, call and report it to the DHS! BEFORE DOING BUSINESS WITH ANY LOCAL BUSINESS THE POWER OF DIS-INFORMATION - THE GOVERNMENT USES IT ALL THE TIME! Before consummating any agreement for services to be performed on your home/apartment/business, ASK the owners, managers, etc., to verify that any/all employees that they will be sending to your establishment ARE IN OUR COUNTRY LEGALLY! A)Have them assure you that they either do not employ illegals, or will not be sending any to your home/business, etc. B)Mention to them that you are working with the DHS on a special project and that you cannot have any "illegal aliens" working on your premises. That such a violation, even if only suspected would be cause for an investigation and if he/she is in violation of current immigration law(s) it would result in fines being levied in the amount of $10,000 per offense. You could even ask them to sign a form to this affect, sort of an affidavit (making a legal statement to that fact). 9. Write President Bush at www/ or fax him at 202-456-2461 and call at 202-456-1414 and demand he deport 15 million illegal aliens and enforce our immigration laws. 10. Additionally, my new book, Immigration's Unarmed Invasion is available at 1-888-280-7715. It is an action handbook that will give you ideas for saving America. It's also on and and It will create huge controversy and feature an action list for saving America. It calls for a 10 year moratorium on all immigration into this country. After that, a maximum of 100,000 per year and they must speak English before coming to America. 11. Call the Border Patrol director at 202-282-8355 and demand that Border Patrol maintain sweeps and continue enforcement by arresting illegal aliens and their employers. The more calls the more you effect change. 12. Join and help elect leaders who will stop this immigration invasion of our country. That all Americans demand that the US voting system be returned back to a pure paper ballot system that has a verifiable audit trail. To do away with all forms of electronic voting systems. To allow future elections to have any degree of credibility with the American public... We must return to our forefather's way of conducting an election. 13. To report illegal aliens working on a job site to B.I.C.E. Phone 1-866- 347-2423 toll free. 14. These are some of the most important web sites you can support: m or 1-800-913-9976 in NYC WakeUpAmericaFoundation. com A vote on the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). If FTAA passes, there will be no borders to protect. The FTAA is the forerunner of a Regional government of the Americas, excluding Cuba, patterned after the EU. We must persuade Congress to vote the FTAA down. Here is the web site: 15. Write letters to these powerful people in the media and tell them what you want about illegal immigration. Do it every week. You must be relentless with emails. Email: Snow at Fox News Wolf Blitzer at CNN Schieffer at CBS Russert at MSNBC Chris Matthews at MSNBC Stephanopolous at ABC 16. IllegalImmigrationBumper Stickers For those who would like bumper stickers on illegal aliens. 17. Become a volunteer in the Minuteman Project. For info: This ongoing project created a national debate as thousands of military veterans and civilians lined up on the border beginning April 1, 2005 to stand guard. 18. Write letters to the editor, call TV and radio stations and demand they report the realities of this illegal alien invasion. 19. Visit and Our country's English language is under assault. If we lose our most cohesive aspect of our culture, our language, we will lose our country. 20. Report irratic drivers, hit and run drivers as you wittness such events. Illegals who drive without a license usually show little respect and or knowledge or our driving rules/laws and this will reveal itself via this disrespectful bahavior. I once assisted the capture and arrest of a simi-truck driver who ran a car off the road on the Long Beach Freeway, by calling the CHP (California Highway Patrol), who have a toll free number, 1-800-TELLCHP. NEVADA HAS *NHP - WE NEED TO USE IT! 21. PASS OUT FLIERS (in Spanish and English) to those who loiter at "daylabor" work sites. Advising them of the IMMIGRATION LAWS (chapter and verse) they are violating and the potential consequences of their ILLEGAL presence and continued presence can and will have if they remain undocumented in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Take pictures and send to local newspapers by digital camera. 22. Have that same flier state: "we are photographing and will be reporting" their presence and suspected "ILLEGAL STATUS" to the B.I.C.E. Also, post these pictures on our website, while at the same time alerting/informing B.I.C.E., that we've found what they've had trouble locating - ILLEGAL ALIENS crossing our borders daily! 23. (This is the part I want to talk to the lawyers about): Put under citizens arrest anyone you/we suspect of violating these, our ILLEGAL ALIENS AND THOSE THAT WOULD BREAK OUR LAWS TO HIRE THEM! 24. If ever you are in a car accident and either file a law suit, or have one filed against you by a suspected ILLEGAL ALIEN, inform the Judge of their illegal status or suspected illegal status and subsequently subpena the B.I.C.E.! The ILLEGAL ALIEN MAY WIN HIS OR HER CASE, but the Judge is obligated to enforce the LAW, AND THE PRESENCE OF A/THE B.I.C.E. OFFICER will be convenient/obliged to take this absconder into custody! |
Next time you "snag a bargain" at Walmart, your supermarket, or any other retailer and think to your self "Wow, what a deal." Remember that theres an overwhelming likelihood that your fruit or toy or jacket was picked, assembled, or sewn by an illegal alien. These workers fundamentally comprise the base level of a consumer driven market. Illegal aliens are not some enemy within our lines, and you cannot declare "war" on them. Have a little perspective.
So, your trying to further victimize a family of Thai workers who are propagandized to come to America into what is essentially indentured slavedom - an indefinite monetary obligation to their importers. These workers cannot reach out to authorities concerning the poor wages they earn and human rights and labor violations because they do not speak English, and are essentially at the mercy of there importers/overseers in the US. These workers pick your vegetables and fruit and suffer from cancer due to their over exposure to pesticides - workers who have no health care and whom you strive to prevent from getting despite their role in the US economy - just so that smiley face can roll back prices and you can save a few dollars. Look at the bigger picture. I don't have a solution - but your righteous advice certainly is missing some key points and is lacking perspective. These people are not some small sub group of our population breeding like rats and spreading disease for our children. They have come to comprise a critical and fundamental sector of our economy due to the consuming driven lifestyle of people like you and myself. |
Well stated. Thank you.
The law is the law. Law breakers are just that and should be accountable for breaking the law. As long as the laws are in place, it's our Patriotic Duty to see they are upheld. |
I live in Oklahoma. We have a law just about that. It is almost in complete affect. Many have now left scared. It is absolutely affecting our work force. There are everywhere you look now, help wanted signs. Tulsa has had many thousands leave there. It is affecting our constructionwork immensely, not to mention the work not wanted by those that deem themselves better than that type of work. I feel sorry for them. They are just trying to work and have what "the American dream" promises. Opportunity. Opportunity to work and make good. To feed your families and have a home and a chance to live a life deserved if you work for it. Of which many are trying to do.
Get legal? Yes, but let them get legal without fear of retribution. I have come to know many of these immigrants and they are good people with the same wants as we, and wanting to give their families a chance. As for the law being the law and everyone who breaks it should be accountable, yes. All of us. We all break the law, some daily. Kat |
i only have a problem with all the illegals that come to america to be parasites. we got enough americans being parasites as it is.
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Exactly. As long as they have to do as we all are supposed to do, such as carry car insurance and be accountable. Pay taxes, and not abuse the emergency rooms and so forth. Have kids on our dollars. We certainly have too many of our own here doing what we are *****ing about them doing as well.
Kat |
For the time being, there may be a little chaos in the workforce. As soon as the word is out nationally that there are jobs available, there will be workers coming in from states where they can't find jobs.
An idea. Post on here and other forums where these jobs are and who to contact. |
I think, personally, that the US is in for some more hard times with employment.
Many Americans would never consider doing the manual labor that the illegals do, for the miserable salaries they get.. It is hard enough to survive with a decent salary. Imagine haveing to work for $5.00 an hour.. I do not support illegals, they are a drain on the social structure, but, America has made them necessary to keep the economy going... |
So true, so true.
Kat |
and the beat goes on............
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It's funny to see how some people have certain illusions that go far beyond the effects of some narcotics.
Whatever a city or a state do messing around with federal law can be easily stop because a simple concept "the preemption doctrine." I won't lose time explaining what is this because if some people don't know it, and a mere illegal knows it there is something wrong with some people. i won't argue anymore because I'm tired. My only statement with this regard is: "QUE VIVA LA RAZA." and "ARRIBA MY HOMEBOYS." California is our stronghold from there each state will follow the right steps until the federal government won't have other option, but to give in. |