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Topic: Death
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Thu 11/02/06 07:22 AM
We Have Talked About Depression And Med's On The Post So I Just Wanted
And Needed To Ad More To That Conversation This Morning.
My Sister In Law Shot Herself In The Head With A 38 On Friday Because
She Had Become Very Depressed And Nervous Each And Everyday Witch Drove
Her To Seek Medical Help.She Was Being Seen By Six Different Doctors And
Each On kept Putting Her On Different Nerve Med's/Pain Pill's/Depression
Pill's/Sleep Pill's And A Few More But It Only Drove A Happy Loving
Mother Of Three To Kill Herself.
Please If Your Own Many Different Med's And Arent Seeking A Srinks Help
Don't Keep Taking All Of Those They Will Only Drag You And Your Family's
Life Down.I Once Was On Many Type's Of Med's Myself Because I'm Disabled
But I Had A Srink Control My Med's And I Had Him To Reach Out Too And
This Is What's Needed In Most All Case's When Dealing With Mixed Med's

Chuckee's photo
Thu 11/02/06 07:27 AM
I have to disagree with you. 1, she wasnt a "happy loving mother" if
she were, she wouldnt have been on meds to begin with. The meds didnt
cause her suicide, not seeking out or being provided with the help she
needed, contributed to her death, but in the end, SHE ALONE, was
responsible for her own actions. My heart goes out to her children.
It's ashame the example that has been shown to them.

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 07:36 AM
Humm Okay That Your Thinking And Nooooooo It Wasn't Her Fault It Was The
Doctor's Giving Her All The Med's That Shouldn't Of Been Mixed In The
First Place And Two They Didn't Listen To Her Crying Out For Help In
Saying That She Wanted To End Her Life Nor Did One Doctor Out Of Six
Tell Her Family About The Thoughts Of Leaving Us.Her Childern Are Old
Enough To Understand Just Went On in Her Mind Before She Killed Herself
And Now After And We All Stand Toegther On The Doctor's And The Med's
Killed Her And They Will By Law Make Due For These Action's!!

Timothy470's photo
Thu 11/02/06 07:44 AM
I have to agree with you Chuckee, she is ultimately responsible for her
own life or death as all of us are. I do however blame shrinks and
doctors for prescibing meds that should not even be on the market. I
have seen what some of these meds do to people firsthand and they change
people mentally and physicaly.

Chuckee's photo
Thu 11/02/06 07:50 AM
Do you re-read what you write, I'm sorry, WHAT????? I need a decoder to
get thru what you're trying to say. Try it again k. By the way, I am
not dismissing the fact that this woman needed help or the fact that she
was depressed. READ what I said again, come out of your box and you'll
see that I wasnt attacking you. Given the fact that you said her
children are grown, I still feel for them, they did in fact lose their
mother, but all of you should quit trying to blame the Dr's, the meds
and everything else and share some of the responsiblity. If every
avenue had been taken already and she still did this, then the
responsibility was HER OWN. We are all held accountable and should be,
but in the end, it was her choice, we control ourselves, like it or not.
If there were some concers regarding this issue and you yourself knew
it, then thats probably why you are having such a difficult time dealing
with this. Get some help dealing with it.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 11/02/06 07:52 AM
Doctors are getting more irresponsible..There's a drug called
Zyprexa/Olanzapine which has now been banned in the US, not to mention
the class action lawsuits against the manufacturer because of all the
ppl that have died on it...It's still being prescribed regularily here
in Canada.
There are many ppl out there who have died or been made worse by mood
stabilizers and re-uptake inhibitors. The problem is, when these meds
are being prescribed, blood tests are required first to see if you can
even take them but a lot of doctors(in Canada and the US) can't seem to
be too bothered with the blood tests first.
So you see Chuckee, the very medications that are sposed to help those
with mental/emotional disorders can actually cause a person to harm
themselves. Especially if they are being loaded up with many different
kinds without thot or regard as to how they are interacting.

venusrose's photo
Thu 11/02/06 07:56 AM
My heart goes out to you and all who loved your sister. I pray that in
the end you can forgive your sister for her actions and forgive the
As a result, maybe you will become an advocate to make changes where
changes need to be made in the medical/mental health field.

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 07:56 AM
Mentally Until She Was Prescibed All The Meds She Was Fine And Happy
Done Everything She Wanted And Enjoyed But Once The Doctors Started
Prescibing These Med's And Told Her That She Couldn't Get Off Them And
That She Needed To Take These Each And Every Day Physicaly She Went Down
Hill This Last Month.She Wasn't One To Leave Her Family Or Die In This
Way.I Will Stand With The Med's And The Doctor's Not Keeping A Close Eye
On Her Plus Not Getting Her The Real Help Needed Once She Cried Out
About Killing Herself.
There Are Many Shrinks In This W0rld That Aren't Just Giving Out
Med's,They Help You Handle Your Problem's That You Havent Found The
Answers Yourself Along With A Couple Med's To Keep You From These
Thought's And Action's.

Chuckee's photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:00 AM
Dr's aren't to blame for EVERYTHING. Some things yes, but not all.
They didnt put the gun in her hand. Her advice could lead someone to
get off their meds and then what????? think about what your doing
before advising on a subject where someones emotional state of mind is
at risk. Hey, why dont you just encourage everyone who takes pain
killers to stop, cuz they risk addiction, this is a debate that I'm sure
even dr's have with each other. She needed help that SHE DIDNT GET.

Timothy470's photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:03 AM
We are still responsible for our own actions in the end. A lot of
people in our country go for the meds or to a doctor when they are
looking in the wrong direction to start with. I believe most are
spiritually incomplete. This can make people crazy in itself.

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:15 AM
Chuckee People Like You With Your Thoughts Is What Helps The Doctor's In
Our World Keep On Prescibing Med's That Do Any Nothing But Harm A Person
Mentally And Physicaly And 1 Again NOBODY KNEW SHE HAD THESE THOUGHTS
I See That You Haven't Been Into This Area Alot About Med's And Doctors
Or You Would Understand That It's Not My Sister Law's Fault It The
DOCTORS.And Yes I KNOW What I Have Typed And Said Thxs

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:17 AM
ThAnk You I Knew That Someone Would Understand Just What I Meant About
These Dam Doctors And Thier Pad To Just Write People Medications Without
Helping Them Heal Within.

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:21 AM
Thank You And Yes I Shall Be Another That Stand's Against The
Medications To Run Peoples Lives Instead Of Helping A Person Heal Within
And With Out The Killing Drugs.I Was On Medications For 12 Years And If
It Wasn't For The Shrinks Help I Would Of Done Damage To Myself In One
Way Or The Other Weither It Be The Med's Keeping Me In The Oz Zone Or My
Taking My Own Life As I Once Spoke About.

chismah's photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:25 AM
Stop taking psychotropic drugs hun...

Because it is known in mainstream news that these drugs do cause
depression and (suicide/suicidal thoughts) and puts the patient in a
mesmerized or awakening dream state...

These drugs they are putting us on (that you see alllll over your tv
airwaves) are known..KNOWN to cause psychotic breaks and will eventually
will make a patient take his or her own life or posssibly the life of
others around the person at the time...these drugs are bad news...STOP
TAKING THEM...not even your doctors/physicians truly know the true
effects of these drugs...they just prescribe big pharma drugs to you to
take...and some of these company's making the drugs KNOW full well what
these dangerous side effects can do but won't tell you!!

or just go to and type keywords at it using psychotropic's
first (followed by the keyword after) to research these meds and side

chismah's photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:30 AM
By the way DEPRESSION is a NORMAL reaction to a person in life and you
DON'T need meds to help cure such a problem...

They are just DRUGGING down the population with these drugs all mean absoluately NOTHING to big pharma that pushes
drugs on us.

We are NOTHING BUT PROFITS & CONSUMERS to these companies...most of them
don't want to help cure or heal you. Most of these drugs being pushed
are DESIGNED to keep you on the drug or drugs so you can't get off of
them or hard to get off of them so you will keep coming back again and
again and again for their products...

They are like actual DRUG PUSHERS...we are becoming a drug
population...almost EVERYHTING on tv to magazines or newspapers or word
of mouth to another. you can't go one day without seeing a DRUG AD..

Almost 60% of your TV commercials ARE DRUG ADS people...THINK!!!

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:32 AM
That's true Timothy..even mental health professionals are saying that
spirituality is an important part of good mental health.

And Chuckee, I also speak from 1st hand experience, I have had
more then 1 trip to the hospital because of certain medications they
had me on. I suffer from bi-polar disorder with bouts of extreme
depression. One of the mood stabilizers they gave me actually made me
completely mental because I CAN'T take them, and a simple blood test
would have showed that. Brain chemical altering medications are scary
Unless someone has had the experience of being on these kind of drugs,
they have absolutely NO idea WHAT they can cause a person to do. If the
wrong drug is presrcibed, it can cause severe self-disassociation. I was
NEVER suicidal until they started giving me mood stabilizers.
So whose fault was it...Mine? Or the doctor who presrcibed the meds
without the appropriate and NECESSARY tests to see if I could even take

michael1313's photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:32 AM
I had to quit my Dr.'s for th drugs they put me on,were only making me
feel like a zombie,and not human at all,
th drugs put all sorts of mean thoughts into my head about if I were
gone,what would they do without me,one night I was hurting real bad,my
tollerance was up to those pills,they worked only halfassed,so I took
drink,then more,and more,untill they picked me off th floor in th wee
hours of th am,not answering my phone
had OD'ed,accidently tho,but was in th hosp.more than two weeks on
suicide watch,but if I had awoke that night I'm sure I would have pulled
th trigger on my own .38 just to stop th pains.
"Chukee is hot on this,,,the doctors did not pull that trigger,,,she

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:37 AM
I would have to agree with both sides...

We are all responsible for our actions and with that said unless you
have been on some crazy med you would never know what effect they have.
I have family in the medical field and the stories they have about some
medicine is enough to make you not want to take any at all. We as
competent clear thinking people cant imagine taking our own lives
because that would cause our loved ones to suffer and would show less
than ideal common sense on our part but you see thats the point, "we are
clear headed" someone on meds is no different than a junkie high on some
crack or something. they dont know what they are doing and top it off
with suicidal tendencies and you have a bad combination.
The doctors not sharing the info is typical, nowadays its all about
confidentiallity but if she was that bad someone should have had her
hospitilized. In essence if we knew what a person was thinking before
they committed suicide we would know how to deal with it. But
unfortunately we dont and probably never will. Therefore I say mostly
her fault for her own actions but certainly docs and meds can contribute
greatly to the issue. Hope I didnt offend anyone and I am sorry for you
loss lady. Its not a good thing no matter how the person was lost.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:38 AM
And yes Chisma, depression is a normal part of human emotion, but when
it is prolonged for years, THAT is NOT a normal part of human emotion.
You are right tho, our entire medical industry in the western world is
based on "curing" the individual as opposed active prevention.

no photo
Thu 11/02/06 08:38 AM
Thank You
Your Truely Right On Your Statments And I Agree.I Dont Take Anything Now
But Depression Medication Twice A Day And This Does A Great Job With
Controling My Depression I Can be My Happy self Without Staying In The
Bed Night And Day Without Eating Etc.So Med's Are Okay But Once You Get
Into Many Different Type's Etc They Are Only Pushing To Harm Yea.

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