Topic: on first date... | |
it's true.
it is so hard to find someone and when you do you have to be grateful that she picked you and is willing to stick around. so just take the time to show her your gratitude. true story |
Bravo! very well said!!
i expect nothing from someone if i do something for them, thats not how it works. if i do something for you,, even if there is no sparks, then you got a freebie,, but dont expect me to save ya everytime
I would expect whoever invited pays, I'm an old fashioned girl. With that said, you shouldn't take advantage just because someone else is paying. I'm not going to order 2 lobsters and a bottle of champagne. Unless you tell me to
that's why I would take your ass to the local sizzler
arbys anyone???
LOBSTER YUCK...its like eating a deep fried beetle..
i always offer to pay for mine but never any takers, if i didn't think it went well i drop the tip on the table really fast.
neonchaos, your cool in my book too.
I sort of agree with bgeorge, all depends on how date went if well I'll pay if not it is dutch
average, maybe it's cause you deep fry them...b
would any of you try the bathroom sneak out trick? Or have you?
hey watch it with the deep frying,, i do that alot,, but to chicken and turkey
Kojack do you make that deal at the time you ask them out or is it a surprise to your date?
i have a deep fryer...deep fried just about anything, but lobster??? lol snuck out once when the guy asked if i liked to be tied up and we hadn't even had our first drink yet..yikes
I know they are droped in boiling water alive, I dont eat em so could care less how they are cooked...Surprised the fish and game activist are not all over how those bug looking things are cooked...Tell me how can you look at that and be hungry..
Kojack, what if she thinks it went well, but you don't?
ohhhhhhhhhhhhh the man has the pay or this isnt a date...besides if he asked me then he has to. Its in the rule book in my mind, lol
glitterybee you are a bit of the alright yourself
of course the man should pay for the first date and probably the next one too, just dont get carried away with paying all the time though or its trouble..Had that prob once..